Thank God for the Christmas day or period. It is his birthday not yours, please him, not yourself; the gifts are his, not your own. It reminds us of the day God took the form of a man and started on a long journey to Calvary for the fulfillment of his mission to redeem man. This journey of our Lord started on earth with the manifestation of his birth, and to dwell with man. What a love. He thought of us so much that he came to earth’s dimension, to feel and partake of all that faces a man on earth, yet without sin. O! Lord what is man that thou art mindful of him? And what is man that thou visitest him (Psalm 8:4-8)? God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. The mighty God, the everlasting Father, The Prince of peace (Isa.9:6). Emmanuel (Isa. 7:14), God with us (Matt. 1:23).
Give Jesus Christ a Christmas present or gift that he loves. Do this by witnessing to the lost person about salvation, found in the death of Jesus Christ, (remember 1st Corinth.11:26). When a lost person gets saved by accepting Jesus Christ that is the present you give him on his birthday. That is the present or gift he can receive immediately on Christmas. If the sinner repents, there is immediate joy in heaven among angels; and it is because the angels can tell that the Lord showed, that he recognizes the new soul that has come home (saved).
Do this on Christmas day as a present or gift to the Lord of glory as you celebrate the reason for the Christmas. Do not treat him like they did back in Judea when they said in the Inn (hotel), there was no room for his birth (Luke 2:7). Today make a room in the inn for him and have an extra room for others that may be born today if you can willingly witness about the source of salvation. If anyone you witnessed to today is saved they may share a birthday with he that started the work of salvation.
It is spiritual, about Jesus Christ. He was born to die for our sins. But we are born again to continue as part of why Jesus Christ was born. That we have passed from death to life (John 5:24), that the old nature may pass away as we become new creatures (2nd Corinth. 5:17). That as many as accept him, he has given power to have eternal life (John 3:16) and finally mortal shall put on immortality (1st Corinth. 15:51-54), all these are made possible because God took on him the form of man. This happened when he came and was born as a baby, and lived to accomplish his mission of coming to earth. Christmas was the day God took the form of man, for the purpose of reconciling man back to God. This was through the DOOR (John 10:9) of salvation, Jesus Christ. Give him the best gift of all, by witnessing to the lost, that they may be saved, even on Christmas day. Jesus Christ is Lord even of the Christmas day.