The record books and the Lamb’s Book of life – The throne

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The record books and the Lamb’s Book of life – The throneWhat is next?

Translation Nuggets 62

The record books and the Lamb’s Book of life – The throne:

(Rev. 20:11-12, Rom. 9:11). He who occupies this seat is the all seeing Lord the eternal Godhead! He sits in His dreadfulness in His dramatic Almightiness, ready to judge. The earth and heavens fall back before Him. The books are opened, (Rev. 20: 12-15). The explosive light of truth flashes forth! Heaven certainly keeps books, one of “the good deeds” and one of “the bad deeds”, (and what one has given or sacrificed). The Bride does not come under judgment but her deeds are recorded. And the Bride will help judge (I Cor. 6:2-3). The wicked will be judged by what is written in the book, then he will stand speechless before God because His record is perfect nothing is missed. Every idle word or thought is recorded (Matt. 12:36, 37). Those who lived in various periods of history will be there, not a single person is missing! There will be an account of those born dead; those that were born crippled will stand before Him also, in newness. Now, another book is opened, the “Book Of Life” and whosoever is not found written there in is cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15). The Elect of God had their names in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world! (Rev. 13:8). Also the foolish virgins who came through Tribulation also have their names’ in the “Book of Life” (Rev. 17:8). Some names are blotted out! (Ex. 32:32-33; Rev. 3:5). And still others who worshiped the beast never will or never have been written in the Book of Life (Rev. 13:8). Now God shows me to write something which has puzzled the church, here it is -We will touch on those who have had their name removed. One might wonder why He put their names there if He later removes them. One reason He has a record of them and the lost too! Those who went back and never repented again, also those of the world system of churches who fight the Bride will have their name removed! ) Now next we are really going to get into something deep, but it is, “Thus Saith The Lord” people could never understand this Scripture where the Lord said -“In that day many would cast out devils and I do many mighty wonders, and the Lord would say depart from Me, I never knew you!” (St. Matt 7:22-23). This pertains to some Organizations who left God and the Judas type gifted ministry, who once worked miracles but sinned against God and fell without repenting again, (Balaam and Judas, etc.) This covers the men all down through the ages that started with God, but in the end fail God! It covers Organizations who started with God and had miracles, but denieth the power there of in the end! ” I saw the above Scripture in God’s hand! It Is Thus Saith The Lord. Judas was given power yet he was the son of perdition; he obtained part of this ministry and was numbered among the twelve. His name was recorded (Acts 1:16, 17) His name was removed! Even reprobates are appointed by God (Peter 2:8, 22 Read Luke 10:17-24). Jesus knew that some gifted men would fall but it is by divine purpose (Eph. 1:11). “Watch Mine Word closer than thy gifts which are given thee and thou shalt not fail.” (The Lord told me His royal seed would come to my ministry; I feel their names are on the Book of Life. These will receive God’s new name, (Rev. 3:12). Scroll # 39

Comments – {the word or delusion – cd # 889, 4/14/1982, – we know that before the foundation of the world, the lord knew who would stand and those that will fall. And He planned how to redeem man from his sinful and fallen state. He was showing us that He is the Master planner and also that man could not help himself out of sin. He did not create man like obedient angels; but gave man a free will to love or reject Him, which is by faith. He knows who would hold on by faith through believing. And He showed that man could not do it without Him. We have to reach out by faith that is the key.

Satan comes to steal the promises of God; he steals the faith from people. God revealed to me the strategy of satan, he comes immediately, (Mark 4:13-20) to remove the word that is sown in peoples’ heart. Satan makes Christians to begin to watch people that just received healing, or salvation or miracles. He gets people to get their minds off their healing or miracles or salvation. If allow it he will get you and you will fall and lose your victory; by looking at others with your eyes. The Lord told me it is one of the greatest weapons of satan. He comes and steals the word, or promises out of a person. He gets to Christians the same way; and when he does he destroys their faith. Never look to other people for your faith. To ask people to pray for you is fine, but never lean on them solely for your faith. You have to go, work, grow and use your own faith. But if you go to look up to others that you thought had tremendous faith or power; when they fail or fall, the same happens to you because you are neither using your faith or looking up to God, with your own faith. When you have confidence in your own faith towards God it is a different level. You may ask me or others to pray for you, but you must stand on your own faith; even if it is weak faith, it is better than dependence on others.

When you begin to watch others, losing their healing, or faith or salvation, you begin to doubt the word of God. Peter walked upon the sea looking at Jesus, but as soon as he began to look at the waves and his eyes went away from focusing on Jesus, he began to sink; because doubt entered his heart, (as satan got his attention off of Jesus to the waves and the sowed doubt immediately). Look up to Jesus and not others or anything else. You must keep your heart and your mind on the Lord. Keep your eyes and your mind on what the Word of God says; never mind what people say or do or think. If you keep your eyes on others satan will steal your victory. Remember satan attacks immediately; you therefore hold fast to the word of God immediately. If you are new in the Lord, satan will look you up, but hold and look fast to the promises of God.

When you receive healing or miracle from God by faith; do you know you will need greater faith to hold on to that which you received? God requires more out of you after receiving healing, salvation or miracles. If you let down and start relaxing in your praises, prayer and witnessing life, then you will begin to get cold in your soul. When you see a person losing their healing, or salvation or miracles; do not think anything about it. Jesus himself said, that is exactly what will happen. When you take your eyes off of the promises of God, satan comes immediately to attack. If you do these things I am talking about tonight, you will not fail. Keep your eyes on the promises of God. What I got from the Lord is that the most detrimental thing to a Christian is other people, and you yourself are a bigger problem to yourself.

Don’t look to other people, even when people fail or even disappoint you. Look to God and his promises. He said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hold to the word and you will be in the right. You cannot give account of or for others. The word says each man shall give account of themselves to God. You must give account of yourself; you must not mistreat people. Luke 18:7-8, “And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them. I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Here the Lord talked about faith at his return; because something will happen and multitudes will depart into the world system. Will there be any faith people still standing? Yes Joel’s army will be there standing. There will be many organizations and church members but will He find faith on that day that the apostles contended for, that was and is made out of the Bible?

At the end of the age never allow anyone to turn your head to the left or to the right. Listen and hold to this word. Never mind about people losing their healing or people backsliding. That is a sign that the Lord is coming and that a blessing is coming. The main substance of this message is, “if you don’t keep the Truth of the Word you will receive Delusion.” Romans 14:11-12, “As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me and every tongue shall confess to God. So then, every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” So we don’t have time to worry about other people, nor do you have such time?

Keep your eyes on the Lord then you can go through the Lion’s den (like Daniel), and the fiery fire furnace (like the three Hebrew children). One day all will stand before the Lord, there is no way out of it. No matter how a person dies, be it fire, water electrical etc, on that day they will stand before the Lord, the Lord to give account. Never worry about that. It takes faith to walk with God. He that believeth not is condemned already. When you do not believe the Word, you are open to false doctrines, false Christ and delusions.

Those that had their eyes off of Jesus fell by the way side, and only few were at the Cross. Those who believe not are open to delusion. Jesus said, “I am come in my Father’s name and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive,” (John 5:43). This statement means that if people in the finality do not believe that Jesus is Lord; they will be open to the delusion that is coming. This means that the Lord came in the name of God Almighty and that name is Jesus Christ. But if people make or break him into three Gods, then they are open to delusion: And they will believe anything. Then finally when the strong delusion comes upon the people, then those who do not have the right kind of grip on the Word of God are going to be in delusion. But then too, by his hand he protects some of those who go through the great tribulation, because they were deluded too, (tribulation saints). You have to keep your eyes on the Word, (John1:1-14). If you do not keep your eyes on the Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ; then you will be open to delusion.

Once you have heard the truth, keep your eyes on the truth and off of people. Keep your heart and mind on the Word of God and not on people and you will neither fall nor fail; and God will be right there with you and bless your heart. This is not my word but the Word of the Lord, that those who do not accept His Word are open to delusion. When you turn down the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and his divinity and the eternal life he has given us, then you are wide open to delusion. Get your mind off of other people and what they are saying else you will lose your victory. I am telling you how to keep your victory.

There is no power except in the Name and Word of the Lord Jesus Christ. That settles the matter without denying the three manifestations of the One Holy Ghost. Remember as the age begins to close out, a delusion will settle on those that do not receive Jesus Christ in the manner that He is presented. The Pharisees that rejected him were smote with blindness; also at the end of the age, the Gentiles that refuse or deny the Word will be smitten with the blindness of delusion. Then the Lord returns for the 144,000 Hebrews. So to night keep your eyes and your mind on the Lord Jesus Christ. Never mind those that lose their healing, miracles or salvation. The Lord told me that that is what is getting people; undue sympathy for people like saying, oh, if that person would have stayed, done this or that, with God or the Word. You see you have more confidence in people and satan than you have in your creator. This is Him; He will back up His message.

You will give account, not of other people and what they are doing; but what you are doing or have done. When you come to church with joy and peace, He gives you exactly what you need. It is your faith that gets the message of what you need to you. He knows the people how their hearts are before church; you come to please and to hear Him, not others. Remember, when people get their heart and mind off of the Messiah, the Elohim, God, Jesus Christ; they will be wiped out by the delusion. He said the delusion that is coming to try the whole world has part of it that includes how people will begin to believe at the end of time Jesus said shall I find faith. Those that kept their eyes on the Lord, instead of delusion were evidently persecuted, (Revelation/wisdom).

Many people will come to the Lord at the end of the age, at the supper time when He pours out his Spirit. And satan does not like that and does not want you to get your eyes off of the delusion. This is futuristic and you may face some of these problems. The Lord is unveiling his will and his knowledge and his way to his people, that cry day and night. Many have started to turn in the wrong direction. You need to believe the right scriptures and you will not be open to delusion. So keep your eyes on the Word of the Lord and you will not go into delusion. That is what the Bible said and that is a good bargain, is it not?

That is the potent delusion that is coming on the world and at the same time the Angel of the Lord is actually going to camp around his saints. O! He will come closer by power, it will just spread, it will be wonderful to watch him hover over His people. Whosoever resisteth the power of God receiveth to them damnation. There is no escape of these delusion or damnation, except by the power and Word of God. Those Jews who looked and him and could not believe went into delusion. Many fell away by the time Jesus got to the Cross (at a very important time and milestone they rejected Him). He that denieth the Christ, the Word, the Bible, shall be denied himself.

I will not judge you myself on the last day, but the Word that I have spoken shall judge him, (John 12:48); and the unbeliever shall be damned. Hold fast the Word, keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Word of God, and you will not be wide open to the delusion that is coming. The Lord will send this delusion to check out those that believe the Word of God, Jesus Christ, and are keeping their eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ and not on people or other three gods. Hold fast to what you have been taught, the apostolic faith and doctrine. The doctrine and power, of divine love, (1st Cor. 13): Love worketh no ill. It will be a mixture of divine love and faith (that attracts angels) and apostolic doctrine with it. It is wonderful to hold to the promises of God.

Bless the Lord O, my soul. There is blessing to the Word of the Lord; watch and do not allow satan for he will soon come immediately. How many of you need a boost? Have your own faith, no matter how little; never mind other people. Watch out for yourself, for you are the one to give account of and for yourself. The real believer does not allow anything to bother him except to do more for the Lord Jesus Christ. God has his plan to get some people to express his image in power. God has a master plan for each individual.

Learn from nature; Behold saith the Lord, as you watch nature and have seen, as I have moved nature. As the lion keepeth his eyes on a particular prey in the midst of a multitude and turneth back for none. So also the eagle from great heights takes a dive and picks up the target without missing. The lion and the eagle get their target because they set their eyes on it without distraction: so it is with a child of God, he spots the Word, Jesus Christ (the target) and goes for it: With the claw of the eagle or the teeth of a lion. Hold fast to the Lord and you will neither fail nor fall.}

For further encouragement study- Scrolls – #203; #39; 2nd Thess. 2:5-12; 1st Sam. 18:10, 24:18-20; 16:13-14; 17:38-39.

062 – The record books and the Lamb’s Book of life – The throne