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Deception will increase, the apostates will make major moves that if it were possible the elect would be deceived; but the elect cannot be deceived. Don’t ever deny His word.That is one of the signs of the sons of God. They won’t deny the word of God.

There is only one Headstone (Capstone) representing the Ancient of Days as the Rock. That Rock is Christ Jesus. He laid His head in Rock, in a place called Phoenix, Arizona, and no other Rock like it. The rock is made out of 3 mountain ranges and can only be seen from one angle.

The Lord used the Headstone Rock to vindicate a message; called the message of the Scrolls, and used a peculiar building to bring out the message of the Seventh Seal with the Seven Thunders. There are no two Headstones on earth, and any attempt to bring any type of stone or rock or rock picture does not make it the Headstone. Watch out that ye be not deceived.

The message associated with the Headstone is the Scroll. Don’t adulterate or compromise it. If you do, you will have yourself to blame. Don’t make the Headstone or Capstone or Scroll message what it is not. If you magnify any other rock it means you never had an understanding of what the message of the Headstone was all about or you were not part of it or you are an apostate rising up. Remember, the scrolls are sent to a special group who believe and are sealed for a special anointing. They support and help give the cry. They are a candle-stick giving light.

Brother Branham was vindicated when the seven angels carried him into the clouds and formed an impression in the sky, seen and photographed by many. Those angels’ visitation began the revealing of the Secret Seven Seals. God was now ready at his own time to reveal all to whosoever desires to know. God used that vindication to confirm the message brought forth. But see what is happening today; many are now worshiping brother Branham’s pictures, bowing down to it, but not really understanding or believing the message given to him. He even warned not to form a denomination around him. See what is going on. This is apostasy on the rise. You cannot have such vindication again, because it was for a purpose to bring a message. Brother Branham said, he did not get the revelation of what the seventh seal was about, because the seventh mighty angel among the seven that took him into the clouds was the one with the seventh seal and would not talk to him. So he knew nothing about it, but the other six angels revealed to him the six seals and he preached about them. The vindication confirmed the message given to brother Branham.

The Seventh angel with the seventh seal, appeared in Rev. 10. That is Jesus Christ, the only one who knows the secret of eternity and the world He created, for they are his property. Don’t mess with the Headstone and the Scroll messages; it would be like fighting against a forked lightning.

God at the appointed time called brother Neal Frisby out of California to Arizona, and showed him a place and how he wanted the Capstone Temple built. And after the building was ready, God called him to a particular spot and showed him the Headstone. It can only be seen from one point only. That is God, brethren! That was vindication! Don’t adultrate it by another so-called rock, for that is deception. If you are a peddler of such information, you are pointing your finger against God; be very careful. The angel that spoke with brother Branham told him the importance of the Tent like building, a kind of cathedral with a little wooden passage or door inside, where things happened. The angel said that building will get the harvest job done. Yes, by a message coming out of it called the scroll message. The Seventh angel (Christ), the Mighty Rainbow angel, stood by a man to bring the Headstone, Capstone, Scroll message to the people. Don’t make it an organization. The Headstone or Capstone is not a denomination. It is a message to the bride. God laid his head down somewhere to vindicate the message of the seventh seal and the seven thunders. Don’t adultrate it. The spirit of apostacy is in the land and many are falling to it. Examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith; prove yourselves. Know ye not yourselves how that Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates, (2nd Cor. 13:5).

185 – Watch out