Hope and sorrows

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Hope and sorrowsHope and sorrows

Translation Nuggets 65

The earth will enter the wonderful age of the millennium as appointed. But before this we see the world is entering the last stages of our civilization. From now until the very end of the century it will be caught up in delusion in a thousand types of forbidden pleasures. Just before the atomic purging of the earth, the USA and nations will be asleep with false peace. It will occur like in the time of Belshazzar, (Dan.5:26-28). Wherein the handwriting was on the wall then, and now it is on the wall again for the inhabitants. The interpretation reads, “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.” He also said, that the kingdom was numbered and finished.And so shall it be saith the Lord, once again. We have a very short period ahead. Let us watch and pray. This is our hour to quickly fulfill the harvest work. Scroll 227

Great Hope and Faith ahead.

In the midst of this that we spoke of, you will see a great shining light to the elect. A tremendous restoration, a quick short harvest work is on the horizon. It will be like joy in the morning. His cloud of glory will cover the elect and they will be gone. Scroll 199

Continuing Prophecy

Some of the signs we see today will increase in magnitude. Super inventions, increase of knowledge, international banking trademark, more things concerning space travel in technology; events in the weather, earthquakes, new computer systems. Western Europe and the revived Roman empire will come to the forefront. This world we know now will change dramatically; it has already been planned underneath by sinister figures and they will take it over and have complete control of the masses. Time is fleeting, this is the hour for the elect to win souls to Christ. For soon darkness will settle in; harvest will be over. A gigantic cloud of war looks in this century. And when it ends, billions of souls will not have been saved. So while we have the opportunity, let us save as many as we can for the Lord Jesus. Scroll 203

The Translation – Then Great Tribulation

Jesus said,as the elect watched and prayed that they would escape the horrors of the great tribulation, (Luke 21:36). Matt 25:2-10, gives a definite conclusion that part was taken and part was left. Read it. Use these scriptures as a guideline to keep your confidence that the true Church will be translated before the mark of the beast, etc, (Rev. 13). Scroll 105

Comments – CD 894A– The Ultimate Weapons – {We have to take on the Holy Spirit to do what God wants us to do properly. The Lord has his weapons and Satan has his own weapons. A warning to God’s people of how that satan is going to move. People forget just exactly how he will use the ultimate weapon against the elect of God on the earth.

The Lord told me the devil will try to move in and steal what God has given or done for you. Believe me he will do it, if you are asleep and your eyes are not open , he will come to remove them from people half asleep. Satan will snare them by hating them and through hate and unbelief he will destroy them by listening to him. But by joy, faith and divine love, God will wipe him out of the earth. Nobody is perfect yet but we are striving towards perfection; till the perfect one comes. Nothing will be closer to the bride elect of Christ at the end of the age.

After you have received salvation or healing by the power of God; satan will come immediately to try and steal it from your heart. But by the word of God and these messages, he won’t be able to do it. You cannot really get the joy you need or get the faith you need until you know how to cope with hate. You will know when you hate, because joy goes out. The closest thing to Satan the bible says is hate: And the closest thing to God is divine love; and divine love will destroy it because it is more powerful.

Now most people being born into the world have the natural hate and envy; it is in them the bible said. There is human hate when people are mistreated and sometimes they don’t have to be mistreated. When things go against them it happens; some are born like that. But if you allow it to continue and continue without repenting; then it becomes a spiritual thing. When it gets hold of you, you cannot stay around the power of God, and Satan knows that. It is a very eye opening thing. Some of you get stirred up and cannot help getting mad with people, this is human nature.You will have battles but never allow the human part to begin to get into spiritual kind of hate, there is torment to that.

People at the end of the age will be in the valley of decision which means depression, confusion, low, not knowing which way to turn. Divine love and faith creates every revival, and by the word of God preached right: but not hate and unbelief. Unbelief and hate will come from Satan and try to destroy and close every revival that has occured. Remember Joel 1; but God will restore. Satan’s ultimate weapon against you is hate. And God’s ultimate weapon is divine love and it will destroy hate and wipe it out.

The whole thing originated when Cain and Abel got together. Cain was possessed by hate and he murdered his brother. But Abel was meek and humble, which is what it should be, and it cost him his life. If you are going to believe God, do the works of God and do what He tells you to do and believe God; then you will be attacked by hate ; the Lord told me so. Before the age closes you are going to see hate released never seen before and it will be directed towards the elect. But by the Word of God and love, the Lord is going to cover his people with love. If you want to be covered by divine love don’t harbor hate.

Psalm 122:1 – Joy – Enter thou into the joy of the Lord, (Matt. 25:23). If only people would act with joy and happiness when they are mistreated; people would think something is wrong with them. I am persuaded that a vicious campaign against the heart can wear it down. Hatred is a spiritual force and it can be overcome by the spiritual force of God’s love. Hatred is the ultimate weapon of Satan against the believer, and can only be overcome by the believer’s weapon of love from the heart. This is the kind of love that can love your enemies. This kind of divine love that will stay with God no matter what happens, no matter what people call them; they will stay right with the Lord.

The genius of God’s love is that it can never be defeated and that is what I love about it. Divine love can never be defeated. Satan has tortured and killed many believers; But he has never been able to destroy divine love. It cannot and can never be defeated. Faith has in some cases been pushed down so weakly but love was what held it together. John and the apostles held on to that divine love or else would have lost it all. God’s love is all embracing. He causes his rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike, (Matt. 5:44-48). Jesus said, love your enemies and pray for those that despitefully use you.

By this divine love we become partakers of his divine nature. If you do not have some of that divine love working in you, then you have not partaken in that divine nature of the Lord Jesus Christ at the end of the age. (Romans 12:21) Do not be overcome of evil but overcome evil with good. Proverbs 16, commit thy works unto the Lord. Do not allow Satan to get a hand of your thought, and before you it he turns families against one another, even among children and parents. He will try to create havoc; get the people away from what God is going to pour out. And God is going to pour a great refreshing revival. But the people have to keep their eyes open.

So the ultimate tool is hate; and that is a tool Satan is going to use. It is the closest thing to Satan’s empire and divine love is the closest thing to God’s throne. Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established. Put it all in God’s hand. The Lord hath made all things for himself; yea even the wicked for the day of evil. There is a purpose for the other nature. We as Christians face all these challenges and they serve to prove ourselves to God. These things are like fertilizer for the growth of the Christian to achieve stronger growth.

God is going to make a spiritual man and woman out of us, but we must have that contest. That is why the challenges are there or else you will never be able to prove your faith. Just before the translation the number one tool will be hate and he will use that tool to set one against the other even among friends.

Some people who have been around my ministry for sometime or years, suddenly leave; some go back into the world. I am not talking about those who come to be prayed for and for healing. These just come and go as the anointing pulls them. They come and go and know nothing of the Holy Spirit, even when you preach it to them, but He is witnessing to them. I am not talking about those; I am talking about those who made their start from Pentecost and some who come to the ministry for years, then suddenly they are not in line. I prayed to God about it. And the Lord told me that the key to that is hate.

People get so full of hate, they say I am not mad at bro Frisby, but I just hate that person, you see they cannot stay where I am at then. As they keep that inside of them, they have to move on down that trail. I have seen some of them look as if they came out of a horror pit, after they left. To stay with that hate, that foam in there, will destroy them, you cannot do that.

Don’t ever let hate get to a spiritual point. The old human nature will want to bring it up to you. You get mad at your children or anybody, sometimes husbands and wives get into a spat or quarrel, but never let it get to a spiritual stage; because there is a spiritual force, which means that hate is there.

Hate is the key to hell and divine love is the key to heaven. John went in through that door. The key there is divine love and faith. And the key to hell is hate and unbelief. John the divine went through the door and we who are divine by Christ will go through that door. If you allow hate to dwell in there and thrive it will lead to unbelief. If you have hate, you will have a job in your hand, you have torment. Satan will shoot at you. You must know how to counteract it using the word of God.

Praise the Lord and just be happy and know that what has been done to you is because you are a Christian. Hold on to this word and say, I know divine love and faith is the key and I have got it. Divine love is the word of God and is the key. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. Bitterness is hard to shake if allowed to take root. God has given us his weapons as a way of escape: and if you don’t use it, Satan will use his own weapons to destroy you. At the end of the age Satan will try to wear you out with hate and soon your faith gets so low, you begin to wonder, what is happening to me. These things help you stay on guard against the unslaught of Satan. Be on guard. Get hate out of you and joy will begin to bubble in you. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, (Galatians 5:22-23). Difficult times will bring blessings.

When that hate gets in there and people have to move to a lighter religion or more social or so, (Luke 6:22); it is Satan with his tricks; to shoot at me. That is behind some of those leaving the ministry. He told me so. I am the target. By praising the Lord when you are mistreated, you can get over it. Stay away from people who wear you down. Leap for joy as you throw away those hateful things. Matt 25:23, Good and faithful servant, – – – – enter thou into the joy of the Lord. It is a spiritual joy that has not entered into the heart of man. You literally walk into the joy of the Lord, it is already within your system, and by faith you yield. You do your part as you are entering through the door. Enter into the joy of the Lord.

You have a key, no matter how you are worn down, you can enter into the joy of the Lord. Joy is one of the fruit of the Spirit. Hate is the opposite of love and joy. The weapons of divine love, joy and faith will wipe away the devil. Beware and get out of that spiritual type of hate. Never allow any hate to root down to the spiritual type: Else it will destroy you. Uproot it by divine love, faith and joy. The key to hell is hate and unbelief; but the key to heaven is divine love, faith and joy.]

{Hate injects resentment, steals joy and does not allow fulfillment in your life; But many do not know it. If you know how to cope with hate, all things will work for your good.}

065 – A great sign given