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The Holy Spirit is the liquid word. There is a deeper faith than just receiving healing; a faith that will get you into the translation, a faith where you will be called one of the sons of God. How do you praise the Lord the most? The way that you praise the Lord in the highest is to say that Jesus Christ is God. He is the Eternal One. At the end of the age, many people are going to see the light. They are going to know who Jesus is. As the age closes, the Lord will move on the ones that He is going to take away. There will be a mighty outpouring on the ones He is going to take out of here. The elect and the man-child mean the same thing. We are the elect of God. The 144,000 Jews that will be sealed are also the elect of God. But the real elect is the Gentile bride. The people that are really God’s people will listen to the word. You know they are not the children of the Lord when they won’t listen to God’s word. But the real children of God believe the word of God. They believe the prophets.

  1. The elect of God—Satan will move prieš them to oppress them in every way possible. He will try to slegia you, make you feel bad and get you toli from the word of God. He knows you are getting close to the translation and to a puikus He is going to do his geriausias, but he is going to prarasti. Jesus is going to laimėti.
  2. Krikščionis karas—Satan’s triukas is to get the mind of the elect off the žada of faith. He will apvažiavimas them, get the Christian nuo Some people worry about tomorrow. That is akin to human nature. However, Satan’s trick is to put a našta on you so that it is difficult to veikti dvasioje.
  3. I was praying and I paprašė the Lord why people nerimauti about tomorrow. The Lord spoke to me, “When people worry about tomorrow, they are not where they should be with me today (in faith).” That is the truth (Matthew 6: 24). The Christian should pray to be gone and not worry about tomorrow. The best thing you can do is to get yourself in figūra šiandien rytojui. If you are with the Lord today, with the power of faith, you can wipe out the fear and worry about tomorrow. Praise the Lord, get the day under control. Then, you will be paruošta for tomorrow. If you allow worry to stack up, it becomes so sunkus that your faith is not able to put it off.
  4. Ephesians 6: 12 – 18 speaks about the Christian warfare. “For we kovoti not against flesh and blood, but prieš principalities, against powers,…(v. 12). Someone might offend you, but your warfare is not against flesh and blood but against the power that is behind that.
  5. After listing the dvasinis armor and weapons that we can use to defeat the foe, Paul shows the Christian how he can put the ginklai into motion by praying in the Spirit (v. 18). When you begin to pray in the Spirit of God, the Dvasia can do a lot better than you can. He can Tikėti a lot better than you can.
  6. Leisti the Holy Spirit to move in your giria ir savo Tikėjimas. He can believe beyond mortal conception. He can handle anything better that you can yourself. He will even melstis for things that you don’t žinoti In a few words that He prays per you, He can handle so many things all over the world including your own problems.
  7. There are great promises in Psalm 37. Read this psalm and study it. My business is to pristatyti and get the people pasirengęs for the Lord. Psalm 37 shows the happy state of the godly and the trumpas-gyveno prosperity of the wicked.
  8. “Fret not thyself because of evildoers…” (v. 1). Fear has to depart, so faith can get full rule. When faith gets pilnas rule, it will Dominuoti anything that gets in its way, any evil power. In order for you to move kalnai by faith, you must have a atleisdamas Tu must forgive or you will not be forgiven. You must have a heart of forgiveness that will siurprizas you yourself. You must have a heart of dieviškas mylėti. A forgiving heart will cause you to have greater faith in God and greater power to move mountains out of the way.
  9. “Fret ne thyself because of evil doers…” Evil doers may cause you to fret, for example on the job. Problems with your children may cause you to fret. That’s the devil. When he causes you to fret, he pavagiasi the victory from you. Don’t fret. The evil doers will “be cut down like the grass and nudžiūti as the green herb” (v. 2).
  10. Aš ne kuris how much an evil doer prospers, one Christian with one pažadas is more than what he will ever be. No klausimas how rich a man is, he negali buy back the praeitis. Remember the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man tried but failed to buy back the past (Luke 16: 24-29). When a Christian gets to heaven—Eternal–that is, yesterday, today and tomorrow is with him, standing with him right there. Ne envy evil doers. God will palaiminti you in His own laikas.
  11. "Pasitikėkite in the Lord, and do good…”(Psalm 37: 3).
  12. "malonumas thyself in the Lord…” (v. 4)
  13. "įsipareigoti thy way unto the Lord…” (v. 5
  14. Commit, trust, delight thyself in the Lord. Don’t leisti Satan to pavogti your faith, you shall have the norai of your heart. You turėti a master builder, a great teacher, the Lord Jesus Christ. Those that listen to His word are considered protingas and those that will not listen are kvailas. They are built upon sand and are blown away.
  15. Delight, commit and trust, He will bring it to pass. Here is the raktas: Poilsis in the Lord and wait kantriai for Him (v. 7). He said “fret not” twice. Susierzinimas ir nerimas is not waiting for anybody. If you are fretting about rytoj, how can you wait patiently for the Lord today? These are the words of išmintis siekiant padėti jums. I am only a man; God is Eternal. What He says goes. He will bring the atgimimas to those who are waiting for Him.
  16. Pasitikėkite can be short-term or long-term. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. nustoti nuo pyktis ir apleisti wrath and you will gauti the desires of your heart.
  17. " žingsniai of a good man are užsisakyti by the Lord…” (Psalm 37: 23). God has ordered the steps and ways of the išrinkti. Though, they let Him down, he nuolat goes before them and padeda Jesus will always say, “Let not your heart be troubled.” Fear not, for your redemption atkreipia near. This is the hour of the Christian. This is the hour of your calling. Don’t worry about tomorrow. įsipareigoti thy way unto the Lord. Rest in Him. Wait patiently for Him, not only for your stebuklai bet už vertimas.
  18. If the devil can’t get you by fretting, he will try to get you another way. Satan nuliūdina people by telling them they are not nuolankus The whole church needs humility. You thought you had divine love. Satan comes around and tells you, you need more divine love. A man may get so humble, he won’t do kas for God. There was a great prophet that came and was so humble, they nearly destroyed his ministry. Just before the end of his life, he stovėjo his ground and saved his ministry.
  19. Nuolankumas is good. Have it prieš the Lord, not to prove kažkas to somebody. Real humility is the one that listens to these messages, does likewise and believes the Lord. Jesus was humble. For Him to come as a man was pakankamai Jesus did not let the humility get in the būdas that Satan took Him over. Jesus Christ stood His ground when it came to the devil. He said, Satan, it is written. With authority and power, He worked among the people. He went into the temple with a whip and dieviškas anger to ištiesinti them out. He whipped and drove out the sellers in the temple.
  20. Although, Jesus was humble, it niekada caused Him to back down for the devil. Jesus sakė, you serpents, you vipers, you hypocrites, and to Herod, you fox. To the people that loved Him, he was humble enough to have užuojauta, to heal them and deliver them.
  21. Fret not thyself nes of those that will cause you to go astray. Be pilnas of faith and divine love, you will move the satanic forces out of your way. I am not going to get so humble that I negali cast the devil .
  22. Martha, Martha, you fret about so much (Luke 10: 41 & 42). Mary was at His pėdų, spiritually speaking, džiugina herself in the Lord. Through fretting, Martha missed the great promise of sitting and hearing the Lord. Concern for the Guest was proper, but it got out of hand. Mary was at the right place.
  23. Poilsis patiently in the Lord. If Satan can’t gauti you one way, he will try kitas Bet svarbiausias, don’t fret. No matter what, neleisk Šėtonas slegia jums. laikyti jusu mind ant šito Raštų (Psalm 37). This message will mean so much in the days į priekį. This psalm will mean so much. Read Psalm 37 and other scriptures. God loves you; facts are facts. God has išsiuntė me to a people kas will recognize my balsas and the Spirit of God in me. Be drąsus ir įsitikinęs in the Lord with dieviškas mylėti.


Note: Read the Alert along with specialus Rašymo #33: The Secret of Continuous Victory


Krikščionių karas          
CD Nr. 948
Sermon by Neal Frisby:  6/01/83 PM