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This is the time I will love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live, (Psalms 116:1-2)? If you are still alive and breathing this is the time to “CALL UPON THE LORD”. The days are evil and time is short.

Men of God for centuries have prophesied or given several insights concerning the coming of the Lord. Some of the messages are direct and some are not. Several come to individuals as dreams and visions, pointing to some strange events that will come upon the world. Some will occur before, and others after the translation of many people from the earth; who definitely were expecting such to occur. The Lord will only appear to those looking for Him (Hebrews 9:28). Daniel prophesied about the end time and the death of Christ Jesus. He talked about the ten European nations, the little horn, the man of sin, the covenant of death with the anti-Christ, the resurrection of the dead and the judgment that would lead to the end. Daniel 12:13 reads, “But go thy way till the end be: for thou shall rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” We are now approaching the end of the days. Look around you and see, even the vast population of the earth tells you that it is like the days of Noah, as Jesus prophesied in Matt. 24:37-39. Also, Genesis 6:1-3 tells of the population increase that occurred in the days of Noah before the flood judgment.

Apostle Paul wrote about the coming of the end in no uncertain terms. These include:

2nd Thessalonians 2:1-17 where he wrote about the end of days, which includes our gathering together unto our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming, the falling away and the revelation of that man of sin, the son of perdition. “And now you know what with withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time” (v.6). “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way and then shall that wicked be revealed; ——but we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God had from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth” (vs. 7 & 13)..

In 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 he wrote about the translation and how the Lord himself will come and that the dead in Christ will rise from the graves and the faithful Christians who hold fast to their belief in Christ will all be caught up together in the air to be with the Lord. In 1st Corinthians 15:51-58, we see a similar admonition saying, “We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed: in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and mortal shall have put on immortality.”

These are few of what God revealed to Paul about the last days and the translation of the true believers. Brothers William Marion Branham, Neal Vincent Frisby spoke and wrote about the people of God around the translation time and about the signs and events that God revealed to them that would be in the world around the coming of the Lord and the translation. Do yourself a favor; search and diligently study their messages and revelations from the Lord. Search their books and sermons to be enlightened.

Today, God is revealing His coming to different people. These revelations and the word of God will judge the people who miss the translation at the end. Unfortunately, many people do not believe the mercy of God to them, even in their personal dreams, about the warnings of God relating to the end times. Many of us Christians cannot deny such revelations; many of the brethren God has intimated them about the nearness of His coming: but some think that can God talk to me, and the answer is YES. Listen to the WORD of God to you warning you that the period is here for the translation. Do not doubt the word of God in your heart or ears or vision or dream or the scripture the Spirit refers you to. A brother had a dream, over twelve years ago to be exact, last year. He was given the same statement three consecutive days (in a row). The statement was simple, “Go and tell it is no longer that I am coming soon, but that I had already left and on my way.” Simple, but that changes the tempo of things if you appreciate the statement. Realize that this same dream and statement repeated three days in a row.

After ten years, the brother was told by the Lord that every Christian should consider himself/herself to be at an airport terminal, ready for departure and that making and missing the flight has do with the individual’s position about Galatians 5:19-23. The scripture enumerates the fruit of the Spirit the works of the flesh. Imagine what has happened in the few months in the name of a pandemic called, COVID -19. Pictures around the whole world showed fear, helplessness, perplexity, anxiety and death. Never in the recent global history has man been helpless; governments in confusion, the medical and scientific community desperate. Politicians have no solution, masses out of work and joblessness confronting many suddenly. Lockdowns everywhere were in place, uncertainties of the source and cause and exact transmission of the disease. Worse, many infected people once in the hospital no family members could come close. Many died without family members at the bedside. No chances to wish the dying a farewell. People died lonely and fast, with only the doctors and nurses and medical personnel at the bedside. What a way to leave the earth. The difference between the unbeliever and the believer in this case is the presence of Christ Jesus in the life of the believer. Repent now when you can still talk and think and have the time. Turn from your wicked way and come to Jesus Christ and ask him to forgive you of your sins and come and be your Lord and Savior because this life may pass away from you suddenly. If you are old or over 55 years of age think again if you have not made peace with God. Corona virus situation has shown that when emergencies arrive the old people may become dispensable…

Three years ago, while praying at about 3 am, a sister heard a voice that said that the train that would carry the children of God to glory had arrived. A few weeks later a brother had a dream. A man appeared to him and said, “The Lord sent me to ask you; do you know that the craft that will carry the children of God to glory had arrived?” The brother responded, “Yes I know; the only thing going on now is that those who are going are preparing themselves in holiness (separation from the world unto God) and purity.” Take time to study about holiness, without which no man can approach God. It is not wearing a white and clean garment, it is putting on the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom.13:14) who alone confers holiness to us if we abide in Him. Purity is demanded for only the pure in heart shall see God.

Two years ago was a different one because the Lord spoke to the brother in a clear language that said, “Tell my people to wake up, stay awake, for this is no time to sleep.” Are we approaching or in the midnight hour? The night is far spent the day is approaching. Wake up, those that are sleeping now. If you do not wake up now, you may never wake up until after the translation is come and gone. There are lockdowns all over the world; it is time to seek the Lord, fast and pray and watch , this may be a little lull before the storm and the rapture will suddenly occur and the door will be shut are you ready. Beware of the cares of this life and the pride of life and the deceitfulness of riches. The sure way to keep awake is to lend your ears to receive the true and pure Word of God. Examine yourself by the Word of God and see where you are standing. The Word of God to the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:5 reads, “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works.” Stay away from the works of the flesh; that demonically lull you into spiritual sleep (Galatians 5:19-21); read Romans 1:28-32, Colossians 3: 5-10 and so on).Run from the spirit of organization as the angels are bundling the tares together for burning now, I mean it is going on NOW. Run for your life when God can still hear you: What will a man give in exchange for his life or what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loose his own soul.

Three months later the Lord impressed on the brother to tell the people: be prepared [for the coming of the Lord], be focused ( get your priorities right), do not be distracted ( be careful of the things that influence you and also consume your time and attention), do not procrastinate ( do not think time is on your side, since the fathers slept all things have been the same, even Satan knows his time is short and trying to lead many astray), submit to every word of the Lord  (obey His every word and believe His statements of promise also) and do not play God in your life or in the lives of others. Study these with the stories of Daniel in the lions’ den, Ruth and her return to Judah with Naomi, the three Hebrew children and the fiery fire furnace and David and Goliath. All these were awake, prepared in their hearts, focused on God no matter their circumstances, they were not distracted nor did they procrastinate and they trusted, obeyed and did not play God to anyone.

Staying awake is important at this time, because time is running out. Remember, Matt. 26:45 where Jesus said unto His disciples “Sleep on now.” Definitely this is no time to be sleeping. Stay awake so that your light may shine, and you may be able to answer the door the first time the Lord knocks. Stay awake by putting on the Lord Jesus Christ and making no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof (Romans 13:14). Walk in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit (Rom. 8:1-14, Colossians 3: 12-17 and so on). Be in expectancy of the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In an hour you think not the Son of man will come. Be ye ready, be sober, watch and pray. Prepare, focus, do not be distracted, do not procrastinate and do not play God but submit yourself to the word of God. The angels of God are very busy today which includes the bundling of the tares and gathering the wheat of God. Where do you stand, what about your family and friends will all of you make it in the translation?

The Lord recently (Jan. 2019) spoke and said, “This is not the time to READ the bible or the scrolls.” While I was deliberating on this statement, within a matter of seconds I had the same voice say, “This is the time to STUDY the bible and the scroll messages.” Let the reader discern for them self what this could mean. The voice repeated the scripture, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth;” 2nd Timothy 2:15. We are getting closer to the soon coming of the Lord for His bride elect. Be ye ready, wake up, stay awake, this is no time to sleep. Prepare in holiness and purity, stay focused, not distracted, no procrastination. Love and submit to every word of God, study and stay on that path and you will be found faithful when our Lord Jesus Christ shall appear. It could be today, tonight or any moment now. Jesus Christ in John 14:1-3 promised to go and prepare a place and that in His Father’s house are many mansions: That when He was done He would come and collect YOU and other believers unto Himself. Are you ready?