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 Restoration Restoration

Translation Nuggets 68

God’s next move – Creates outside parts of the human body! This is happening in my Ministry now. A prophetic anointing comes to make ready the Bride! And to understand Daniel and Revelation. As God speaks it through His prophets. Also, a new anointing will bring calm and rest on the chosen Elect in this crisis time. They will never feel anything quite like this. Perfect Saints. (Praise Him!) Scroll #1

The revival among the elect – While this system in the nation is preparing for dictatorship under cover, God is preparing a great Revival among His Elect, which some are in almost every church. Then I feel the Lord will rapture His Children, and suddenly the USA and world will come under dictatorship! Because what looked so much like an angel of light suddenly turned into a ferocious beast without warning! But first this revival will probably begin during the next presidency. There will be a great moving for the Elect! But will not be received whole heartily by the denominations, because they cannot partake of this anointing that is becoming so strong! Also, there will be a moving among the lukewarm churches, but this will begin to be more of man and less of God. Until they are trapped in the world protestant system, united with catholicism, and later communism – Thus saith the Lord! For surely blindness shall overtake many on that day! Come out of her My people for the last time! Scroll #18

The summons to the marriage supper– the third and last call – it’s later than you think. At the beginning of 1967 a final summons to the Marriage Supper was given. It is the sounding of the Gospel trumpet to gather God’s Children. God told me that is exactly what I am doing. Now is harvesting time, and He will begin to summon all the Bride by name, and call them into a spiritual body soon for the last quick short revival. This is so fantastic that only the Elect would believe such a thing. The last call is arriving. He says, “My sheep know My voice,” and I call them by name, “behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him!!” (We are on our way out of Babylon, man’s dead system)” Now he will speak to you through the Scrolls, and show you how much time is left, and how He will do it. (Watch!) Remember this is to those who can believe it.

The 7 Thunders is when the unwritten message is fulfilled! The vacant space that was closed up is to be revealed to the Elect at the end of the age! (Rev. 10:4). Although I speak of my part, “I do not speak for myself alone. But this space is for all those in the Bride work!” (for you) and all that the spirit seals in! This part of the Bible was hidden and will be “fulfilled in God’s saints” at the end! Let me make this plain right now unless I’m attacked. This 7th seal and these “7 thunders” are not just connected to this one thing! Secrets leading to the rapture take place here, the other 6 seals finish here, the 7th Church age finishes here! With Christ among the 7 golden candlesticks! (Rev.1:20). The 7 star messengers finish here! The 7 trumpets and the 3 woes end here. The 2 Witnesses appear here, the 7 last vial plagues finish here! (Rev. 15:8). It contains all the written and unwritten mysteries of God which are fulfilled in the 7 Thunders. “The Key to Interpreting the secrets to the book of Revelations.” This is God’s greatest seal, the seal that was hidden from Satan and revealed in the unwritten Thunders! Thus saith the lord this is the hour i have chosen to reveal the unwritten thunders! (Rev. 10:4) It looks like John’s unwritten scroll will have a message on it after all! Satan didn’t know how God was going to do this, it wasn’t even written. (Rev. 10:4) This part of the book of Revelations was unwritten, hidden from Satan. Satan knew about everything in (Rev.) but this empty space left that John sealed up! The mysterious 7th seal “silence” unites with the 7 Thunders, and John’s sealed up secrets will be opened with a written message! So what is happening right now in front of the church’s eyes is partly the 7th seal silence and (Rev. 10:4)-The third call (last pull) is when God seals the Bride! (Don’t misunderstand me there will be others in heaven who do not receive the scrolls). But the scrolls are sent to a special group who believe and are sealed for a special anointing! They support and help give the cry. (Matt.25). They are a candlestick giving light! (Rev. 1:20, Matt. 5:14, 16) Some will have a personal testimony or gift. (I know this is true, but it has been and will be so secret and “anointed”) Satan won’t even know how to stop it, until, suddenly the Bride- is sealed! The 7th seal of life! (or death to the world) We won’t have to persuade anyone to be on my list. God will choose and send them!! “Behold saith the Lord read” (Hebrews 12:23, 25-29). For our God is a consuming fire.

Will God allow some earthquakes to open some graves, so some saints can walk among the bride at “rapture time?” – The foolish won’t see this, neither will the world. Now I want you to read this real closely – I can only write what I thought. Let the reader discern for himself. One night I was sitting in my chair praying, thinking of the last things God would do for His Bride just (about rapture) time and a heavy anointing moved upon and within me. Jesus said I will do the exact things I did for the early church. Here is one of the things I had been thinking about. After Jesus was resurrected, the graves opened in the Holy City, and the Saints appeared unto many believers. Matt. 27:51-53. This happened probably 40 days before he ascended. The world and the foolish saw nothing, but it convinced about 500, 1 Cor.15: 6 who watched Him go back into Heaven. This could happen in our church age. Some could walk among the Bride from every part of the world (To only His Chosen Bride). The foolish would not believe the report but the Elect would. Something happens besides Miracles to make the Bride ready. I know the Scripture says (It is appointed unto man once to die, then the judgment.) But the Bride doesn’t come under judgment. The saints seen are part of the Bride! The Scripture also says (Though one came back from the dead the world would not believe). But He said His Bride would believe all things that happened in the Early Church! I also know many of the Bride in this last Revival coming will get a future glimpse of heaven, and see visions of loved ones who have passed on, and report it to the audience. This has happened several times with people and children in my audience already after Prayer. Jesus told me some incredible and exciting things are in store for the Bride at the end. Remember He will reveal Himself to His own, But the foolish and the world will laugh their way into destruction.

Great revival in the west – I was shown from the Lord somewhere in the west a great moving of his spirit will take place. People will travel from all over the country into this place. Miracles of Creations will take place, the dead will be raised in certain cases. At this time everyone that approaches will be healed, that He has drawn by His Spirit Fantastic. NO! The Bible says He at one time healed them all! He healed every one of them! The Elect has waited 6,000 years for this one. The strongest anointing of all time appears on the Elect. This will occur or is connected to about the time California slips into the sea. He saves the best for the last. Scroll #11-2

The pillar of fire and the bride – (we know every eye of the world shall see him after the tribulation) Jesus said the church would not know the day nor the hour of the secret rapture. But He did not say that we would not know the year or the season. The Lord will not tell us the exact day, the Scripture says but to the Bride at harvest time He will tell the season.- Why? So the Bride (Church) can make herself ready! For the Marriage Supper! How? Watch First the Bridegroom (Jesus) elects her because she takes only His Name and Word. Then she rejoices when the general time (season) is given! And as she the (Bride) nears the time (season) given she begins to make herself ready. Somewhere on the Scroll now or later the secret season is revealed!! Now the Pillar of Fire that Moses saw will settle completely on the Elect at harvest time for a separation to reveal His fullness and the closeness of His coming. When the Word (Jesus) and the Bride become one (unite together). Then the Bride is headed for a spiritual climax! Also the rapture takes place for the marriage supper. The soft blue light. Pictures have been taken of a soft blue light resting near Brother Frisby as He prays for Miracles. Paul saw this same light. The audience of reputable people have witnessed this also – and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth come! And he which testified of these things (saith surely i come quickly!) Even so come Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all. Rev. 22: 17 . Scroll #11-2

Satans next move – The Lord shows me the final move of the age (Surely the Lord will do nothing. But he revealed His secret unto his servants the Prophets. The Lion hath roared who will not fear. The Lord God hath spoken. Who but can prophesy. First of all the lukewarm Protestants will come together indirectly then directly and join the Catholic spirit as one. Afterwards they so run politics and state that all unite as one, the second beast is formed Rev. 13:11. (Thus saith the Lord Almighty!) The Bride has been pushed out and the Lord brings them into the genuine body of Christ, for the Revival of Rapturing Faith. But the foolish follow the false body forming and the lukewarm churches put all their backing (gold) behind Rome as Church and State unite. But just before this time something happens! The Lord is going to incarnate Himself Spiritually in the people (Bride) Now they will speak only His Word – to create, to raise the dead, and control the elements in certain cases – To bring forth the fullness of His revelative Word, for rapturing faith of the Bride. The fullness of the GodHead will rest upon the Elect to perform great Miracles, and bring unity of the Love of Jesus!

(I see something almost unbelievable). Now the false body unites too, so they can throw out the Word of God and dictate to the people what they want (false doctrine). The Social gathering lukewarm churches, “Some even serve beer in Church ” will receive non-profit status (and a lie!) But the true Word of God and the Gifted Ministry finally will not. But they will receive the true anointing and rapture (Amen!) Jesus shows me a perfect picture of this to come. (I visualize Moses when the mountain top was on fire!!!) Jesus tells me that what I’m going to write is a literal type of what will be a Spiritual type in our day. We know Moses took the children out of Egypt with God’s Word and a great Miracle Revival. The Lord has done the same for us today. Then after they got all organized and situated, God called Moses out. Joshua and 70 more of the true type anointed Elect (But this is not the exact number of the anointed Elect today). Read Exodus 24: 1 through 18. Now Moses was called off to do some writing, a message to God’s Elect Church (The called out chosen ones). That’s exactly what I am doing now. (The names I receive will not be by chance) And the Scrolls are the work of God and the writing is of God!’

(Like Moses I also was called to do 40 days and nights fasting – Ex. 34:28). Now while Moses was writing the message from God (like I am) Thousands in the church of Israel grew tired of waiting for Moses’ return (Watch the people of today are also tired of waiting for Christ to return). The Israelites couldn’t wait on the final Power combined in Word from God, so in unbelief they all got together (typing today’s confederation of churches) “But the true seed waited for the Word from Moses.” Now the multitude gave their gold to Aaron. And he took it and made them a golden calf (image) to worship. This in our day is a type of beast. Today they will build another image and pour their money (gold) into it. This time the image erected will be the world ecumenical council of Churches (Church and State united.)

They also could have a literal image too. The people gave their gold to Aaron, and he gave them what they wanted. Wrong worship (beast 666)-Mixed with pleasure sin and sex orgies-The false system will do the same thing in our day. The people will give them their money (gold). In return the false system will give them what they want! Pleasure orgies and sin. As I am writing these Scrolls to God’s people as a warning, the Voice of God says the false religions will be forming. Rev. 13. 1; Rev.17- A type of Israel’s golden calf. Aaron agreed and typed the false prophet to come.

The calf was a type of the beast that grew into the image of the papal bull of Rome. Rev. 13:15. When Moses returned (like Christ will ) and was wrath and found the people naked, in sex orgies, eating, drinking, dancing, and worshiping the image of the beast Rev. 13:11. Please read Exodus 32:6, 25 – Moses took the golden calf-type of Rev. 19:20 and image (type of false churches) and broke it to pieces. Dan. 2:45. And cast the beast image into fire (hell) Rev. 19:20 – Remember Moses was a type of the true seed, and Joshua and the people stayed true to God’s word. And afterwards God destroyed thousands of the other groups before they entered the Promised Land, because they did not continue in the message and Miracle Revival they received coming out of Egypt, but organized into carnal ideas and worshiped the beast image even after they saw the great Miracles of God. (HE THAT OVERCOMETH SHALL WALK WITH ME, IN WHITE, AND I WILL GIVE HIM THE MORNING STAR!) Because of the threat of Communism and war, the churches will merge together for strength with Roman Catholics, and later agree along with Communism. Dan. 2:43-Until Armageddon when Communism breaks and hurls itself at the religious empire of the West! “The reader is admonished to search each Scroll daily. Many hidden events of the future will be revealed” Gods complete plans will eventually be shown on these God’s last move to the Bride will be outside this confederation of churches. Scroll #10

Confidential to the bride

Two of God’s Greatest men know I am right, but because of money and sponsorship they are afraid to say anything. Please believe me, it is not I but the Lord showing you. I am only a servant; right now I have never felt God’s Power so strong. I foresaw this important message. Now this is to warn Gods chosen. Some of the salvation groups and some of the Pentecostal groups will be tricked shortly, into a massive confederation out of which eventually some will make up the Antichrist bride (fallen church). Is brought to him by the spirit of man, and dead organizations. Listen closely if you are a member of one of these groups don’t get frightened. (But when you see them going in, come out from among them!) This I was shown and it will not fail. (Watch!) The leaders will be told they can “pray for the sick ”, and (preach like the Bible says!) This is used for bait to draw them into a trap. The devil told Eve she would not die either. This also was a type of losing the spirit of God. Also, the government will offer them more help. But after they get in (the trap) like a snare shall it come on all of them! Then the Bible will be changed, finally another one given, for Catholic, Jew and Protestant which is the word of the beast. Church and state united. A law will be passed no more preaching or praying for the sick and a mark issued! To get out will cost many of them their life, (But scores will flee to the wilderness!), where Gods Angels protect them. In some nations they give their life. You see they were foolish Virgins. Trapped like Eve with the subtle beast (Gen. 3:4). Power-666. But the (wise Virgins foresaw this) and prayed and stored their oil (sealed) By God and raptured! Because they loved the word and did not agree with this massive confederation. If some of the sleeping Protestant systems join this merging God will class them as foolish. God’s children belong on the outside of Sodom! (Like Abraham.) I have (THUS SAITH THE LORD on this!) I know some of you attend these churches; you have to have a place to worship. But watch when you see this coming, you don’t have to go with them. This message I’m writing is to you. Don’t go on into the federation, stay out! Suddenly God will rapture you! Then the foolish will be trapped and go through much tribulation. Stay where you are, (just watch). Because it will come. I am sent with “the angel of the Lord to warn you”. Remember only the wise will see it, my message is not to the foolish but to the (wise!) The wise will hear until they are endured with Power from reading God’s Scrolls. The Lord told me this message would bring some financial loss and persecution to me, but oh Sir, that great angel is standing by my side. The Lord is going to protect and talk to that chosen group! He won’t let you down. Remember, I see a mighty prophet will come at (midnight!) to warn against church merging, and to gather the Bride! (Like unto Moses). That’s all He will let me tell you now, (Rev.18:4-8).

These scrolls will play an important part for many during the tribulation and to the Bride now. Scroll #7-2

The record books and the lamb’s book of life – the throne (Rev. 20:11-12, Rom. 9:11). He who occupies this seat is the all seeing Lord the eternal Godhead! He sits in His dreadfulness in His dramatic almightiness, ready to judge. The earth and heavens fall back before Him. The books are opened! (Rev. 20:12-15). The explosive light of truth flashes forth! Heaven certainly keeps books, one of “the good deeds” and one of “the bad deeds”, (and what one has given or sacrificed). The Bride does not come under judgment but her deeds are recorded. And the Bride will help judge (I Cor. 6:2-3). The wicked will be judged by what is written in the book, then he will stand speechless before God because His record is perfect, nothing is missed. Every idle word or thought is recorded (Matt. 12:36, 37). Those who lived in various periods of history will be there, not a single person is missing! There will be an account of those born dead; those that were born crippled will stand before Him also, in newness. Now, another book is opened, the “Book Of Life” and whosoever is not found written therein is cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:15). The Elect of God had their names in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world! (Rev. 13:8). Also the foolish virgins who came through Tribulation also have their names’ in the “Book of Life” (Rev. 17:8). Some names are blotted out! (Ex. 32:32-33; Rev. 3:5). And still others who worshiped the beast never will or never have been written in the Book of Life (Rev. 13:8). Now God shows me to write something which has puzzled the church, here it is -We will touch on those who have had their name removed. One might wonder why did He put their names there if He later removes them. One reason is that He has a record of them and the lost too! Those who went back and never repented again, also those of the world system of churches who fight the Bride will have their name removed! ) Now next we are really going to get into something deep, but it is “Thus Saith The Lord” people could never understand this Scripture where the Lord said -“In that day many would cast out devils and I do many mighty wonders, and the Lord would say depart from Me I never knew you!” (St. Matt 7:22-23). This pertains to some Organizations who left God and the Judas type gifted ministry, who once worked miracles but sinned against God and fell without repenting again! (Balaam and Judas, etc.) This covers the men all down through the ages who started with God, but in the end failed God! It covers Organizations who started with God and had miracles, but denieth the power thereof in the end! ” I saw the above Scripture in God’s hand! It Is Thus Saith The Lord!” Judas was given power yet he was the son of perdition he obtained part of this ministry and was numbered among the twelve. His name was recorded (Acts 1:16, 17) His name was removed! Even reprobates are appointed by God (Peter 2:8, 22 Read Luke 10:17-24). Jesus knew that some gifted men would fall but it is by divine purpose (Eph. 1:11). “Watch Mine Word closer than thy gifts which are given thee and thou shalt not fail.” (The Lord told me His royal seed would come to my ministry, I feel their names are on the Book of Life. These will receive God’s new name! (Rev. 3:12). Scroll #39

Great revival in the west. This will happen and the Lord is showing me things about it now. Only the way this is going to take place is truly going to be different than anyone ever realized. (What I mean is the beginning of it!) I will say this, the Lord will have me praying for the sick again among the people. When he does we will see some unusual miracles! Truly you will say afterwards why didn’t I get behind this ministry in a greater manner.”Now in the first revival crowds were large, but this next revival is going to be smaller among the Elect of God! For the foolish will not be able to stand the word and power! Separation is coming! (Joel 2:23). Scroll #29

Sleeping churches – I saw this plain, the dead united protestant churches unite with Babylon (catholic) but not the bride. The next move is first the protestants all unite, then combine forces with civil power and join the catholic spirit as one.– They so influence the state they become like Babylon. Then like Israel they will make an agreement with the antichrist system and go through great tribulation with the Jews. Vision is positive. Scroll #6

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