112 – The Lord Battles

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The Lord BattlesThe Lord Battles

Translation alert 112 | Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD #994B | 3/21/84 PM

Oh, praise the Lord! The Lord bless your hearts. Are you ready for the Lord to heal you? See; I can’t keep my hands off the sheep. Amen. All I ever know. Do you ever think about that? Lord, touch all the people’s hearts here tonight. Bless them all together. We unite in faith, and we believe that you are blessing even now. Many times, there would be more problems and troubles had you not intervened for all of us, Lord. No matter what the conditions are, you go before us as you bless your people. Touch the hearts, touch the bodies, and take away the pain. No pain can stay where there is faith, Lord. We command it to go in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Bless those that need a special touch tonight, Lord. Maybe they are down low in their hearts, lift them up as the eagle, anoint and bless them. Give the Lord a handclap! Alright, thank you, Jesus.

You listen real close. This kind of came together and it’s a sermon that can go in any direction and we will allow the Lord to do that tonight. He will bless your hearts too. Listen to this tonight: The Lord Battles. He fights for us. You know in the very beginning of my ministry to where I am today, many tests, many trials in one way or the other, trials on the field. Sometimes it was the weather that we would run into, sometimes it was just satan who would be fighting to hold back the people, and sometimes he would fight in the services trying to prevent it, but always the Lord would overshadow it and intervene, and great and powerful things would take place. All through my ministry, the Lord has been silently moving and fighting all the battles for me. I think it’s wonderful and I thank Him for that. When He calls somebody and He wants them to do something, He knows what the life pattern will be until the day that he faces Him and throughout eternity. There is nothing hidden from Him that that man won’t do by the power of God what He has called him to do. He sees everything he is confronted with. He sees how satanic forces may push against him whether financially or however it might be. He sees all those things. In all of these things, the Lord goes before and silently He has always fought the battles. He has won every victory. He has not lost one fight. Glory to God! Isn’t that great?

He is going before His people today. He is going before you. In the hour we live in, it’s not easy sometimes but just remember Who is with you. Just remember that satan sometimes can make a lot of rackets. He can put up a lot of bold front but just turn around for a minute, wait upon the Lord, and just think Who the Eternal One is, Who the Creator is, and just think Who is with you regardless of your insufficiency that might come on you. The Lord will bless you and He will help you. The Lord fights the battles. He fights for us. Now to ensure this, we must be obedient to Him in faith and believe His Word. He will fight for you. We fight spiritual warfare, and when we pray, we must act, and we must believe. He goes before us in a fiery front. He will stop even the earth, if need be, to win the battle for us. You know one time the famous scripture: My little boy was out of school. He was talking and I said, “What would you like to hear?” He said, preach on David and Goliath. I said I have preached on that quite a few times. Finally, he said, preach on the cross. I said well, we get to that in every service. But we didn’t preach on anything he said at that time. But I thought to myself after that I got into the bible with this sermon, the Lord had evidently heard this little fellow crying out there to preach this and he got Joshua. That’s a favorite one he didn’t mention. That’s a favorite one that the Lord uses. Amen?

Listen to this right here. This really occurred. Even scientists today are finding out by computers that there was a day lost. This is even a greater miracle than Hezekiah’s when He turned the sun back just a little bit about 45 degrees, added 15 years to his life, and gave him a sign that he would live because of the faith in his heart. So, we find out that during this time of battle Joshua prayed and when he did the sun just stood right out in the middle of the heavens and never moved. It just stayed in the heaven till the next day, and it’s been a mystery because the Lord was before them and Joshua’s faith. I mean tremendous faith for him to reach up to such a dimension as that. That’s moving into all kinds of dimensions of faith and powerful faith. How many of you can say, praise the Lord? Listen, this is real. This is the Eternal Creator, that’s Who prepares all things ahead of time and knows exactly when to move. So, the sun stood still in the heaven and it hasteth not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man (Joshua 10: 14). No day ever was before it and no day was ever after it that God hearkened to a man [like that]. When he [Joshua] spoke, believe me, he had incredible faith and because of that incredible faith, he was able to hold Israel. He held them right until the time that he was taken out and then of course they began to go into sin and so forth later. But [not] as long as they were with Joshua and that tremendous faith. One of the things was that he was a commander. He was like a military leader, but he was a good one. And of course, he didn’t put up with anything. He just believed it like it was. He put it right down like the Lord told him to. He had the Lord of Host with him. He was the one that took them all to the Promised land.

At the end of the age, a Joshua-type of commanding will come and the power of the Captain of Host–a type of Him going into the Promised land. It types the Christian at the end of the time after winning the battle, the Captain of Host will lead them right on into heaven and they will go into the Promised land of heaven. How many of you believe that? Oh my! If need be, He will do all kinds of miracles and exploits to guide us in. It says never before was there a day before or after that the Lord hearkened to a man for the Lord fought for Israel. And let everything stand still when God fights. Amen. The Lord fought for Israel, and they won the battle. That’s a story for the children here today. In your hearts, it seems remarkable. It’s beyond science fiction. There is nothing man can do that can do that. With all their ingenuity, with all the power that they have, they’ve never been known to ever stop the sun a whole day in the heavens without it moving. You see, you are dealing with the Infinite and to Him it is easier than for you to breathe back and forth. Oh my! Because we make an effort, but no effort to Him. He is eternal. How powerful He is! He will fight your battles and go before you. But you are tested. Satan will run up there and put that front up there. He will set up such a standard sometimes you don’t know if you are going backward, forward, or which way. Don’t lose your bearings. The Lord is there at such a time and if you know how to wait and rest in the Lord unless He tells you to move quickly or something like that, the Lord will fight the battle. Sometimes it may be in an erratic, strange way, but He will fight that battle. He knows exactly what He is doing.

There is a timing to events with the Lord. He told David, “Don’t you go that way that you went before” because he inquired of the Lord. He [David] said, “Do we go up now as before.” He said, “No, but stand still. Don’t make a move. Don’t do anything. I will fight the battle here.” He said when you look across to those trees—He signaled what tree it would be]—the mulberry tree–He said when you see it drop down in that tree…(2 Samuel 5: 23 -25). Evidently, it blew the branches off and just moved in there. When it blew into those trees, it was moving in every direction. He said when you see that, that is the time to move. Had he moved beforehand too soon, he would have lost the battle. Had he waited after the trees and the things were blowing, he evidently would have lost the battle. There would have been no obedience to it. He obeyed the Lord and how happy he was to get that little bit of information and knowledge from the Lord! The only way for him to win was the timing of the battle and the Lord had them set up in His vision and everywhere. He could see which way the armies were moving. He knew that David’s scouts could not see exactly as He could see. They had won the battles by fighting in a certain way. Every time it worked, but this time it wasn’t going to work. The Lord told him to back off and stand still. He sought the Lord, and we found out that the Lord had seen which way the armies changed and moved. Then He waited until they got to a certain place and then the Holy Spirit came down in the trees of the Lord, you might say. A type of when He begins to move among the elect. Amen. Glory to God! You know we are the trees of righteousness, symbolizing the kingdom of God. When He came in there then they moved at the right time, and they won the victory.

The same thing today; events may be timed in your life; you may not even understand them. You say, “Well the Lord has failed me. Possibly, I didn’t believe just right.” Perhaps you believed just right. But perhaps as the scriptures say there is a timing of events. How many of you know that? The sun didn’t stand still three days before that time. The sun stood still at the exact time that God required or asked it to stand still in the timing of events. He knows exactly what He is doing. So, we see that it is not in our movements and not in the way that we think things up, but it is the timing of the Lord. I know this: the latter rain revival and also the events, providence, predestination in your life are timed—many of those. Now we revolve around the gifts of the Spirit and the Holy Spirit moves like an orbit in the heavens. These gifts are moving, and you can be healed at any time. Events take place in your life at any time. But there are certain events that God only knows. They are not revealed. These events are timed, and they are timed daily through your life whereas others you revolve around. Things can take place all the time by the gifts of miracles, power of miracles and so forth. The latter revival that God is going to bring or is bringing to His people is timed to the ultimate. He knows just when to move and have the Holy Spirit begin to move in on the people and blow on them [those] trees. And when He blows on the trees of Righteousness—exactly what Isaiah called the elect of God—and when He begins to move in the kingdom of God, He’ll blow at that time. And I guarantee you that every Christian who has the faith in their heart will win the battle. Satan cannot tell me and satan cannot tell you, but you will most assuredly—little children, grown ups and all of you together—you will win the battle. It takes endurance and it takes steadfastness. It is not easy sometimes. But oh, it’s worth it all! Amen. That’s right!

Let’s read here for a moment. “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life…” (1 Timothy 6:12). Notice it says “good.” The struggle and warfare that he [Paul] was in, he won. He that must be ready must fight. He must war a good warfare, God being before him and with him as he prays. I will never leave you. I will not forsake you. I will act according to your faith and how you believe me. Paul wrote this, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). Henceforth, there is a certain crown. And that Angel—no matter how many tragic events, pitfalls, and perils that were put up before Paul [they lowered him out in a basket just in time, they were ready to kill him), God went before him in the Bright and Morning Star and took him out. Once they left him for dead, the Lord raised him up and the Bright and Morning Star guided him and took him to the places where He wanted him to go. Sometimes he had huge crowds. Sometimes he hardly had anybody. Sometimes he didn’t have anything to go by at all. But yet, he won the battle. He said “I am more than a conqueror. I have not only beaten the devil, but I have beaten him from my time clear on to out, until the bride goes home. I have whopped [beaten] him to the end of the age.” I am reading it tonight. Can’t you see that? We have beaten him, and Paul beat him.

More than a conqueror means he has not only beaten him in his time, but he was fixing to beat him with his [Paul’s] word that was put in the bible. He [Paul] occupies a large space probably more than anyone else in the bible except the book of Psalms or the writings of David probably. He fought a good fight and his word, the pen of fire, has set up the church, set up the foundation—revealing how the gifts work, showing how salvation and baptism work—and each church age, they had what he wrote. In every age, Paul’s writing defeated the devil like a sword of the Spirit. I am more than a conqueror. I can do all things through Christ that fights the battles for me. Amen. Glory to God! There is a time to forbear and there is a time to move. It’s the time of the Holy Spirit, the latter rain, the outpouring. The things in your life, all these things are in God’s hand. Our faith—we revolve with God. He is in us, all around us, in and out of us, everywhere. He is in there. So, Paul said fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12). Then he said we do not fight with carnal weapons at all, but we must fight with faith and power (2 Corinthians 10: 3- 4). Sometimes you may have to have a defense to yourself or something like that. Otherwise, the battle that we fight is the battle of the Word and the battle of faith and He gives us the power over all the power of the enemy. Believe me, He is before us tonight. Can’t you feel Him turning? I always feel Him turning. I have been on this platform and felt Him turning all around me when those miracles are taking place. It’s like a turning motion that He moves around the body. Reach out and discover the Lord. He is closer than you would like to believe even. Amen.

We fight the battle upon our knees being sober. We fight by watching. We fight by being in prayer. And if there is anything that the Lord wants to do for us, any kind of benefits on the side, He will do it as you pray and as you watch and as you seek for He is really great! Then we find out here: we wrestle against principalities and powers. We wrestle against the evil principalities and powers—God has principalities and powers too—His principalities and powers and what He ordained are much stronger than satanic powers. How many of you realize that? When you have the Lord going before you, in your midst, let me tell you, it is no match when He starts turning. When He starts turning, that is all the rope for satan. He [the Lord] can really move for you tonight. So, we find out, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, put the whole armor of God on—the Word of God, the anointing and faith, breastplate, shield, helmet, and sword—let’s go! It sounds like Joshua when he knelt down. The Man had a great sword. Joshua asked Him and He said, He was the Captain of the Host. Amen. That was God! How many of you believe that? It’s the Captain of the Host and He is here.

Then we have to watch. He that will be ready, watch thou in all things. Stand fast in the faith; don’t drop. Don’t let your faith waiver. Don’t let it depart from you but stand fast always. Hold fast to the faith. Don’t let any doubt steal it. Don’t let satan in any way test you out of it. Don’t let him drive you out of it because he will try all kinds of things. Hold fast in that faith. Hold to Him and that is the way your battles are won, and God will go before you. Whether it is shortly or quickly, whether it is in providence that He moves, He will still win that battle. It is in His time, in His timing. Let the sons of night sleep or stumble in darkness but let us who are of the day be sober. So, we know the sons of night means darkness that is moving in every direction that they move in. But we are the sons of the day. We have the Daystar with us. Amen. He can guide us in the darkness of night—not in the physical night but He is talking about the other. So, we find out, let us who are of the day be sober lest temptation overtakes us, and we are snared in the wiles of the devil. In this world that we live in, you have to be careful. Young people, you must watch every move or you will bring sorrow not only to you but to your family. You must be awake and very watchful and obedient to the Lord. The bible says that He puts before us blessing and He puts before us a curse. You can go and believe and prepare for the blessings of the Lord or you can turn down the blessings of the Lord and go right out and be like the sons of the night and by doing that, all kinds of problems associated with that, even death, sickness, and all kinds of things. But just think, we have a choice. God knows which ones are going to make that choice.

This day you can choose a blessing. Like Joshua, I will choose the blessing. Amen. The Lord, He carries the burden. He is the One that goes with us. He never did say in the bible anywhere that it was going to be so easy you would be floating on cloud nine. But if you read the bible, with every major or minor prophet, every disciple, those men that are in the bible, you’d find out that there was a lot of struggle going on and the victories were great. Amen. So, we find out today, along with all the blessings and the clouds that you want to float around in heavenly places—it’s wonderful—but remember that satan is waiting around in the hour that you are not watching to get you and he will fight against you. But the Lord has won the battle. Now the race is not easy—I wrote this—but it is worth more than it all. Satan will try to trap you, but Jesus has won the battle. Now we find out in the Old Testament they were winning the battles. The Lord went before them in the Pillar of Fire. They would win the battles as long as they recognized Him and His Word. In the New Testament, the Lord confirmed it even more. He has completely and totally defeated the devil. How many of you believe that? Paul looked to Jesus on the cross [spiritually] and said he was more than a conqueror when he gave his heart to Him. I will follow in His footsteps. As an example, I will do as the Lord told me.

A while ago, I never got to finish about that Star, the light that Paul would see that would come upon him and the Star kept getting him out of problems, jail, death and whatever would happen to him. He had mob scenes sometimes, thousands would try to get a hold of him, try to tear him asunder and so forth as in Ephesus and so forth like that. Finally, the Star followed him, led him on and He went before him and set the way. He won the battle every time for Paul. When he got on the ship, the Star appeared, “Be of good cheer, Paul.” The Angel of the Lord, the same One that appeared to Paul on the way to Damascus; on the road, a light appeared to him. That same Light stayed with him, and He guided him right through. Now in our age, we have the bible and the words that he wrote, that Star and that power, the Pillar of Fire which in the New Testament is called the Bright and Morning Star is turning with the children of the Lord. How many of you believe that? Somebody said, “Can the Lord be still as we know stillness?” According to the Holy Spirit, if He moves and the light stops, inside there it is moving with tremendous force and power. He is acting [active]. He is not a dead God. How many of you say amen to that? He is turning in motion ready to move for you. You know even in the Garden of Eden, when He put the swords and cherubims, they turned like a sword in every direction like a wheel spinning, turning and the anointing was on it.

But Jesus has won the battle. Therefore, rebuke the devil and tell him “Jesus has won the victory for me.” Stand fast. Get your foot in that concrete. Let it set. Stand fast, with that, no matter what. Receive power. It comes from Him. Don’t be discouraged. Be encouraged by the bold effort of the Holy Spirit. Remember we have the Captain of the Host with us and with the host that is going to heaven. How many of you believe that tonight. The timing of the Lord. Now fight the good fight with the power of God. There is coming an outpouring already, for these things come from the Lord. Satan will move this way, turn people out that way, and the Lord will be drawing His children together. At the time of the outpouring, the miracles that He will perform, His great exploits, some we have never seen before will begin to take place by the power of the Lord. And the Lord will go before us. No matter how much of a standard the world and satan put up, no matter how much he pushes, we have won the battle already. Amen. We have to stand in this time zone only waiting to go in the other dimension. We have to stand and occupy, in this time zone, but we have won the battle. Potentially, we are in eternity. Amen. Glory, Alleluia! God’s eternity doesn’t stop because we are in this time zone. That’s Him talking. Amen. His angels are eternal with Him. He is eternal–His principalities—He is real.

I want you to stand on your feet. This message tonight—some of you will be confronted. Some of the little children will be confronted in certain instances. Some of the people here will be confronted some time or the other like the children of Israel were. God will win the battle like in the Old Testament. We use Paul as a kind of symbol there, as an example. Somehow, satan will try to go against you. He will try to put up a standard on the job or he will try in some manner to discourage you. He will try to take away everything I have put in your heart. Every time I have preached the Word, satan will try to take it from you. But believe me I am praying for you, and he cannot do that unless you want him to. How many of you believe that? So, instill in your heart this sermon not only in the time that we live in the present, but this message is going to be for the future too. Daily moving towards the revival of the Most High God that prepares the translative faith, and the power of faith that puts you into eternal life completely. He is moving. That’s exactly right!

So, remember the Lord is going to fight the battles. Listen to this message. See how the Lord speaks it. See how the Lord moves. My, the anointing is so powerful! He is great! Do you believe it? Faith and power are moving. The Lord is in motion. His Spirit is moving. So tonight, you thank the Lord and remember, He is going before those that believe Him and those that have faith in their hearts. He is all around you. Sometimes when you are lonely, sometimes when you are in despair, sometimes it may seem like it is perilous or –whatever you are confronted with—remember that He is right there with you. It is only satan that puts that block. It’s only satan that tries to make you think that He is a million miles away from you. That’s impossible. He is everywhere and at the same time saith the Lord. Glory, Alleluia! You just have to walk away from him, go back out there and sin. Still, He may not be doing anything for you, but He is right there watching. How many of you can say, praise the Lord? Remember, you tell satan when he says God isn’t near you, tell him “It is impossible now, satan. That is impossible. But there is one thing that’s not impossible, that is that you satan ain’t [isn’t] going to remain.” Amen. How many of you can say praise the Lord to that?

Are you ready? Ok, I want you to come down here at the front and I am going to pray that the same Lord, the Captain of the Host will move before His people, and you shout the victory! Let the Holy Spirit move. If you need salvation, you come down here. Let’s pray for the revival that we’ve got coming and the different meetings we have coming, and the Lord will bless your hearts. I will pray a mass prayer tonight. Remember in your heart, just feel the Lord moving as He was on the mulberry trees. Just feel He is moving in here, the same in here the same as you raise your hands because He is moving with His people. And then believe in your heart and see if some of those walls don’t fall in front of you; see if those walls don’t fall in front of you. What obstacles satan has set up; see if the Lord doesn’t get you out of that pit, see how the Lord will put you on solid ground. Are you ready to go? Let’s go! Glory, Alleluia! Are you ready? I feel Jesus. Thank you. Just reach out. He is going to bless your heart. Oh, He is great! Go with thy people, Lord. Stay with them, Jesus. My, my, my! Thank you, Jesus. Wow, I can feel Him turning in motion! Glory! Thank you, Jesus. Can’t you feel that?

112 – The Lord battles