Why can’t people, today, see?

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 Why can’t people, today, see?Why can’t people, today, see?

Why can’t you see that hell has enlarged itself. Let it be known according to the Holy Scriptures that everyone of us shall give account of himself to God, (Rom. 14:12). Examine yourself, don’t you know how that Christ is in you, (2nd Cor. 13:5).

Before we were the body of Christ we were first individuals, with different identities and gifts of God. On the day God calls people, it will be an individual call. If the Lord calls you in the next ten minutes, to come home; you are going alone.Have you ever seen two or more people holding hands together and expect to be called at the same moment. No it is individual calling and response. Only at translation would many respond simultaneously; but only those who have made themselves ready when the moment of call arrives. Even at rapture, the call will come; one may hear it but another does not hear the call. Otherwise families may hold hand together and go together, but it is not likely to be so, because you do not know what is going on in each ones heart

Don’t you remember that even in church, while the sermon is going on, or praises or you are praying and your mind wanders away and you lose both focus and concentration. Pray that you hear in your heart and ears when the Lord calls. Don’t you see that there is a spiritual battle going on between you and the devil, when the Lord came (Matt. 25:10), only those that were ready went in. Sleeping when you are expected to be awake is both a battle and demonic. Stay awake at your battle post.

Be sure of your individuality and personal relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Very soon it would be found to be of great importance concerning our journey to heaven. Seeing and perceiving are very important (Mark 4:12; Isaiah 6:9 and Matt. 13:14). Salvation is very individualistic, death is very individualistic, hell and the lake of fire are very individualistic, so also are these; translation and Heaven. When the Book of life is opened it will be very individualistic, so also the other books of our works. When the rewards are given it will be very individualistic. For sure the voice that will call at the translation will be very individualistic and only those that have made themselves ready will hear it. The Lord has our individual name or numbers he assigned to us (Remember He even numbered the hairs on our head, Matt. 10:30).

If this be so, why you may ask:

  1. Do people hand over their individual responsibility totally to the pastors and their organizations; to get them ready for the call, it will not work; do your part faithfully.
  2. When the Lord calls there will be no organizational or denominational ear that will answer on your behalf or for the group. No, only individual ears will hear it, it is the ready and faithful ones ears and heart will hear, see and get it.

If you are sold or hooked to your denomination or group, or committed your soul to a man, to speak on your behalf before God; then I ask the question, “Why can’t you see?” Today many will die and kill for their denomination or church leader, but not for Christ Jesus. When you find yourself in such a situation; it means you have put God second place and have made your organization or church leader your God. I ask again, Why can’t you see?

One reason is the quest for money. If you are deceived or influenced by money or what crumbs they give you, or the position they place you or the popularity you get; then for sure something is wrong with you. Let me tell you, you just sold your soul or birthright to the company or denominational store and not to Christ. Many of these smaller churches or organizations, their members do not know they have all been sold to a larger organization. Just wait a little and you will find out. This is a worldwide movement of bundling the tares together. Don’t let them sweet talk you, so that you do not know when they bind you and bundle you. If a country of origin, ethnicity, tribe or culture influences your faith and believe in the truth of the gospel, where there is neither Jew or gentile, then for sure you are spiritually sick and may not know it. Love and truth go hand in hand with faith and believe in the gospel of the kingdom of heaven.

What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? A word is enough for the wise. If you call yourself a Christian and cannot look up to God and ask Him any questions as to find the correct answers yourself; and you go by what they tell you outside the scriptures or the scriptures manipulated: Then you stand to blame yourself, and wherever you spend eternity will be part of your choice that you are making now.

Turn to Jesus Christ with your whole heart, soul and spirit; before it is too late. If you are deceived by any, from the true word of God, like mixing bible versions and interpretations with all the human changes made; you actually deceived yourself because you know not the scriptures. It is your responsibility to see, search and study the scriptures of truth. Remember to study 2nd Peter 1:20-21, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretations. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man (that has produced these new versions of the bible, some of which are full of adulterations and wisdom of men, to your own spiritual destruction): But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

Keep to the original King James version; men of old by the Holy Ghost wrote them; some with their lives and even some who God allowed to go further to interpret into languages, paid bitter prices, some were burnt alive. Not these days when certain versions have no element of the leading of the Holy Ghost. They want to interpret their understanding in common or modern man’s language, by polluting the scriptures; just to produce versions in their personal names, to their own glory. Beware the serpent is crawling into people’s hearts and groups. Space will not allow the mention of pollution in the new wave of carrying your handset to church instead of your bibles. Many preachers now prefer reading and speaking from their handsets, and beaming it on screens, making many not carry their bibles; the identity of the believer. Study 2nd Tim. 3:15-16; and 2nd Tim. 4:1-4. These versions often tamper with the inspiration under which the original scripture was written, just for self aggrandizement and human ego. Be ye wise; buy the truth and sell it not.

174 – Why can’t people, today, see?