Holy Ghost oil and heaven Leave a comment

Holy Ghost oil and heavenHoly Ghost oil and heaven

Translation Nuggets 35

Scroll 4 paragraphs 2 and 9.

The foolish virgins are some of the nominal churches that received salvation and declared they had the baptism of fire. Another is part of the Pentecostals that received the baptism and now have quit praying, and praising God until finally their oil ran out, and begins to stop Jesus from moving in the church. Now there is another group of Pentecostals with oil that, want to see and hear God move. These are the wise that keep the oil of power and moves with the Word. Now watch the foolish virgins with the Jews make up the tribulation saints. Now the Jews believed in God also, but rejected the oil of power that was in Jesus, like the foolish virgins did. Thus saith the Lord.

Sleeping Churches

Scroll 6 paragraphs 1, 3 and 4

If the Pentecostal organizations go into the lukewarm world Protestant system too then they move towards the foolish virgins. Behold I come quickly. Watch, be not thou deceived neither by man nor angels, but search my word and when man makes this move, come out from among them saith the Lord.

I saw this plain, the dead united protestant churches unite with Babylon (Catholic) but not the Bride. The next move is first the Protestants all unite, then combine forces with civil power and join the Catholic spirit as one. They so influence the state they become like Babylon. Vision is positive.

Church and State

Scroll 2

For some this is hard to see now. But church and state will definitely unite (but not Bride). One of many causes, money and inner turmoil in the country: Vision is true.

Confidential to the Bride

Scroll 7 paragraph 7

Now this is to warn God’s chosen. Some of the Salvation groups and some of the Pentecostal groups will be tricked shortly, into a massive confederation out of which eventually, some will make up the anti-Christ bride (fallen church). This is brought to him by the spirit of man and dead organizations. Listen closely if you are a member of one of these groups, do not get frightened. But when you see them going in come out from among them. This I was shown and it will not fail, (watch). Also the government will offer them more help. But after they get in the trap, like a snare shall it come on all of them. If some of the good Protestant systems join this merging, God will class them as the foolish. —– Don’t go into the Federation, stay out. Suddenly God will rapture you. Then the foolish will be trapped and go through much tribulation. Stay where you are but just watch: Because it will come. I am sent with the angel of the Lord to warn you. Remember only the wise will see it. My message is not to the foolish but to the wise. The wise will hear until they are endured with Power from reading the scrolls. The Lord is going to protect and talk to that chosen group. He won’t let you down. Remember, I see a mighty prophet will come at midnight to warn against church merging and to gather the Bride.

Satan’s Next Move

Scroll 10 paragraph 3

First of all the lukewarm Protestants will come together indirectly and then directly and join the Catholic spirit as one. Afterwards they so run politics and state that all unite as one. The second beast is formed Rev.13:11, (thus said the Lord Almighty). The Bride has been pushed out and the Lord begins them into the genuine body of Christ, for the Revival of rapturing faith. ——- The fullness of the God Head will rest upon the Elect to perform great miracles and bring unity of the love of Jesus. —— As I am writing these scrolls to God’s people as a warning. The voice of God says the false religions will be forming.

The Spirit of Christ cd 1697, (Comments).

Know the hour of your visitation. One of the most important things we need to do at the end of the age is to prepare our heart for revival. Be trained in the proper faith and know the Lord and all His power. People will fall away from the apostolic faith. We need to pray saying Lord Revive thy work (Hab.3:2), to the original restoration power and back to the original faith.

Proverb 1:23, The Lord will Reprove then an outpouring and then reveal his word to you. The Spirit of Christ is the same as the Spirit of God. The real elect will have the Spirit of Christ. Rom. 8:9, “Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.” The anointed ones are those that have the Spirit of Christ. I want the Spirit of Christ; I don’t want to be shut out. The Lord Jesus Christ sounds more complete than just saying Jesus Christ. Because Lord stands for God, Jesus stands for Son and Christ (the anointed one) stands for the Holy Ghost. Jesus and Christ sound incomplete without Lord. The flame and the chariot of the Lord have gone before his people and He is camping with his people. Think about these things.

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