Fear not death

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 Fear not deathFear not death

Death came through sin of disobedience to God’s instruction in the garden of Eden. God created all things including Satan and death. Sin is always man’s choice contrary to God’s admonitions. Deuteronomy 30:11-20. God gave man a free will to make a choice the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God gave man Salvation through Jesus Christ but man chose Satan and sin that brings death. Death is the consequence of sin. Enoch escaped it because he had this testimony that he loved the Lord.To escape death people must flee from sin that brings death. Death is always with Satan. Christ tasted death for us that death should have no power over us. What is death? It is spiritual separation from God. God has instruments of honor and dishonor. Those who make it to Paradise and heaven are instruments of honor. Those that go to hell and lake of fire are instruments of dishonor. They did not honor the word of God. Remember the pale horse rider his name is called death and he’ll followed him. Death is total separation from God. God created death because as All knowing God, he knew what Satan would do in heaven and on earth. And that as he deceived some angels in heaven to follow his ways so he has done and is still doing on earth deceiving people and they follow him. Imagine that Christ reigned on earth for 1000 years with the devil in the bottom less pit and yet after the millennium he Satan still deceived the people to follow him to come against God Jesus Christ. What option had Christ than to burn the m up and get them into the lake of fire with the white throne in session. Then the last enemy death and he’ll and Satan were all cast into the lake of fire, Rev. 20. To the vessels of honor bodily death is nothing but going to sleep and arriving in Paradise till the translation moment. But to the vessels of dishonor it is anguish and pain both in he’ll and the lake of fire. While on earth we should concentrate and concern ourselves with pleasing God, winning souls, delivering people announcing the soon to occur sudden translation. Yes you may be saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, but Paul said in Philippians 2:12 that we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling. You see it is surprising to see both the apostles and Paul, who the Lord worked and walked with and were more sure of their salvation than any of us, but they worked and walked as if their lives depended upon following the Lord with all their lives and strength and all they had. Today the average Christian in pleasure and comfort thinks heaven is going to be handed to them without finding from God, saying Lord what would you have me to do. God gas not changed. He lived on earth and gave us examples in every way of how to work with God. He even died in our place so that when we are saved like the apostles we then begin a meaningful journey and purpose of coming to earth. God is neither lazy nor slothful. God created death to punish sin and through death he would deliver all mankind who will believe. In Rev. 1:18 Jesus Christ said, And have the keys of he’ll and of death. Remember death was created; death has a beginning Genesis when he came into action and has an end Rev. 20:14, And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. The first death kept men in bandage and fear all their lives until Jesus Christ came and defeated him on the cross. Satan tried to manipulate death but both of them ended in the lake of fire and all whose names were not found in the book of life. That is the second death and final separation from God. God is all wisdom. Fear God and give him all the glory. He has the key to everything besides, all else including Satan, hell and death and those that reject the gospel of Jesus Christ were created but Jesus Christ is eternal and has given every vessel of honor eternal life through salvation found at the cross of Calvary where the King of glory paid the price for out eternal Salvation whereby we have eternal life. Only Jesus Christ dwells in immortality. Soon we the vessels of honor through and by Jesus Christ will be made manifest at the moment of the translation any moment now. Finally, death in Rev. 9:6 death ran away flee. Refused to accept more people. Also in Rev. 20:13, he’ll and death delivered the dead that were in them. Death is only a way and holding cell for the lost. The faithful saved died in Christ Jesus and when that is the case death is only a door to paradise, he’ll cannot hold the faithful Vessels of honor made by the atoned blood of Jesus Christ and sealed by his Spirit, the Holy Ghost until the day and moment of translation when the dead in Christ will rise first and we who are alive AND remain in the faith will join them and we shall all meet the Lord in the clouds of glory and mortal shall put on immortality. Then shall be brought to pass 1st Corinthians 15:55-57. O death, where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ amen.

161 – Fear not death