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This message will scatter every devil in front of you for miles.

  1. Niekas žino what eternal is. There is ne laikas su Viešpats, tikras sėklos of God will go back to Him. We are in this time, but He is not. The Lord is amžinas. “I am the Lord, I change not…” (Malachi 3: 6). He is the tas pats yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13: 8).
  2. With the Lord, everything happens at one time. We are įstrigę in time. The Lord is begalinis. When we get out of this body, we žingsnis into eternity. There will be not time for us at all. The momentas we keisti į tai kanalas, mes esame amžinybė su Dievu.
  3. Kada jis nėra things, He does them DABAR. He is Now Eternal. Everything He makes has time in it. It can happen all at once. With us, events are sulėtėjo down because we are įstrigę in time. With Jam, tai yra šmėžavimas of an eye. At the laikas He sukūrė He created Eve also, but atnešė her out vėliau.
  4. God is beyond science fiction. He is eternal. Viskas He does is eternal now with Him: your gijimas is done, your išgelbėjimas is done. Whatever you reikia, any kind of stebuklas is already there and Done. It is already in the praeitis su juo.
  5. Šios tikras sėklos of God will gauti šiandienos žinutė ir Tikėti As amžinas What keeps you ribotas is the carnal body, the time zone. To us, things/events are in lėtai movement. But, we are in His amžinas.
  6. In the eternal of God, you have your healing, your salvation. The Lord’s meilė is eternal. His gailestingumas is eternal. Everything to Him is eternal. We are in the kanalas of time but He is with us in the eternal things of God. This apreiškimas padaro tai lengviau for us to work and walk with the Lord and follow Him into the channel of the eternal.
  7. Dievas žino everything about you. Everything that has been kalbėjo on the earth is įrašytas. Jėzus sakė, them that if they didn’t cry out, the rocks “would immediately cry out” (Luke 19: 40). What they have said is įrašytas in the rocks. The Lord is antgamtinis. He is great. Satan is a melas, he is a delusion. The bible says God is able to raise up vaikai for Abraham from the akmenys.
  8. The three disciples on the mount of Transfiguration saw Him as the Eternal One. Peter said, “let us build three tabernacles” (Matthew 17: 4). Anytime God does something, they want to organizuoti. Jūs negali organize the Holy Ghost, which is eternal. You cannot spąstai the manifestation of the Spirit. You cannot trap the apreiškimas of God. It will not work. The kūnas of Christ is everywhere. In that body is the Amžinas Dvasia. We will soon be out of the kūnas and enter into eternity.
  9. Šios nominalas trap: The Lord blessed the Pentecostal movement. They were close to God but did not use all the word of God. They pakrikštytas in three gods. At the end of the age, the Lord will cause atgimimas to come and remove the denomination trap. He will surinkti His elect. God has people that need to get into the power of God. A great revival is coming to "Žaibo" us into the amžinas of God. Each organization will mirti but the people in the organization, who are verkimas for revival, will be saved and swept into the power of God.
  10. The organizations įpareigoti žmonių su grandinės. There is coming a great revival. No one can hold it back. Thus saith the Lord, the bride will not organize. The real elect will not organize. He will take us out before we can organize, because we know He is eternal. He can do anything. Geras sako, “I am Jehovah of the Old Testament and the Jehovah Messiah of the New Testament.”
  11. The three disciples were sugauti in the eternal zone. They were in the presence of the Ancient of Days. Moses and Elijah appeared, talking with Him. In a moment of time, they were sugauti viduje kanalas of amžinybė.
  12. John, on the island of Patmos, pjūklas Him standing in the viduryje of the seven golden candlesticks (Revelation 1: 13). But, in Laodicea, He is standing His church. He is beldžiasi at the door. The Laodiceans will ne let Him in. The system is įstrigę (Revelation 3: 14 – 22; Revelation 17).
  13. Another great revival is atėjimas. Power is coming. He will belsti on all doors. Some of the people will come out. His žmonės are coming out and drifting into the eternal of God. Your healing is here. šiandien is the day of healing. Today is the day of salvation.
  14. The Lord will bring upon His people a powerful patepimas. We will be in the eternal of God. He atėjo of the grave. He nepaisė death, the Angel of the Lord, the Eternal One.
  15. The Pentecostal movement is the closest of the seven church ages, with the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. In the end-time, the artumas has passed to the nuotaka of Christ. The bride is brėžinys closer to the Lord and the ugnis is coming upon them. He said at the end of the age, He will bring the full šviesa Jo žmonėms.
  16. If the three disciples had pasiliko tuo dimensija (on the mount of transfiguration), they would ne have died. To God, everything is in the praeitis, it is eternal, all at once. But to us, things are sulėtėjo žemyn, in slow movement. We are going to manifest the translation because it is already past with the Lord. This message is true as true can be.


Pastaba: Prašom read Scroll 23 Part II paragraph 3 “Laikas ir Eternity’ along with the alert.


Sermon by Neal Frisby  
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