Away from your duty post at this end of time

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 Away from your duty post at this end of timeAway from your duty post at this end of time

There are many Christians today who are missing or asleep or inactive at their duty posts. A Christian is a soldier of Jesus Christ and has been commissioned to preach the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. Sadly, there are many preaching, but not the message of the true gospel. Many have developed their own gospels and many people have flocked to and are looking up to them instead of Christ. Some of their gospel has turned the supposed flock for Jesus to be nested in Satan’s snares and are trapped in delusion and deceptions.

Several preachers are missing from their duty post by preaching a different gospel, containing a different message. By doing so, they are missing in telling the truth of the gospel of heaven. In the same vein many elders and deacons have followed the pernicious ways of their absentee pastors or G.O’s; in their convoluted visions, prophecies and messages that only create more doubts in the believers. These elders and deacons are supposed to hold the mystery of the faith if they are faithful at their duty posts. When the elders and deacons in a church are missing, sleeping or inactive at their duty posts, the church is ominously sick. Study, 1st Tim. 3:1-15 and see if God will be pleased with you as an elder or deacon. Examine yourself and see if you are active and at your duty post. God is the rewarder and He is on his way and has his rewards with him to give every man according to how their work shall be.

Not even the laymen are exempt, because the gospel commission is to every believer. But many Christians today are either spiritually or physically away from their gospel duty post or both. Many Christians are in uniform, but they are away from their duty posts. According to 2nd Tim. 2:3-4, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” The Christian race and life is war and we cannot afford to be away from our duty post. Remember Moses at his duty post, Exod. 17:10-16. If Mose were not at his duty post many would have lost their lives; and could be counted a disobedience to God’s word, to him and Israel. Today we have a more sure word of prophecy, go ye into all the world and preach the true gospel. While on earth there is no room for permission to abandon or yield your duty post to the enemy, satan.

Consequences for missing from our duty post include dismissal. For a Christian to be dismissed is almost a matter of choice that most make; such as backsliding, friendship with the world, both listening and dancing to another drummer or gospel. These days there are many gospels and the commonest amongst them are social gospel, prosperity gospel, popularity gospel and much more. To achieve any of these you must be absent, or asleep or inactive at your duty post. Remember, no man is indispensable in the duty of God, if you show unfaithfulness.

These days of much electronics, it is no longer being away from your duty post; it has gone to the level of desertion. Which is willful abandonment of a person’s duties or obligations; especially to the lost, new converts, family and the body of Christ: Especially in these last days when the devil and his agents are doing all in their power to lead many to hell. Many preachers during elections totally abandon the sincerity of the gospel to become Levites to different candidates. This even rises to the level of sabotage; as these Levites of men fight one another, abandoning their duty posts and fully in the camp of the devil. Still wearing their uniforms and some carrying their bibles and producing prophecies from the pits of hell. God surely is merciful. Many of their flock were neglected and many fell victims of war with the devil; all because supposed Christians turned their back on God, but still remained on the pulpit.

Sabotage is Satan’s tool, which is the act of intentionally trying to stop someone from achieving something (Salvation) or to stop something from developing (like preparing for the Translation). Remember Rev. 2:5, “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first work; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” Desertion results in complete solidarity with satan and without repentance, they are bewitched, they will miss the translation and the lake of fire is certain; all because they went from being absent to desertion and some to missing (total integration with satan) away from the gospel duty post.

What is the worth of your life; what will you give in exchange for your life. When you hear “life”, it does not mean sleeping and waking and going about your daily businesses; no, it means where you will spend eternity. That is the real life, will it be eternal life (John 3:15-17; 17:3 and Rom. 6:23) or eternal damnation (Mark 3:29; Rev. 14:11 and Matt. 25:41-46). The choice is yours to remain functional at your gospel duty post or go on AWOL; or be a Deserter or be Missing. Repentance is the only way to make it right before it is too late. Or you may decide to sabotage the gospel of heaven with Satan and be missing from heaven and damned in the lake of fire finally.

Time is short, in an hour ye think not, Jesus Christ will come, suddenly, in a twinkling of an eye and it will all be over and too late for many to change, the salvation gate of opportunity is shut. We are at war with Satan and he does not think good for you. But Jesus said, in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the thoughts I have towards you, not of evil but of good to give you an expected end,” (heaven). Return to active duty through repentance from dead works. Be aware of this world, no matter how beautiful it may look to you now; it will pass away and has already been commissioned to be burnt by fire from God, (2nd Peter 3:7-15).

Jonah when he refused to go to Nineveh and left his duty post in a ship, he was gone AWOL; but in the belly of the big fish he cried out to the Lord in repentance, after 3 days and nights. He had time in the belly of the fish to think his salvation over. When he came out of the fish, back to Nineveh, he preached the gospel from his duty post. Where are you at your duty post; doing the bidding of the Holy Ghost or in the camp of the devil. Are you on AWOL, a Deserter, Missing, a Saboteur or a Faithful soldier at his duty post, active for the Lord. The Choice is yours.

173 – Away from your duty post at this end of time