Another true prophetic sign to the elect

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 Another true prophetic sign to the elect Another true prophetic sign to the elect

Translation Nuggets 69

This will begin to happen to warn the elect bride just how close the rapture will be after it! This will be practically connected to the rapture. This sign is also given to prepare the Elect in order to leave! The sign is modern (Bodily) Christian transportation! During the Early Church and in Elijah’s day there were cases of supernatural transportation of the body. (Philip was one Acts 8:39-40). Christ supernaturally transported all of His disciples at one time (St. John 6:21). Elijah was transported (I Kings 18:12). And again in our day when we see or hear of such supernatural transportation of Christians to preach or to go on a special mission among the Elect it will be a very direct sign to prepare, for all of us, soon thereafter will be transported to heaven. One type precedes just before, the other (group case of the Bride). Like when all of the disciples at one time were transported. We already have a definite witness of modern transportation today supernaturally in the ministry of a mighty prophet. He was taken up in a clap of thunder surrounded by clouds of beautiful colors, among angels where Jesus was and told to reveal the seals of (Rev. 5:1). He revealed the first Six Seals, the 7th Seal was left unrevealed (The “Silence” Rev. 8:1). He said the message to that Seal would be revealed in the Thunders (Rev. 10:4). And it would happen just before rapture time! In the last part of my new prophetic scroll book (soon to be released) Jesus has spoken to me to close with a few words concerning this Prophet. I will name him! And then words of the Lord concerning this work of mine. – also I have “Thus saith the Lord on this prophet.” Scroll #34

The summons to the marriage supper

the third and last call – it’s later than you think. At the beginning of 1967 a final summons to the Marriage Supper was given. It is the sounding of the Gospel trumpet to gather God’s Children. God told me that is exactly what I am doing. Now is harvesting time, and He will begin to summon all the Bride by name, and call them into a spiritual body soon for the last quick short revival. This is so fantastic that only the Elect would believe such a thing. The last call is arriving. He says, “My sheep know My voice,” and I call them by name, “behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him!!” (We are on our way out of Babylon, man’s dead system)” Now he will speak to you through the Scrolls, and show you how much time is left, and how He will do it. (Watch!) Remember this is to those who can believe it. Scroll #11-1

Children in paradise –

Marietta-Davis observed that there were many children in Paradise. And this of course is in harmony with the Bible. When Jesus was on earth he took little children and blessed them saying, “of such is the kingdom of heaven.” The Scriptures do not go into detail as to what happens to the spirit of a child that dies, but we gather that its spirit is safely conveyed to Paradise, there to receive training and loving care by the guardian angels. The angel noted that “if man had not departed from purity and harmony, earth would have been a proper nursery for new-born spirits.” Sin coming into this world, death also entered, and children were often its victims as those who were older. Marietta was told that each child on earth has a guardian angel. The Scriptures were quoted. (Matt. 18: 10 – Isa. 9:6) – God beholds even the sparrow that falls to the ground, how much more those created in the image of God! As soon as the spirit of the little child leaves the body, its guardian angel conveys it safely to Paradise. Marietta was informed that when an angel bears an infant into Paradise, he classifies it according to its particular type of mind, its special gifts and assigns it to a home where it is best adapted. There are schools in Paradise, and there the infants are taught the lessons that they were intended to have learned on earth. But in Paradise they are free from the defilements and vices of a fallen race. She was told that if bereaved parents only realized the bliss and happiness of the child they had lost, they would no longer be overwhelmed with grief. After the children had completed their courses of instruction, Marietta was informed, they were moved upward to a higher sphere of learning. She was told that wicked spirits have a discordant nature that is out of harmony with the prevailing laws of Paradise. Were they to enter this holy region they would suffer intense agony. Therefore God in His goodness does not permit such spirits to mingle within the sphere of the righteous, but a great gulf is fixed between their respective abodes.

Christ and the cross is the center of attraction in heaven

When Jesus appears in Paradise, all other activity and occupation ceases, and the hosts of heaven gather in adoration and worship. At such times the newly arrived infants that have come to consciousness are assembled to behold the Saviour and to adore the One who has redeemed them. Marietta describing it said: “The entire city appeared as one garden of flowers; one grove of umbrage; one gallery of sculptured imagery; one undulating sea of fountains; one unbroken extent of sumptuous architecture all set in a surrounding landscape of corresponding beauty, and overarched by a sky adorned with hues of immortal light.” In contrast to earth, there is an absence of rivalry in heaven. The inhabitants dwell there in peace and perfect love. Astounding, incredible insight! Is it true… Do the Scriptures confirm it? – We enter a whole new realm of vision! – Many secrets revealed about the night region, etc. If you are truly interested in Heaven, be sure and read it! – Next scroll – the informative conclusion continued.

Scroll #116

Before we continue

“Let’s insert some Scriptural insight. Can people actually feel, see, hear and talk in the hereafter? Yes! Here is evidence.” – “Man is not only body, he is spirit also. Just as the body has ‘five senses’ so the spirit has corresponding senses! Concerning the rich man in Hades. He was quite conscious!” (Luke 16:23) – “He was able to see. In hell (Hades) he lifted up his eyes being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off. He could hear! (Verses 25-31) – He could talk. He could actually taste. He definitely could feel it! (It says he was tormented) – And he had a memory. And alas, he had remorse. For a moment he was roused to evangelism, but he was too late!” (Verses 28-31) – And Dives (rich man) “said, if one went unto them from the dead, they would repent. And Abraham said, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead! So we see the rich man had keen senses! And so did Abraham and Lazarus who were standing in Paradise! – It reveals that one must seek salvation in this lifetime, for it is too late in the hereafter!”

Now continuing with the vision

While Marietta contemplated this fearful scene she was approached by a spirit whom she had known on earth. Accosting her the spirit said: “Marietta, we are again met. You see me, a disembodied spirit in that abode where those who inwardly deny the Saviour find their habitation when their mortal day has ended. “My life on earth was suddenly brought to a close and as I departed from the world, I moved rapidly in the direction prompted by my ruling desires. I desired to be courted, honored, admired – to be free to follow the perverted inclinations of my proud, rebellious and pleasure loving heart – a state of existence where all should be without restraint –and where every indulgence should be permitted to the soul – where religious instruction should find no place – “With these desires I entered the spirit world, passed into the condition adapted to my inward state, rushed in haste to the enjoyment of the glittering scene which you now behold. I was welcomed as you have not been, for at once I was recognized as a fit associate of those who here abide. They do not welcome you for they discern in you a desire adverse to the passions which prevail here. “I found myself endued with the power of strange and restless motion. I became conscious of a strange perversion of the brain and the cerebral organs became subject to a foreign power, which seemed to operate by absolute possession (a vulgar mist, gases, of satanic influences). I abandoned myself to the attractive influences that were around me, and sought to satisfy my cravings for pleasure. I reveled, I banqueted, I mingled in the wild and voluptuous dance. I plucked the shining fruit, I surfeited my nature with that which externally appeared delicious and inviting to sight and sense. But when tasted all was loathsome and a source of increasing pain. And so unnatural are the desires perpetuated here that what I crave I loathe, and that which delights tortures. Every object about me appears to have a controlling power and to dominate with cruel enchantment over my bewildered mind. Scroll #117

The prophetic vision

I see powerful Rome and apostate churches bear pressure on the government to do her bidding and request as they control much of the wealth of the nation. You will see this begin in 1968 and grow stronger into the 70s, uniting with state backing to exert even more pressure on the children of God. Many Bible preaching Organizations will be deceived and forced to go along with them. (The Elect will not go) The foolish virgins and Organizations that are dead will follow the (golden angel of light system) to receive honor, glory and money organized into Rome. The false church will sell out for gain, into the political world church. (Even as Judas left Christ for money) the Pentecostal Organizations will be invited in, as well as Billy Graham and Oral Roberts. They will be going straight toward the antichrist system (I love these two men’s Ministries greatly) God has appointed how far these two angelic Ministries will go. Remember the two angels’ messages to Sodom. Gen 19:1 Before complete pressure is brought against the Bride she is raptured. God will hold back the elect through the Scrolls. They will be blessed, not by man’s system, but the uttermost spirit of God, as they ready for His appearing. God tells me the Scrolls will be as important to our age as Apostle Paul’s were to the early church. The world beast powers are uniting together even as Jesus brings His Elect together. The paper money will be called and changed to world currency (or credit) as the mark is given. The Jews will agree along with this clever devised plan. The Jews control property and Wall Street. Rome will drain the world of its gold (reserves). The World Council of churches will be connected to Rome and the harlot of Rev. 17 controls the world. People left after the rapture will not be able to work or eat without a mark. I see my message will be greatly received by the Saints of God, but the foolish and world will reject it. But Jesus tells me (Be of good cheer as I stood with Paul, I will stand with you!) So as I write the spirit of the Almighty overshadows me, my soul is set on fire for God’s people!

The supreme court

The spirit shows me the court will pass laws that look good, but will change our society as we know it. As apostates, Religion and Communism will make known their will through the Supreme Court. The Court will work right with dictatorship until Satan has every man in place, so he can take the U.S.A. to one world church and government, united under one diabolical head. (Watch! Saith the Lord, lest you fall in line with the antichrist to make a better world without my spirit, my hand is on the nation, but I will lift it and the American people will move towards the trap.) Their plans look good, and to many it will look beautiful and like peace has come. But the people fall in complete horror and war. They gain control by using “Peace” as bait. The Supreme Court will blend into church and state. (There is money and liberty but under church and state terms) Scroll #12

This evil seed produced Nimrod

Who founded Babel, which had its beginnings immediately after the flood! (Gen. 10:9-10)— Who also started the beginning of sanctified prostitution, idol worship and organized rebellion against God! (Gen. 10) — “These pagan mysteries followed all history and moved into Babylon!” (Dan. 3:1) “This mystery Babylon has been in existence throughout the ages and finally in Rev. 17 reaches her height as the harlot woman sets on the beast; and is called Babylon The Great!’’ When it reaches its final form it will be a mixture of heathenism, paganism, papalism and apostate Protestantism. All are integral parts of Mystery Babylon! It represents the sum total of false religion on the earth, Satan’s substitute (counterfeit) for true Christianity! — She has ridden the seven kingdoms of the ages! (Rev. 17:3) — The difference between her and God’s children are after all His warnings — Babylon never repented! — The false incorrigible seed (read Heb. 12:8).

All that will be found in golden Babylon (Rev. chap. 17 — chap. 18) —

There are two natures to Great Babylon! The religious side and the commercial side! The religious side will join up with world governments! Somehow this Roman will also enter into a compromise and relationship with communism! – They will move towards a superhuman government, a beastialization of man! _ On the religious side she will have sorcery hookers, and also whoredoms introducing idolatry and lascivious worship” — This will invade the Protestant church! — “Paul warned the city Corinth because sexual relations in the Temples was part of their pagan religious rites!” — Note: People should wake up! In the news just lately a city in Iowa made a crackdown on vice and a Lutheran college president and a Baptist minister were caught soliciting prostitution! — Later when false religions join into her cup of iniquity (Rev. 17:4) more sin will occur! (Rev. 2:20) For pleasure the lukewarm churches sell out like Eve, denying the Word! (Rev. 3:16-17) — “The day predicted is here, a Bible in one hand, a harlot in the other!”

They shall know the depths of Satan in Great Babylon

Now we will turn our attention to the commercial and all sides of Babylon! Of course it will take in all world trade centers joined up to one head (the beast) Rev. 13:1, 16-18. Its merchandise will be gold, silver, precious stones, silk, scarlet and expensive wool, costly diamonds, expensive perfumes, etc. (Rev. 18:12-13) City of glittering jewels saturated in silver. — Also wines and delicious feasts! — The beast will cause craft to prosper! (Dan. 8:25) ‘‘He is identified by number 666! And this is associated with only one other thing in the Scriptures — gold!” (II Chron. 9:13) The reference to this sinister number in connection with gold is not by chance! Gold is the god of this world so it is associated with commercial Babylon! It’s an economic dictatorship! — In these trade centers business will be day and night! — ‘‘The mad whirl of raw lust will take its toll!’’ Satan will possess the bodies and minds of men to the ultimate! (Rev. 18:2), Demons of all kinds will be here! The cage and fountain head of every evil spirit and hateful bird. It will be the seat (11 Peter 2:12) of animalistic instincts and occultism, idols and witchcraft! — In their theaters they will stage actual live obscene acts of love, also an astonishing vulgar display of homosexualism!”

The deadly raucous tongue (James 3:5-8) – It caused trouble in Eden and all kinds of ways in the world! It is gaining prominence in the male and female brothels for paid pleasure! “Also dogs and other types are being trained and sold, the tongue, etc., used in wanton pleasure of women!” (Lev. 18:23) — Also male cult and pagan prostitution will be prominent! (I Sam. 2:22) — “The blood will run hot in their veins like electric wires burning with thirst of evil orgies, materialism their god, pleasure their high priest, uncontrolled passion the ritual of their worship! — The dark abyss below will take over with legions of demons! Murderous Babylon will be ruled by the dragon seed and Satan himself incarnate in the beast — antiChrist!” —A word of caution, the lukewarm church will fall prey to Babylon like Samson did with his harlot! (Judges 16:1, 4) — This is a warning to all and children, “Come Out of her my people!” (Rev. 18:4-5) Her final doom! (Verse 8) — Verse 24 shows her barbaric cruelty to the saints.

We should point out that God does give His children certain privileges in marriage; the bed is undefiled. (Heb. 13:4) — Read Prov. 5:18-19. Scroll #80

Some things this world leader will do

“The antiChrist will put down rebellion and anarchy by using force that ‘he calls’ peace! He will have an agreement with Russia and the United States! – He will in some strange way resolve the Arab-Israeli feud for a while! – He will work with and control the Catholic Church and all religions! But as we said, in the end it will destroy all religious institutions! – He is a military genius; because it says, who can make war with him? (Rev. 13:4-5) – “He is a wizard in electronics, to control.” – “He makes it look like he is the master of all he surveys! (Ezek. chap. 28) – The master of the game trade, prosperity and peace, but underneath the pot will be boiling! His kingdom will erupt like a volcano – Armageddon! Watch, all the above… it is coming soon, as we said, important comets are harbingers of things to come!” Scroll#115

Some final words and revelation

II Peter 2:4-6. “According to these verses Peter said the angels that were chained were associated with what happened during the flood! And that they remain chained in darkness until the day of judgment! Then their crimes will be revealed of what they did during the flood in leading this great apostasy against mankind! – What God allowed them to do was very rare indeed because the other angels and demon powers have already been judged! – But here they have to wait for their judgment concerning their particular mixture with mankind! – This brings up other interesting subjects. – There are many distinct places in the spirit where classes of wicked spirits are confined!”

The different locations concerning evil powers

“First, the bottomless pit. (Rev. 17:8) -It says the beast ascends out of the pit abyss. This same prison house will contain Satan during the millennium! (Rev. 20: 1-3)-(2) -Hades or hell is where the wicked human spirits are confined…where they are kept until the day of judgment, after which they are cast after the lake of fire with Satan!” (Rev. 20: 14-15)- (3) – “The lake of fire: This is where it will all end where the humans who have sinned are cast after the judgment of the White Throne!” – “But before this the false prophet and the anti-Christ are cast directly into the lake of fire!”(Rev. 19:20) – And after the millennium Satan is cast into the lake of fire with them!” (Rev.20: 10) – “To this may we add the word Tartarus; it seems to be the place of wicked angels as mentioned in II Peter 2:4. It is probably associated with the bottomless pit, too! ” – “The lake of fire in the Old Testament was called Tophet (Isa.30:33) – In the New Testament it is called Gehenna!” – “Before we finish, also Rev.chap.9 mentions a confinement! – Jude 1:13 and also Jesus mentions a place of outer darkness seemingly similar to space, etc. – In this particular location it seems to be outer space somewhere, etc. Study these revelations and you can’t help but have new knowledge and insight in the dimensions of the Lord Jesus!” – “In contrast to this above, heaven is our home!” (Rev. chaps. 21-22) Scroll #118

The pillar of fire and the bride-

We know every eye of the world shall see him after the tribulation) Jesus said the church would not know the day nor the hour of the secret rapture. But He did not say that we would not know the year or the season. The Lord will not tell us the exact day, the Scripture says but to the Bride at harvest time He will tell the season.- Why? So the Bride (Church) can make herself ready! For the Marriage Supper! How? Watch First the Bridegroom (Jesus) elects her because she takes only His Name and Word. Then she rejoices when the general time (season) is given! And as she the (Bride) nears the time (season) given she begins to make herself ready. Somewhere on the Scroll now or later the secret season is revealed!! Now the Pillar of Fire that Moses saw will settle completely on the Elect at harvest time for a separation to reveal His fullness and the closeness of His coming. When the Word (Jesus) and the Bride becomes one (unite together). Then the Bride is headed for a spiritual climax! Also the rapture takes place for the marriage supper. The soft blue light. Pictures have been taken of a soft blue light resting near Brother Frisby as He prays for Miracles. Paul saw this same light. The audience of reputable people have witnessed this also – and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth come! And he which testifieth of these things (saith surely i come quickly!) Even so come Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all. Rev. 22: 17 . Scroll #11-2

Comments – CD #1233 The Good Fight of Faith: {There is no place like the house of God. Some people only know it when the bombs start falling, or a crisis like earthquakes or hurricanes or war or fire outbreaks. It is not supposed to be so. It should be the same thing to you always, and that is how faith works. Faith is steadfast, faith is enduring, faith that is determined. If you have it all the time then you have the wonders of God. You want to serve a living God not a dead one.

The devil knows his time is short but likes to make people believe they have a long time, but he himself knows that his time is short, saith the Lord, (Rev. 12:12). God is going to raise up a standard. Satan chose the wrong church to attack this time because God is going to give them power as He raises up a standard against the devil. One day you are going to need this sermon to know how to defeat the devil.

Satan will try to confuse you or make you doubt, but do not listen to him, for nothing can change the promises of God if you believe and hold fast to the Word. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever, (Heb. 13:8). Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead, and the Pharisees and religious leaders did not believe, but that did not change the promises of God. No denomination or teaching or persons or angels or devils can change the promises of God. God has spoken the promises and they are final and cannot be changed, (Psalm 119:89 – Forever O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven). God’s forgiveness is true, His salvation is true, His translation is true, His eternal life is true; and Satan can not change or do anything about it. All that Satan is doing is to try and prevent the translation, distract people; but God is uniting his people, it doesn’t matter where they are, it is a spiritual thing and work. When He unites his people (that body), then you see him working through that body, spiritual body and you will see them do unusual and powerful things.

Some people think they will not be tried and tested by the devil, but no, if you are really saved then he must have tested you. The greater the test the greater the miracles you will see. The greater the difficulty, the greater the things God will do from you. The devil goes up and down but God stays the same. Fight the good fight of faith; Some people are afraid to believe. Don’t allow the devil to bluff you. Hold fast to the promises of God. Some were afraid to venture out on the promises of God. Don’t be afraid to venture out. Fear not only believe, (Lk. 18:50). When opposition from the devil builds up, hold to the promises of God. and get to the church that really believes. I am getting to the devil this morning. You may not have any problems today but in a few days you might.

Drive fear out of there, fear not, only believe. Hold to the promises of God. The Lord is with you. You have all things going your way with Jesus; all things work together for your good, (Rom. 8:28). Only believe, lunch out into the deep, (Lk. 5:3-5). Venture out, do something for God. This is time to act on the promises of God. Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Daniel, the three Hebrew children, David, the prophets and the apostles,overcame by faith and holding to the promises of God. Paul was tested and tried but had his victories by the word and promises of God, I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me, (Phil. 4:13). The elect will be tested but, in Rev.4:1 they come up as the winner around the rainbow throne. Even by God’s mercy the tribulation saints eventually won the victory in Rev. 7:13-17). They killed babies at the coming of Jesus Christ and now they are killing babies again as Jesus Christ is about to come again. Jesus Christ had abolished death and all who believe him and hold to the promises of God’s word are transformed from this earthly life to eternal life even at death; which is only a transition for the sleeping believer in the Lord.

Jesus Christ is the one with power not the devil. The devil tries to test and put fear in people; but don’t let the devil put fear in you., and put pressure on you and get you confused and doubtful. Look ahead and prepare yourself for you know the devil will try to test and put something in your way, to keep you from receiving from the Lord. When Satan comes with his negatives, get him out of the way; hold to the promises of God and get your blessings. When you see two people fussing or arguing, it is not the people but two spirits with hatred. Remember we are not fighting against flesh and blood, (Eph. 6:12-18). If you have the word and promises of God, you can identify, avoid and win the battle. It is spirits in a fight. The devil is always wanting a fight.

Fear God and it gives you faith and caution. You don’t fear the devil; avoid fears because Satan can get hold of it and grow it , and thereby destroy you. Praise and joy in the Lord creates a positive outlook and gives you peace, confidence, comfort; you become determined because you got God, peace and confidence. Jesus instilled confidence in his disciple as He was headed for the Cross of Calvary. Help others by having a positive outlook and confidence in yourself. The word of God will instill confidence and courage in you such that people will ask and call you for help seeing the confidence in you. Fear not only believe. At translation time as the people of God leave this world they take the joy of the Lord with them.

We are going to win the victory against all that the devil will throw against us before the translation. The devil is trying to block the translation, prevent the children of God from coming together, to prevent God from moving but he fails. If you are tried and tested, you will rule with Him. Those who will be taken out will be tried and tested and will believe every word of God. Get rid of that fear of the devil and the power of God will get to you. Contend for the faith,(Jude 1:3), have confidence, power and the anointing of God through the promises of the word of God.}

069 – Another true prophetic sign to the elect