Supernatural Presence

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Supernatural PresenceSupernatural Presence

Lord bless your hearts. He’s really great. Isn’t He? Well, the Lord said that to witness to every creature—and we are witnessing—tell them that Jesus is coming soon. He is coming very soon. Praise the Lord Jesus. I am going to bring a message and if you listen real close in your heart, you can be delivered sitting right there in your seat. I know you are going to feel different. If you are new here tonight, just take courage. If you need prayer, I will be praying. Alright, just be seated. The Lord bless your hearts. I believe, Lord, you are going to touch Your people tonight, Lord, bless each one of them here tonight. All the new ones, touch their hearts and guide them to you because you are the Light and no one can save like you, Lord Jesus, in the stirring of the Holy Spirit. I feel you are going to move on their hearts tonight. Give them a miracle. Let them feel the power of the Holy Spirit which is so real. It is a reality, Amen. It is a wonderful reality and all these experiences of being in the ministry, seeing the Lord work miracles and blessing His people. Watching how He moves, I just tell you, if you are new tonight, you are just missing out on something that is wonderful, but coming from the Lord, the eternities of God. If I understand what He told me—it is incredible. He said it has not even entered into the human mind what He has for them that love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9). All these things are ahead for them that love Jesus. Amen? We love Him, the bible said, because He first loved us. See; He is always ahead of us. Tonight, I am going to preach on this and then we’ll have a rally, plus I will be praying for people and see how the Lord moves here.

Now Supernatural Presence is the title of this. We’ll start this way. You know one time Elisha, the prophet, was on a mountain and the enemy was surrounding him in every direction. The reason I am preaching this is that some people say “Where is the supernatural? Can we look into the supernatural world?” How about those miracles? Sometimes they don’t know where it is found in the bible. They wonder about the supernatural. Is it with us today? Why, most certainly! More than ever before and it will increase as the age begins to close out. Remember He is coming in clouds of glory meaning He will send some of that glory among us before we see Him in the translation. That’s the way He does things, and it will take place like that. There is another world, and it is the supernatural world. There is a spiritual world and there is a material world. One time I was describing to the people that in the Lord, there are literally, probably millions of dimensions that He has that people don’t understand. They think He’s got one dimension that humans are in. No, He can have hundreds of different dimensions and thousands of different worlds and millions of different dimensions. One doesn’t run into the other, the way that He has done it. We are in human form—material of this world, but He can create another world and it can be in another dimension. You will never see that dimension. We have already proven that angels can [appear], reappear, and disappear in another dimension. How many of you believe that? Different colors, different ways that things look and how time is adjusted, and what He has is beyond the mortal conception of the mind, to even tell you about it. It is just marvelous how the Infinite God is so wonderful! But this we do know, in our world right here, I don’t know how many dimensions, but I know that there are two and they are the material world and the spiritual world, and there have been angels appearing in the last days, that we have been on the earth and also before.

Anyway, Elisha, the prophet, was on the mountain. The Syrians [army] had surrounded him. They wanted to take him, thousands of Syrians, and it was just Elisha and the man that was with him. Elisha wasn’t afraid. He was just standing his ground, looking around. The fellow who was with Elisha said “We are doomed. There is no way out. Just look at them. Just look at them! They are all coming after us. Elisha, do something.” Elisha, the prophet said, “Lord, show this man something here.” He said open his eyes. Note that this man was not using his faith. He was using his fear right out, hiding what faith he had. He was panicking but Elisha, the prophet, knew the Lord was with him. Even if he hadn’t seen [the hosts] on the mountain, he still knew the Lord was with him by faith in God. Nevertheless, he said, “Lord, open this man’s eyes and show him because he is bothering me. I can’t even concentrate, and he won’t be still.” He told Him, he said, open his eyes and let him see. As He opened his eyes, it is said in the bible, he saw that on the mountains around were literally scores of fiery chariots and angels all around in beautiful lights and beautiful fire and colors. They were all over the mountain, supernatural creatures in every directions. The man opened his eyes and he said, “My?” Remember, there were thousands of those Syrians. And the man said, “Yea, there are more for us than the Syrians” (2 Kings 6: 4 –7). Can you say Amen? They [the hosts] were there all the time. They are here all the time too, different dimensions and different supernatural glory, and power of God. And all of the time, they were there that time, but he could not see them. But after the prophet prayed, then he [Elisha’s servant] was able to see and look into the other world. It’s just marvelous how the Lord protects His children. If he had looked further into the [supernatural] world, he would have gone into something else, into thrones, dominions and powers and different things that the Lord has.

We have in the bible Adam and Eve in the garden. In that dimension, God spoke personally to them. He spoke in the cool of the day. He spoke to Adam and Eve. Then after they sinned, the bible said they looked at Him in the form of a Flaming Sword (Genesis 3: 24). They had seen that God was full of divine love and mercy but after they sinned, they seemingly were stunned too when they saw that Sword [meaning] “Don’t come back in this direction [to the garden of Eden]. It is not time. Jesus would come. The Messiah would come and restore what you lost in the garden.” And that is what took place. So, the Lord appeared in a Flaming Sword, probably in other ways, but by Voice to Adam and Eve at the beginning. We have it in the bible. Then we find out in the bible too that Ezekiel, the prophet, the Lord appeared by Voice in the throne with a rainbow around Him. He appeared in flashing wheels of fire in the color of amber and talked to him in a dimension. How many of you are still with me? Ezekiel chapter 1 will show you all about that. There was flashing fire and amber wheels. Moses, He appeared in a burning bush and began to speak to him. He got his attention in another dimension. The bush didn’t burn but yet it was right there (Genesis 3: 2 – 3). It was on fire. He appeared to him [Moses] in a Cloud and as a consuming Fire on the mountain and in numerous ways (Exodus 19: 9 & 18). He spoke to Mose face to face by Voice. Sometimes when the power of God was so powerful–the glory of God in a form—he would have to cover his face. (Exodus 34: 33 – 35). Such tremendous power! The prophets got to see that!

In our days, the bible said that towards the end of the age, with your eyes, your spiritual eyes, you will be able to see not only dramatic miracles, but just before the coming of the Lord there is no telling what He will show His people who really believe in Him. Now He has all these things, and He won’t forever hide them. From time to time, He will appear, and things are seen. In this auditorium, we have seen photographs, lights, and power that are of the Lord. But He appears in great power. All through the Old Testament and all through the New Testament, He appeared in His glory and in His power and He always will, to those who believe Him. So, people today say, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah? How about the supernatural dimension?” Jesus said, I am the way, the same, yesterday, today, and forevermore (Hebrews 13: 3). I am the Lord, I never change (Malachi 3: 6). How many of you ever read that? Yesterday, in the Fathership, hovering over Israel. Today, as the Messiah. Then as Christ, the coming King. Amen. Yesterday, today, and forever—eternal. He couldn’t be the same yesterday, today, and forever unless He was eternal. Fathership, hovering over the children of Israel with Moses in the burning bush there and today with Israel as the Messiah—to them in the form of a man coming to His people as the Messiah and He goes on forever, Eternal King. So, we find out those dimensions—I am the Lord and I change not. If a person seeks Him and seeks Him from the heart and believes from the soul in the heart, then the Lord will appear. He will reveal Himself. Today in the world, they are so busy. Ten minutes is too long until it’s just torment for them to get down and pray. Then in the bible, the prophets may stay two or three days in one place without any food just waiting on Him, see? And I might say and pray that this should make some of you really believe that in five or six days He will appear, you probably would do it, if He told you so, maybe, possibly. Others, I think, would run off the time He got there because you’d be frightened. How many of you say praise the Lord?

It’s not what you think sometimes. People say “O Lord, show me an angel. Lord, appear to me.” When He appears, it’s like John. He thought he had seen everything—supernatural miracles of creation, also Jesus’s face was transfigured before them—and then in the form that He appeared on the isle of Patmos, John just fell as a dead man (Revelation 1: 17). Daniel had seen many things [un]imaginable in his dreams and visions which were beyond anything you’ve ever seen before–the kingdoms that would rise and fall. He had seen the Ancient One sitting on His throne, clouds of glory (Daniel 7: 13-14). Once a magnetic figure appeared with flaming eyes and the way He dressed—magnetic. There was an earthquake and men fled, and he fell as a dead man himself (Daniel 10:7-8). You see, sometimes if the Lord doesn’t touch you beforehand, you’d be very frightened. That is why He always says, “Fear not,” an angel will say that, see? But if you believe in God with all your heart and you love the Word of God, you can tell that it’s the Lord or an angel from the Lord. The reason He doesn’t show you more is that the more He shows you the more it scares you. Can you say Amen? Believe it by faith. The proper time when you are just right in your heart and you have the courage that you need, He will reveal something to you. It won’t hurt you, but He will reveal it to you.

David, the shepherd boy, the Lord appeared to Him in supernatural strength that he could just take a lion and do it in [kill it] and take a bear and do it in (1 Samuel 17: 34-35). Same as Samson, you know, when He appeared to him and moved upon him. He appeared to David in wonder, some kind of celestial form that thundered and came out of the heavens and bowed them down, fire in front of them, coals, colors, and lightning came forth and destroyed his enemies (Psalm 18). It was quite an aerial wonder, supernatural presence of some sort that God appeared to David. He appeared to him, and he saw the glory of the Lord too, many times. See; there is another dimension—the material world and we have the supernatural world. But once you step into eternity with the Lord Jesus then you are stepping into the different phases and dimensions and the different spheres that man cannot name. It’s an impossibility; take it from me, I know what I am talking about. When you get into eternity, it is incredible and that is where we are headed, straight to eternity. Amen. Each day, the Christian that loves God and really has faith, believes the Word of God, and believes God that He is just what He said He is; and that He would do what He said He would do, no matter how the test, no matter how the hour of trial, he will stand. That Christian who believes in his heart of the eternity of God—giving eternal life—each day you are drifting, you are coming toward, and moving. You are not in the same places that you were this morning. The way the earth turns on its axis, the way the planets move, the sun is in a different place, and the moon too. Other things are in their places, they’d never be back again exactly in that fixed spot although they may cycle again because something just happened. It’s the Lord. It’s really great. But we are moving. We’ll never be back like we were this morning. It’s [the message] already been televised. We have it on film. It will never be set exactly like that again, something similar, but not exactly like that. The feeling, the power, the audience, some who were here this morning are not here tonight. See; never the same again. And since this morning, we have moved further. A week from now, something else.

So, as you can see if we love God with all our heart like I spoke about a while ago, then you are moving each day into eternity. When you blend this life into eternity, happy are ye, saith the Lord. Glory to God! Just great! How can you really contain it? How can you contain the glory of God! The world that hates God’s Word, that has no part in the Lord’s Word, that denies the Lord, they are moving too. Boy, they are moving on a trip I don’t want to be on! Amen. They are moving towards the damnation upon the earth that will come. They are going to their proper places. All that is handled by God, what He would do. He is a just God. He is One of divine mercy and divine love, but He will not have anyone trample on the Word for 6,000 years without some kind of correction. Amen? He knows what He is doing. All who are His and all those that He has will come to Him and no man can get them (John 6: 37; 10: 27-29). That is what it says in the bible. He will do it too. We are moving into that. We find out the wonders of David. David said he appeared to him; the Rock of Israel spoke to him (2 Samuel 23: 3). We don’t know, but he saw Him—depicting the Headstone that would be rejected. He saw Him in some kind of form there—the Rock of Israel spoke to me. Abraham saw Him after He made a covenant with him and sealed it (Genesis 15: 9-18). He came by in the form of a Smoking Cloud and passed through the camp. The covenant to Abraham—the covenant that Israel would be in the Promised Land one of these days. Four hundred years later, she crossed over. Glory to God! Can you say Alleluia! I imagine the Chariot of Israel saw them go over with Joshua and Caleb. What a struggle for 400 years! But the prophets were sure. Abraham knew it was coming. And yet after all those years, He came to the smoking lamp, a Pillar of Fire like cloud and appeared to Abraham. He [Abraham] was like the one that revealed to people how to pray. He knew how to pray. And it came to pass as it happened, He just waved at him and went through the camp signaling that all is well. He had had a dream of horror, blackness of darkness and the sacrifices with birds coming up. He had to beat them off. A horror of darkness came upon Abraham (Genesis 15: 12 & 17). He suffered a visionary nightmare. He had never been [like] that all of his life. He thought he would never come back again. It was like death itself holding him. He was fighting off those dark things, the bible said, in a vision form, in reality too. It was showing him that Israel would suffer through those 400 years—how that Israel would be in Egypt, how it would take place, and how later Moses would come and take them out. That was the experience that Israel was going to have—a nightmare and great struggle because they rebelled against the Most High so many times and went into idolatry. The Lord signaled to Abraham it would be done. Amen. And it was so. Four hundred years later, they crossed over.

I really believe in my heart, just before it happened, the Captain of the host appeared to Joshua. He appeared in a form and said, “I am the Captain of the Host (Joshua 5: 13-13). He is the General of heaven. Can you say Amen? I believe the Chariot of Israel was nearby when they crossed over. Can you say Amen? The Pillar of Fire. He appeared with a great sword and said, “We are going over.” Elijah, the Lord appeared to him in many different forms and ways. He appeared to him in fire to destroy his enemies (2 Kings 1:10). He appeared to him in thunder, in an earthquake, a still small voice, and in a cloud 1 Kings 19: 1-12). He appeared in the rain to him. He appeared in all kinds of ways to the prophet. He finally appeared to him in a Chariot of Fire like whirlwind and took him away (2 Kings 2:12). Can you say praise the Lord? Dimension—another dimension. He hit the River of Jordan, water splashed on both sides and rolled back, and the prophet went over. Elisha, that we were talking about a while ago, took the mantle, the river closed up to keep the rest out. Here comes a messenger from heaven. Elijah, the prophet, stepped into that glorious wheel. The bible described it as the Chariot of Fire and horses. Elisha got to look at it. The mantle fell down. He came to the water, split the water and walked right on through (2 Kings 2:12-14). The Lord appears in marvelous ways. Can you say Amen? He appeared to Elijah in a still small voice. He appeared to him also in the form of an angel (2 Kings 19: 5). The Lord appeared to Abraham in theophany meaning God in the form of a man and talked to him (Genesis 18: 1-8). Later, Jesus said Abraham saw my day and rejoiced (John 8: 56). How many of you are still with me? Oh, the Jews said you are not yet 50 years old, you talked to Abraham? We know he is mad now. See; eternal is another dimension. He came out of eternity. That’s right. The Holy Spirit, sure—the little baby—the body created—the eternal light came in there. The Baby grew up and delivered His people. Can you say Amen? Redeemed them back, defeated the devil! Amen. Great to watch that. Abraham saw my day and rejoiced. The Lord came to the doorway of the tent with two angels, one on each side of Him before He destroyed Sodom and He talked right there to Abraham. At the end of the age, Jesus said like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, like in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man (Luke 17: 26-30).

Sometimes the Lord can appear so supernatural. He can appear in many forms—entertaining angels unawares. We are coming to the close of the end of the age. Can you say Amen? That’s right. Abraham was visited. How much more the church at the end of the age? So, we are living at that time. He appeared in theophany too. He appeared in a form—so many, many different ways. Then Solomon, He appeared to Solomon in a vision, in a dream and talked to him (1 Kings 3:5). He appeared to Solomon at the dedication of the temple and the glory of the Lord appeared as never before and rolled in and out of the temple (1 Kings 8:10-11). The temple was so valuable and so precious and so expensive, and it was supposed to be one of the wonders of the world, but the temple was dull before the glory appeared. Glory to God! Can you say Amen? The Most High in His eternal glory will outdo anything made of materialism [material elements]. Packed gold on it, rubies, and diamonds because he [Solomon] really decked it out, but when the glory appeared and rolled in there, it was a different story. Can you say Amen? And should that magnetic figure appear that Daniel saw, it would have been a sight or those wheels of fire and amber that Ezekiel saw, the rainbow on the throne. Glory to God! Isn’t that wonderful. Praise the Lord!

Danel saw Him as the Ancient of Days—He did sit after it was all over with—after Armageddon, Millenium, and the White Throne, all of it. Daniel was called [caught] away. He saw clouds of glory and he saw the body that the Lord was going in—the Lord Jesus Christ standing there. He was by the throne. And there the Ancient of Days did sit. He [Daniel] was in a kind of triple vision in three or four dimensions; the Son of Man was standing there and yet God was on the throne, something else was going on and there was glory, and angels, clouds, and millions of people. And he [Daniel] was standing there. The Ancient of Days, His hair as white as snow, His eyes like a flame that issued forth before the throne, a great form of magnetic liquid fire Daniel 7: 9-10). That’s the Word, don’t you think in liquid form? Oh my! What do you think the Word is? The Word of God is the liquid form of the Holy Spirit. Amen. That’s right, vice versa. The Word of God is the liquid form of the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, he [Daniel] was there. Glory was everywhere. The Ancient of Days did sit, and the books were opened. He saw the books. Have you ever read the book of Daniel? How deep it is! All kinds of different spheres, spaces and dimensions drifting back and forth. You have to be born to do that. You have to have faith in your heart. Terrifying animals would appear showing kingdoms, all types of things that Daniel would see and the destruction and the fierce countenance of the rulers. He saw all of them; anyone that would sit in that throne that we know of in history from Egypt clear on through the end of Rome. He saw the Roman empire. He also saw the antichrist, looked right at him, and saw him face to face. He marveled and looked. He saw the great church at the end of the age that had fallen. He also knew the Lord would have wonderful people. Can you say Amen? Right, he got to watch all of those things coming at the end of the age. So, we see he went ahead thousands of years. There he was, it was already over with, and Daniel was there like that.

How many of you know—I am the same yesterday, today, and forever? That is where it comes in. Isn’t that wonderful? He can erase this time—time no more. You won’t think like you do now. You don’t have to have the sun and the moon come up and all these things. There is no more time. When your figures run out, supernaturalism [the supernatural] takes over. Amen. No more material. And Isaiah saw Him in person sitting on the throne. His train filled the temple (Isaiah 6: 1-8). The pillars were moving magnetically. Isaiah said woe is me! Coals of fire, there were seraphims with folded wings, two wings this way, two wings to cover them and they were peeking out through their eyes all around like that—the glory of the Lord. The temple was moving around there and the Lord was looking at him [Isaiah] and He spoke to him. An angel picked up one of the coals of fire and put it on his lips. He got to see that. How many of you can praise the Lord? An angel—holy, holy, holy. He said, Isaiah, they can’t see anything down there. He said you have been walking through it, you can’t even see it. He said the whole earth is full of the glory of the Lord. So far, all you’ve seen is madness down there. You have seen people reject the Lord and worship idols. You’ve seen killings, murders, and wars and all that, but I tell you, Isaiah the prophet, the whole earth is full of the glory of the Lord. You believe that tonight?

It’s right here. In fact, the Holy Spirit is depicted as wind (3: 8). The air is blowing, but you can’t see it. The Holy Spirit goes where He wants to go. No one can tell Him where to go. He picks them up here and there and puts them in the kingdom of God. Oh, He is wonderful! Isn’t He? Isaiah said woe is me! He cast himself with the sinners while he stood right there and watched. Someday, all that the prophets saw, and all that the bible speaks about, those that love God can see with their own supernatural eyes because it would take supernatural eyes when you go through that. It would be beyond what they saw. Isn’t that wonderful? There is a form that He is in, it is said, in different parts of the bible. There is a form that God is in when He creates, His real form, Eternal Light/Life. It is an Eternal Fire of some kind, and it says no man, no one can approach it without dying, no one can. But He comes out of that form and breaks it down to where He can approach us in this dimension, you see, so that we can stand it. But in one [another] form, no one can, because there He is the Great Creator. What He does in the eternities, we only know as He does them or how He releases them for He is the Immortal God. How many of you say praise the Lord to all that? So, we find out, the Lord is moving by His power. You can go on and on for the glory of God–the book of Revelation, the apostles. I think it was Cornelius of the Italian band, a man in shining white, glistening apparael appeared to him, and the Lord poured the Holy Spirit upon them signaling to them that the Holy Spirit was going to fall [on the Gentiles]. How great! He was just glistening, standing around them with the Holy Spirit power (Acts 10). I think we’ve got a marvelous God. And there are angels everywhere on this earth or men would have already destroyed it. The enemy would have already destroyed most of the people. I know for sure he would have gotten rid of all the saints of God, but the Lord sees; He is the Controller. He is the Spiritual Dictator, a good One too. He gives the Word, how far and thus far, same as the ocean, how far, the sun and the moon, and all that is in the heavens there. But His angels and the Holy Spirit are in the earth and the whole earth is full of His glory—guiding over it and watching over it as a shield over His people until the proper times. Feels so good! Don’t you feel good, feel like you are in eternity? If you are new, come on in. He said I am the door. You have to make your move. Faith is wonderful!

All that we have spoken about tonight, everything that we told up here is in the Word of God spoken by the Lord Jesus, spoken by the Holy Spirit to His people. Man is not in the sermon. God is, and the Lord spoke here tonight. I think He is wonderful, don’t you? Supernatural presence—so, people today say where are all the wonders, where are all the things taking place? Well, Elisha said get your eyes open. Lord, show this man something here. Watch that line, you’ll see the miracles. Get in the right place, you’ll see the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Get to believing in the Lord. You know to talk like that won’t do you any good [Where are all the wonders? Where is this?]. You will never see anything that way. Say, I believe, Lord. Amen. You know, like I was saying this morning He appears in one or two words. Of course, He appears to me in different ways. He comes in all kinds of ways, but that is one of the ways that He comes. See; don’t press it. Don’t try to be hard about getting it. Just let it happen when you are seeking Him. When I talked about the words, how they would come, don’t force it, just be reading and praying, and the Spirit will drop. It will happen. It’s like a drama when it happens. You’ll know when it happens. I do. Maybe you won’t feel how strong, maybe you will feel strong, I don’t know. But don’t force the issue. You are praying, you see, this is about giving you a word of wisdom or knowledge. One word or two or three will come from the Lord and that will tell you things that will take you weeks to write down, because they will have a meaningful purpose. Other times, it will be short, it won’t mean much. The issue is, learn how to do that with the Lord. You will get help with many of your problems and many of the things that you are doing today. Of course, with your healing, you just pray and accept your healing with the power of God. Get on the platform. Miracles take place.

But I am speaking of other things that you are seeking the Lord for, a revelation in the bible, a family problem, how to handle a situation or what to do. He will give you a word. It’s really great. Listen to this: “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found. Call upon him when he is near” Isaiah 55:6). Behold, now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). Amen. Then it says, How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation that God has given on the earth (Hebrews 2:3)? Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6: 3). Not only that, but what we spoke about here. We have a supernatural God and a supernatural presence. Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened. How many of you can just say Amen? People won’t just knock sometimes and run off. They stay there until they receive some answers. I don’t care how long it is, just keep knocking, keep seeking. Everyone that asketh, receiveth. It’s glorious! How many of you believe it tonight? As we close out the end of the age, you people listening to this cassette overseas, here, or wherever you are, He has great things for you, wonderful things, but you must adhere to the Word of God and believe Him in your heart. The anointing that He has put on this cassette and on the literature, when you read the Word of God with it, it will produce an explosion of power. God will guide you. Your form may not be what we mentioned. Maybe a different way that the Lord will appear, a dream or vision, whatever it is or the very presence of the Lord operating upon you. But it’s marvelous and He is going to give an outpouring and individuals will be different than they have ever been before. He is moving in that direction. We are moving toward eternity. Amen. That means we are moving toward the glories. As we are moving through the glories, we can’t help but to walk through them. Glory to God! Alleluia! Faith in God.

I want you all to stand to your feet. I think it’s just great, don’t you? What I am going to do tonight, I want about 20 or 25 of you that really need something. If you are here tonight, get over here. If you need salvation, it says how can you escape if you neglect so great a salvation! Today is the day of salvation. It says seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of these things shall be added to you. Those listening to this cassette, give your heart to the Lord. As you play this [cassette] to people, saving their hearts and bringing them into the kingdom of God, He will bless you. I will be praying for the sick. I am praying for salvation, praying for problems, no matter what it is, come on. As you begin to line up, I will pray for you and God will bless your hearts. How many of you feel good in your soul here tonight? I felt the leading to go over in that direction tonight to pray for the sick because the way He brought that sermon in here, it’s just like a cloud here. Amen. Glory to God! Can’t you feel all of that where you are? If you are dead, I will pray for you. You can’t help but get something. He is all around [and] over me. He does it. It’s just kind of magnetic. It’s vibrating. He is really wonderful. The Holy Spirit presses upon you. You know it and He comes in various manifestations. Sometimes when you are praying for the sick, those people will feel different things—in many different ways, He will come. He’s got a way for everyone of you. He can touch you in a different way, each individual on this earth. He is marvelous! Can you say praise the Lord! He has certain ways, He touches many people the same way, but He is the Lord. He is Infinite.

Come on down here and I am going to pray for every one of you here tonight. Come on down here in the front. Turn your heart over towards the Lord and tell Him what you want. Are you ready? Don’t forget this message tonight. It will bless your heart because it is a reality, not a fantasy. It is a reality saith the Lord. Glory to God! Come on into His dimension. Come on into the power of faith, supernatural faith. Enter into Him like Elisha said, look around you, it is a supernatural power. Open up their eyes, Lord, into the dimension of faith here. Come on down every one of you and prepare for the Lord to bless your hearts. Come on Lord and bless their hearts. Jesus is going to bless your hearts tonight.

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