The strange hour of the night

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The strange hour of the night

midnight cry weeklyMeditate about these things.

The midnight cry will produce the flying eagles (The Rainbow fishes), and they will soar at midnight when the oil of the Spirit causes separation and the door is shut (Matt. 25:1-10). That is the ultimate soaring moment. God will create a hunger in them, at this right time and will provide for them the right bait (The pure Word of God) to bring them in. In a moment in the twinkling of the eye, the cloud of glory will receive the soaring eaglets or the Rainbow fishes to the shores of heaven. Will you soar? 2nd Cor. 6:14-18, this will point to a serious stirring and a great separation; as some soar and others are grounded. How do you fit into this separation hour, the translation; are you going to be grounded and rejected of God or are you going to soar to meet the Lord in the clouds of glory, (1st Thess. 4:13-18)?

There is a soaring soon to take place, are you in the stirring of the nest? Persecution will help stir Christendom in order to gather the wheat of God. If you are not saved you cannot feel the stirring, which looks like a revival but at the midnight hour it is the Restoration to how it was before the fall of man. If you do not hold fast to the Lord and endure till the end you cannot soar. Some will give up their lives for Christ to soar. Make your calling and election sure, (2 Peter 1:10). The mother eagle is stirring the nest so also the Lord is stirring the camp of the believers because the eaglets have to be ready to soar in the translation. Divine love, forgiveness and persecution separates those who will soar with the Lord for the translation. The Lord said, “At midnight a cry was given, the Bridegroom (Jesus Christ the Lord) cometh, go ye out to meet Him.”

It is a strange hour of the night. Are you sleeping at this strange midnight hour or are you awake? Is your lamp burning or has your oil leaked out. It is the strange hour of midnight and every man will receive their due reward; Remember Rev. 22:12, “And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” It is late now, so be sure you are ready. The strange midnight hour has in it, “In a moment, Suddenly” and the Lord will get His own and the door will be shut. A moment is much less than the twinkling of an eye; it is like a thought and it will all be over within the translation. Be ye also ready.

The strange hour of the night – Week 17