God is too faithful to disappoint you Leave a comment

God is too faithful to disappoint you God is too faithful to disappoint you

God cannot disappoint or fail in his word to you. I say, you here, because you have to take God’s word, to be personal to you, if you will find his fulfillment in your life. God is too holy and righteous to deny his word. “God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” (Num.23:19). In Matt. 24:35 Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” God’s faithfulness is in his word and his word is true and eternal; and that is why it cannot fail or disappoint. His word is the eternal one, who existed, knew, and created all things before the foundation of the world.

Now you have an idea why God cannot disappoint or fail in his dealings with a true believer, based on his word. Not your word but his word. According to Josh.1:5, God said to Joshua, “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” Remember that God is not man that he should lie. That is why he cannot disappoint or fail, if you abide in his word. God’s faithfulness is found in his word and his testimonies.

Even when you are going through your trials and temptations, that make you strong, he is with you to give you an expected end, (Jer.1:11). Remember the story of Joseph, sold by his brethren; Jacob and Benjamin were in pain and mourning. Joseph was facing sexual false accusation (Gen.39:12-20) at 17 years old, just a teenager. No parents or family around, but God said to the believer (Joseph), I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Next, he was in prison; (Gen.39:21) a prince with God. God was with him in prison and gave him the interpretations to the dreams of the butler and the baker, (Gen.40:1-23). Next the butler on his release promised to bring Joseph’s case to Pharaoh. But the chief butler forgot Joseph in prison for another 2 years, because God was in charge and had a set time to visit Joseph. God did not forget Joseph but had his plan for his life. God created a plan and put it in a difficult dream to Pharaoh. The dream no man could interpret; then God positioned Joseph with the interpretation of the dream and he became next to Pharaoh in power and authority, (Gen.41:39-44). God is faithful and can neither fail, nor disappoint you if you abide in his word. The Lord in Matt. 28:20 promised by his word, “and, lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world.” Joseph went through 17 years before seeing Jacob.

For God to be faithful to you and never fail or disappoint you; you have to abide in him and he in you. God’s word becomes personal to you. Then, like Joseph all things will work together for your good: to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose, (Rom.8:28). To love God is to first, acknowledge you are a sinner that needs forgiveness. Then come to the cross of Calvary where Jesus was crucified and ask him to forgive you and wash you clean with his shed blood. If you cannot do this you cannot go on a spiritual journey with God. If you can do it then ask Jesus Christ to come into your life and be your savior and Lord. Then find a small bible believing church or fellowship and grow in the Lord, through immersion (water) baptism in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ. Be baptized in the Holy Ghost, then witness to people about what Jesus Christ has done in your life. Claim the promises of God’s word that can never, fail, disappoint nor forsake you. If you follow these steps you will find yourself abiding in the Lord God and his word that fail not. God is faithful. As he was faithful to Joseph he will be to you if you abide in him. Lest I forget, his personal word to you in John 14:1-3 cannot fail. He the most High, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the first and the last, the Amen. Study Isaiah 9:6 AND Rev.1:5-18.

122 – God is too faithful to disappoint you


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