A great sign given

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A great sign givenA great sign given

Translation Nuggets 64

To the elect just before the rapture. First the churches will unite. Now watch just about this time and just before the revealing of the antichrist, the bride will suddenly leave. Because Jesus told me He would return very close to this, or during final uniting time. When the elect see this they will know He is even at the door. Scroll – 30

The mystery of the ages

God’s manifold wisdom will be delivered unto the saints. They will be given supernatural knowledge and power just before the translation, beyond anything they have ever imagined or seen. They will not live in a make believe world, but of dynamic faith and reality. They will not depend upon their sight and five senses alone, but will rely upon God’s word and promises. According to Daniel, they are the wise children and will foreknow His secrets and events to come. In the spirit like the great shepherd He is, He is calling all by their names. Besides the Holy Spirit, He is giving them the sealing of confirmation. God’s plan of the ages for his chosen jewels is reaching a peak, and they will hear the voice of the Almighty as He says, Come up hither. The catching away is near. He has promised us a quick short work of righteousness in the last stages of this century, even beginning now. While men sleep, the Holy Spirit is gathering His true sheep.

The mystery of iniquity and falsehood

While the world is living in a wonder and fantasy land; the verge of civilization is about to collapse into a whole new deception and system which will govern and control them like an electronic robot. Lurking around the corner looms fast and unexpected alterations and surprises in the world including the USA. Apostasy is mixing even with the Fundamentals from the top down through many Full Gospel Organizations and more. They are living in a world of imagination and pleasure, instead of the solid faith and word of the Lord.

Satan is putting them into a dream world as a powerful snare is looming just ahead. But they will not be able to see it because of a fog of delusion. On the one hand the elect is preparing for a joyous union with Christ; and on the other the world and its false churches are getting ready for the great tribulation and uniting with the beast powers, (Rev. 13 & 17). Take heed the Lord’s true will golf steadfast with this scripture, (Rev. 3:10). Part of the temptation spoken about here is that some of the lukewarm churches and systems will give into the Babylon imitation of the true thing. Behold saith the Lord, the hour is here, the midnight cry is heard. Soon cometh the day of the Lord. Be ye also ready, for in an hour ye think not, ye shall see My face and appearance as flash of lighting. Scroll # 227

Comments {comforting words – cd #1394 – 11/27/1991- the only ones that are going to make a difference with divine love are the ones going away with jesus. Those going away with him know something is up. It does not mean everyone in Christendom will believe these prophecies are coming to pass. Faith in the word of God brings comfort, peace, confidence, rest and love. Confidence in the world has no comfort in it, not in people or governments; but only in the Lord.

I preach about the coming of the Lord and his appearance, the way I do for two main reasons; firstly, So that you will prepare, Secondly, That the time is up and to do what you can for the Lord quickly. I have been called to tell it. Another reason is because many people do not want to hear about it: Because they are not ready to meet me and they will not. But I will appear to those that are looking for and love my appearing. He is going to come that way and the Holy Spirit will do it; getting his people ready.

1st Thess. 4:16-18, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. The Lord himself; this same Jesus that is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come back in like manner, (Acts 1:11). The Lord himself, the first and the last; not two or three persons. He will not send anyone else, no angels, no prophets, but the Lord himself shall come. Those in the grave shall come out alive; it will be a sight to behold.

Those that will come out of the grave will know who He is (they have been with him in Paradise) who knows what the spirits of the saints in Paradise do. Paul said he heard unspeakable words, which it was not lawful for a man to utter, (2nd Corinth. 12:4). If anybody will come , be he an angel, or man or prophet believe it not for it is the Lord himself that shall come. Can you see the revelation in this of who is coming; the Lord himself shall come. Jesus Christ is the Lord of glory; I am the resurrection and the life: (in the translation Jesus shall manifest as the resurrection and the life, as the dead in Christ rise first and those of us who are alive and remain are all changed together, as we all put on immortality.)

Preaching of the coming of the Lord always brings comfort to those people who are going up. Those who came out of the grave knew him. When Christ who is our life shall appear, He will bring them with him. And we who are alive and remain will see him and will know him when He appears. Both at the Translation and at Armageddon it will be the Lord himself. It will be one more sight to behold. All believers of all ages will partake of this glory in the air with the Lord himself. We of today are a special group of people who were not allowed to be born until this period, so we can partake of this awesome translation about to happen. What a privileage. There are people He has chosen to be alive when this thing happens. O! It is a special group indeed. They will be alive when He comes; others die and the rest of the world is swept into the great tribulation, (Rev. 7). Some saints will die but those ones are caught up alive. (At his first coming some people were actually born to line up with his coming, like Simeon and Anna who meet him in the temple as a baby and prayed for him and prophesied about him; and these two believers may have been among those that rose among the resurrected at the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Luke 2:25-38 and Matt. 27:52-53). It will be another sight to behold.

The dead shall rise and visit among us before the final departure (translation). Supernatural transportation will occur, keep your eyes open; God can transport you suddenly. We shall meet the Lord in the air at the translation for the Lord will not touch the ground at that time, we gravitate or fly towards him in the air, in the clouds of glory. To be with him forever. What an agreement He has given us. Now comfort one another with these words. The group of people are specially born for this generation, for this time, out of 6000 years. This special group has been chosen to be the ones to remain alive to be treated like Enoch and Elijah and much more because the Lord himself is the one coming. Now you preach for them to prepare,, to witness, to warn and that time is up and soon the second coming of Christ will happen. This will bring comfort to those that are going to meet me, saith the Lord. At the end of the age talking about the coming of the Lord, will bring comfort, with the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Each time the Lord brings messages or words about his coming in the translation; there will be comfort of the spirit with it to the believers and on those people God has at the end of the age, that He will pick up. Comfort yourself with these words, if you can allow them to comfort you. There is coming comfort as never before and there is a special blessing for those who read and keep the words of the Book of Revelation. There is no nightmare reading it as some people preach and believe. He has a special group He will take up in the thunders at the end of the age. The Lord himself, God, the Alpha and the Omega, The Almighty himself is the one coming.

Today, the Pentecostals want everything on a platter of silver, easy, no effort to pray, no effort to use their faith; but he that endureth criticism and persecution will be there as the Lord is coming. All the criticism and persecution they will put on the elect will be well worth it, they will be rewarded. Some people believe about 85%, they are going nowhere. God is coming for those that use and believe the Word 100%.

Next He says delight thyself in the Lord, (Psalm 37:4), and He shall give thee the desire of thine heart. Don’t have your own way or anyone’s way; don’t allow the devil to get in your way: but commit thy way to the Lord and He shall bring it to pass. Faith is a comfort, faith is a rest and peace in the Lord. The first fruit is coming through my ministry, and is coming on the people. Psalm 27:5, “For in time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; He shall set me upon a rock.” He will hide me in the comfort of his word. Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I sin not against thee.

Jesus Christ is coming with the Holy Spirit to comfort his people for what is coming upon the world. The devil will cover the earth with delusion: But the Lord will cover his own with his Word and Spirit. If you make his Word your pavilion, He will protect you in the time of trouble, (Rev. 3:10) is an example of such times. A select group of people will hear my voice today, many are called but few are chosen. God is sounding to his people. Comfort yourself with this word, the second coming, the translation will bring comfort. Comfort for those expecting him. I will come and receive them to myself; a select group out of 6000 years.

It is soon saith the Lord, Sleep not, Stay awake, pray and watch. We praise Jesus in one unit and one accord; delight thyself in the Lord and He will bring it to pass. A great cloud of comfort will come upon his people when we think of his coming, we expect his coming, we know He is coming, we love his appearing; and He will appear to those that are expecting his appearing. Many are called but few are chosen.}

Study – CD # 733 – The bride prepares; CD # 734 The mystery circle, revelation stars. It talks about Renewing our vow of Separation from the world. Scroll 227; Psalm 119:49, Rom. 12.

064 – A great sign given