The Bride Prepares
TRANSLATION ALERT 117 | Neal Frisby Sermon CD#116 Part 2 4/29/79 PM
My, you feel good tonight? Alright, let’s just praise the Lord. Can you praise the Lord? Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus. Oh, you don’t want to even talk, just praise God. Alleluia! Come on and just praise the Lord. Isn’t He wonderful? Oh, thank you Jesus. Lord, bless all new ones here tonight. I believe they are already filled with the power of God. You know, we worship and praise the Lord like they get out in the world and worship their things out there. We don’t want to slight the Lord. We want to worship the Lord because He is the very Essence of life, and He is the Good Rewarder. He is the very Good Rewarder. You will know more about how good the Lord is when you get there that day. But everybody that is here tonight and if you are new, we want to ask the Lord to bless you, and I know He is going to do something for you. Now, I have been praying for the sick every Sunday since we had the building open here. I have been praying for them so much, and we have seen so many miracles. People travel from all over the country and everywhere and there are just miracles from all 50 states and overseas. I have been doing so many series of miracles that the Lord has led me several times to do. Jesus is truly wonderful.
1. Now, I am going to start tonight and if you listen very closely—some of the people have not been able to hear the bible much—when you hear about the bible, you want to understand like you really should, but don’t let it worry you—you will begin to feel and know the fundamentals of it. You will know that this world was planned by God, timed by God, and everything that He does is preordained. He knows the beginning to the end and afterward and beforehand. How many of you believe that? I notice here, it [the bible] says every one of the promises of God is true. All the promises of God are true, I believe that with all my heart, and they are real. When He says He will heal you, believe just a little bit and you’ve got your healing. You want salvation, you believe just a little bit and receive salvation. If you act accordingly, you’ve got it. Ever once in a while somebody crosses over, but they are in a better place than where we are. Can you say amen? But look at the 98% or 100% that God heals by a miracle and only a small percentage that doesn’t get it. So, He is marvelous, and He is good. Some people lose what they have got, but hold to Him true, you will not be disappointed. He is a lovely God. I know that. Can you say amen? It is worth all the trials. It’s worth all of the tests, and all of the problems that you may go through. You wait till the end when it is over with and when you approach the Lord at the end of the age—at the end of time—you will thank Him a million times for His Word in the bible. So, listen close tonight. His promises are true, every one of them. Don’t ever let the devil gouge [swindle] at you. Don’t let the devil steal those promises because Jesus warned that’s what his job is, to try to steal them. They are yours, keep them. Can you say amen? Don’t give them to him or anybody else. Keep those promises, they are yours.
2. Now, tonight—The Bride Prepares Part 2. I want you to listen deeply and intently to what is said here because it deals with something that is a mystery and many people do not understand. First, we start with Romans 9. Listen closely and you will be healed where you are sitting or saved. Now Romans 9 and we are beginning at verse11. No one could write about predestination like Apostle Paul. “For the children being not yet born” [See, God already knew them before they came. He said He knew Jeremiah before he was in his mother’s womb. He knew Cyrus before he was ever put upon the earth. He knew Solomon before he came. He knew different kings in the bible before they came. But it says this, “For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but by him that calleth.” Now, you see, election is involved in all of this. Why aren’t some of you here, tonight, the Hebrews of the olive tree branch that came forth? Why are we Gentiles and why are those Hebrews? Why are other people what they are and why are we what we are? Because God is doing it by election. Can you say amen? He knows what He is doing, and all of His creation will prove it out too. It says this, “As it is written Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (v. 13). He didn’t like the ways of Esau, but He knew that Jacob even though Jacob had got that crooked spell in him, he was still a child of the Lord. And when God got a hold of him—God said he was a prince—and he became a prince. God by predestination, God calling him there. We have it here. He said Jacob, have I loved but Esau, have I hated. See; he was not of the elected seed at that time. “What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Paul said, “God forbid” (v. 14). “So, then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy (v. 16). See; now watch how your calling comes.
3. Now tonight, some of you people say, “Well, I just felt led to come here.” Many times, the Lord is calling you definitely on the night that you come, bringing you to the service to hear something. He wants to talk to you. If it is just two or three people some nights, He will talk right to them and then He will talk to the congregation too. He knows what He is doing there. And so, it goes down here, “Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth” (v.18). See, He will harden them away or bring them to God. And then verse 20, “Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?” Do you tell God, why have you made me a Gentile and not a Jew or the Jew says, why have thou made me a Jew and not a Gentile? Should we say to him that formed us, why has thou formed us in this fashion? We are not to do that. And then in verse 20, “Hast not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?” See; God has His ways in all that He is doing. It says according to the election here. It goes down to verse 27 of Romans 9, “Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.” No matter how many they are, there will just be a remnant of those that shall be saved. He will see to that. He doesn’t care how much they have expanded. He doesn’t care how many of them came upon the earth, He still promised that a remnant will be saved and that shall be according to the Word of the Lord. You say, how about the others? Why did God cast them off? Because in His plan, He is different than anything you have ever seen and it shows us right here in verse 28, “For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.” Now it says this, “And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrah” (v. 29). And we would have been turned into ashes.
4. How many of you know that He appointed Abraham on the hill and he was there. And you say, doesn’t that take away that “whosoever will, come?” No, it is whosoever will come. You see, He died for the whole world, He healed the whole world, and saved the whole world, but the whole world doesn’t believe they are saved. And so, the whole world is sick nearly and the whole world is not saved. Now, we’ll never convert the whole world according to the scriptures, but we are sent to get out a group of people from the world, bringing them to prepare for a bridal party of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is our job. We are to do what God has called us to do and then witness to the rest of the world. The bible says the whole world will not come to the Lord, but then those that are chosen and those that have faith in God will come to Him. It is a deep subject and this morning, as I was telling the people, I don’t believe that once you are saved you can go out and backslide, drink and smoke and run around and still say you are saved. I don’t believe in that kind of predestination. But I believe it this way, I believe that God is married to the backslider. And I believe that that person by the Holy Spirit, He would draw them back. But if you keep on and keep on and keep on, you are only cutting the thing short. But no matter how many times, the bible says seven times seventy, He forgives.
5. But I do believe in the election seed of God whether they go out or come in—and all of them should stay with the Lord and be with the Lord—I do believe He will bring that seed in. And I believe that the elect seed to the best of their ability is known as the elect because they love all the Word of God, and they will live according to the Word of God, and they believe in the bible even if they don’t understand it. That is something that God has given each of us in our hearts that we believe in Him no matter what, we believe in the Lord Jesus. You are getting close to your healing and your salvation then. See, when you go a little way with God, He will go a long way with you. But the trouble today is that people do not want to go long ways with the Lord. Then speaking this morning, there are some—the incorrigible seed—and no matter what, they won’t come back to God. They are not even the foolish virgins who do come back to God through the tribulation, and they are not anything to do with wise or the bride or the Hebrews [144,000]. As I was speaking this morning, it seems that God will chastise, but they will not come unto the Lord. But the sons of God, the very ones that love the Lord, they will come unto the Lord—they will come unto the Lord under chastisement. And as I was speaking this morning, I told you I will get a scripture—and the incorrigible that will not amount to anything with the Lord—and I don’t speak against the physical at all, but it is a spiritual thing. It says in Hebrews 12:8, “But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.” You see, the Lord brings it this way and He brings it that way, and through correction, they will come to the Lord many times and they love the Lord with all their hearts.
6. Then there are the other incorrigible seed, and that is where the election stands. Esau, it seemed, was incorrigible. You couldn’t do anything with him, but even in that the Lord sometimes pulls out what we can’t see. Look at unruly Cain, he would not obey the Lord, and he told the Lord he was not going to obey Him to His face. He declared he would not obey Him and turned around and murdered the seed of election, Abel, but God raised up another one through Seth. And so, we see the dragon try to devour the righteous seed. Now, we see how the election will stand, and I believe that the elected group will come unto the Lord and the Lord will have them. When they come in, He will hold them; finally, they will be in His hands. That is what it says in Hebrews 12: 8 and a few more verses around here. We are talking about spiritual things and not physical–as I did say a while ago, there is even forgiveness—but it is not part of a child’s fault that doesn’t have a father [bastard] because he doesn’t know anything about it, you see. God is merciful and He is good. I know the Old Testament spoke then and it was pretty hard, but under grace it is a different thing now. And so, the Lord is merciful.
7. What we are speaking about though is the religious—the serpent seed, the old wicked one, the son of the wicked one, the bible says. But then the election, it’s not only that the election—it’s not only that the election takes in the bride of Jesus Christ, but it also takes the wise that fan around it. Also, it takes in the foolish that go through the great tribulation. Also, it rainbows out in the Hebrews which is much beloved of the Lord, the 144,000 in Revelation 7. God knows what He is doing. There is going to be a great tribulation harvest that is elected that way the same as the bride that is elected to come up hither. You listen here, God will bless your heart. It says in Ephesians 1:4 -5, “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.” We were known before the foundation of the world. He knows all about our comings and goings. He knows about the children that are not born right because of sins from one generation to the other. He has asked the people to repent. He has forewarned them as He did the Israelites. He said if you would live according to my statutes and do all that I have called you to do, I will not put any of these diseases upon you that I have put on the Egyptians, but you would have a clean slate, and no sickness will come near your dwellings. The Lord gave them those promises. What did Israel do? They broke their vow, became worldly, put up idols, began to worship idols, then the diseases began to strike. So, sin, when it came into the world, brought diseases. Jesus came on the cross and He defeated those diseases. He defeated death and He gave us life through salvation. His back was beaten and by His stripes we were healed by God’s power. It is therefore whosoever will get enough nerve and come up there. You know it is something just to get in anyway in the kingdom of God. I told the Lord the bride is wonderful and that is where I want to be but let me tell some of you and anybody in the world that will hear this: Brother, try to get in somewhere, don’t get left down through here to the seed of perdition. Can you say amen? Strive, go for the best boy, and hope with faith in your heart. God will bless your heart.
8. We are to be called up. When He says come up hither in Revelation 4 and other parts in the bible. So, we see that He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world. You really want to read Romans chapters 9, 11, and 12. Read that and you will really see something. Read Ephesians 1: 4-5 and you will see something there that you haven’t seen before. And then in Romans 8:18-19, see God’s predestined cycles, His Infinite Mind. It’s the manifold wisdom of God beyond mortal conception. That is why there is argument about not understanding how He does things, but His mind is manifold, and His wisdom is beyond anything we have ever seen in history or any universe or anything that man has ever done no matter where they are. And oh, it is by far the Royal Mind that we cannot understand all of it, but we do know this: By simple faith in Him, He will do whatever we ask Him. Can you say amen? He hears us, every prayer that we pray and even when you don’t get an answer sometimes you get an answer because He doesn’t want you doing that or He doesn’t want this to happen. But He answers those prayers. He is there. He answers every one of them. You get an answer every time whether you know it or not, believe it. Remember, it’s the prayer of faith. It’s not just a prayer, see? It is the prayer of faith; you can read it in James 5. It is the prayer of faith and if you can pray in your heart like a little child and you just simply believe that it’s left with the Lord, and go your way, it is left there. He is right there to do what is best for you and He will do it. Amen. It’s just a good message in there.
9. And so, we see how God is really moving. You know before I get off, Jesus was a stumbling block to them there in Romans 9: 33, “As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion (Zion) a stumbling stone and rock of offence [see; it offends them]: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.” Oh, praise God! People today, they say, “I will go there and get my healing. I will go out there and believe in salvation, but you know, it’s what other people will think.” Jesus said, you need not be ashamed. If you are ashamed of me, He said I will be ashamed of you—because you have a God—if you only knew that with one snap of His finger, this earth would melt, that is the end of that. That is how great He is! And when you shake hands with Him, you shake hands with Mr. Eternity. There is no better person in the world that you can join up to; everything else is insignificant from that point on. You have eternity in you, in your soul, you have stepped into eternal life. Oh, it’s greater than just a few years that you have on earth. Take hold of His Hand tonight. Can you say amen to that?
10. Now listen, we are going to read this here and this is what is in Romans 8:18-19, “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Notice, it pulsates, your glory will be on the inside of you. Remember this morning, the bride will stand close to the cherubims and seraphims. The Lord will be in awe, in power, and then forth from that will be the wise and then there will be the others behind and so forth until Christ rules the earth in the 1,000-year millennium. Then there will be a new heaven and a new earth. When I was speaking to you this morning, remember how I said different lights—how that God—the glory revealed in the different dimensions to the others will be in a dimension. It is beautiful. And to see God do that. It’s not like—see; on the earth, we have things on the earth here. There are spiritual things and the way that He does it, it’s beyond your comprehension. It has never entered into your heart, in your head, eye or anything you’ve seen or heard, what God has for them that love Him. How many of you really believe that? See; this is good, isn’t it? Alright, so it says here, “…compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Romans 8: 18-19). And they are in the sun-clothed woman here. I want to read a little bit here in Romans 8: 22, “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” See; oh, what a struggle many times.” What a kind of force and you really have to go against the old flesh and go against the old devil because he is trying to prevent this thing from coming forth here. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth –just look at the earthquakes, look at the weather patterns. Get the book, Prophecy Part 1. The last couple of weeks, almost everything that was predicted in the book, I would say half of the things that were in the book began to happen from the volcanic eruptions to the earthquakes that took off almost over islands. Great mountains in California are beginning to slide into the sea. That’s also in Gathering Storm Part 1, several years ago, and it was written in 1968/69 or somewhere in there. Some other prophecies are in there too. So, the book, Gathering Storm part 1, will show you what is happening in the last few weeks and what is going to happen in the future. So, it is these earthquakes and the weather patterns. Here, it says, “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. “And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves [those are the ones that are groaning, those are the ones that are praising God, the ones that are preparing] groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit the redemption of our body.” Behold, the bride makes herself ready.
11. It says here we who have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit, the redemption of our body. Now there is groaning and there is all of the creation in a travail right now. That’s what is happening on the earth. The earth has travailed since the beginning of time when there was an overthrow in the garden. Then at Noah’s time when the earth went out of its axis and somehow our days are slightly longer. There used to be 360 days, 30 days a month. When I do any of my prophetic reckoning that I get from the Lord, it’s going to be on a 30-day basis or 360 days a year according to the bible. That’s the bible’s prophetic clock. That’s the bible’s calendar. The calendar we have today runs 365 days a year and you can’t get your timing right because it will run short, it won’t be there like it is. But God’s time, it does not change. I am the Lord, and I change not. Before the flood, they had the record that the time of that time and anytime that the Lord would write, He would wind it up exactly 30 days or 360 days. In the book of Revelation, it comes right back, it has the 1,260 days and everything that He does, the 42 months, is timed to 30 days. Daniel went by the 30 days and the 360 days. Today, the calendars are different, but the prophetic timing of the bible and the way God predicts things in the bible to bring them out is not like the calendar of man. It is like the calendar in the Word of God and He gave it as 30 days and 360 days, a perfect cycle! Can you say amen? You want to take a man’s calendar? I know what was before the flood. I know according to the scriptures exactly how God took that. Oh, I am not telling you not to look at your calendar. I am trying to say they don’t know what time it is. Can you say amen to that? The Lord said, “I will shorten the time.” Toward the end of the age, He said unless I shorten the time, no flesh shall be saved upon the earth. They will destroy everything, but for the elect’s sake, He will shorten that time and there is an interruption of time. During that time, He will interrupt the time as we know of, and then there is Armageddon. Before they can do away with the whole earth, He intervenes at that time.
12. Now, we’ll turn to this, Revelation 12. Remember Matthew 13:30 shows two seeds; there is the weed and the wheat. And then in Revelation 12: 1-2 here, “And there appeared a great wonder [that’s a sign, she was a sign woman] in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And she, being with child cried, travailing [see the travailing there] in birth, and pained to be delivered.” Paul just got through saying that’s what we are expecting; that is why we are groaning, that is what we are waiting for, and that is what the earth is going through right now, (Romans 8: 22). We are getting closer and closer to that birth, and [we] shall be caught into heaven too. And then we see the dragon come on. I am going into world history there and I am going to disclose why there is such a struggle and argument and why satan is trying to prevent the resurrection and the translation. In Jude, remember he came up there over the body of Moses and Michael said, “the Lord rebuke thee.” See; he didn’t want that resurrection to take place. It shows us that at the end of the age he will do everything in his power to deceive you. He will do everything to pull you away from the Word of God. He will try to pull you and tell you that there is no such thing as a translation. He will try to pull you away and say there is no such thing as the resurrection. Don’t believe it. Satan came up and Michael said, the Lord rebuke thee and he pulled him out of there and took him [body of Moses] wherever He wanted to. And He will not fail any of them in that translation, but He will be there.
13. Listen: that sun-clothed woman, that’s symbolism in heaven. That means something in heaven. It shows that woman had been there through history, since the Garden of Eden producing—and the seed that is coming, those are the children. Over here in Revelation 17, you see the godless woman, mystery Babylon, that’s another seed running there. But here, she is right here in Revelation 12, a sign in heaven. Now there are those twelve stars on her head, typing of Israel. The sun-clothed woman shows the church of the ages, Gentile and Jewish. It was the Israelites until Paul took the gospel to the Gentiles in 54 AD, I believe it is; and then it seemed the olive tree, the branch, was turned down at that time and went into blindness and the Lord, by election, saith the Lord, came to the Gentiles. At the appointed time, and in the season of time that I called for it, did I come. He will come again in the translation. At the appointed time that I have called for it I will come. I believe that. Don’t you believe that? He is talking now. I know it. So, with this child, here it is right now the church. And there appeared another wonder in heaven. See; there is another great sign up there too right along with the woman [the sun-clothed woman] through the ages. So, why do we see it through the ages? I will show you in a moment. “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads [see; perverted seven heads] and ten horns [boy, it was a monster], and seven crowns upon his heads” (Revelation 12: 3). Now those crowns were upon the heads, that is seven successive world empires from Egypt to Rome to the papacy right there, empires from the time of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Mede/Persia, Grecian, Rome and right straight back to Rome again. right straight up till they split there. And those seven crowns mean from Egypt to where we are today. “And the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered, to devour her child as soon as it was born” (Revelation 12: 4). That means that the seed of the woman ever since the very beginning has stood there and each one of these world’s empires has put pressure against the woman’s seed, trying to keep them from coming forth to God. They have been persecuted. They have been fed to the lions, and they have been killed. The state has gone against them. The empires, all seven of them, pushed against them. In every age that God would bring His people, they had to fight their way through there.
14. Now we are going to the bride at the end of the age and there is a great struggle, a great travailing just like it’s been through all history, but this time it is something great, it is something different. She [the sun-clothed woman] is about to do something now that she’s never done in history before. She is about to give birth. It’s something that she has travailed. Remember the 12 stars and the sun-clothed woman and the moon, is Israel—the church of Israel and the Gentile church. That shows the church of the ages through all dispensations until the moon on her feet. The moon of her feet means she is in the heavens and yet earthly but set in heavenly places with the Lord. And the moon is a revelation from the Son [Sun] there. The Old Testament was brought from the Jews to us. It shows perfectly there. And then the woman in Revelation 17 with the golden cup in her hand, jewels, and all the wealth of the world on there, mystery babylon, the mother of whores. There is the other woman, and her seed is the seed of the dragon. She stands boy, ready to devour the earth and mark it in Revelation 13. We are seeing something here: there have been bitter agony, they have been against one another. The false church has risen up and persecuted the true church all through history. There was Abel who said, “I will do what you want Jesus” or to the Lord God at that time. He said, “I will do what you want. I will bring the right sacrifice because I really believe that I have to obey the Lord of heaven. I have heard Him.” And then here is Cain. There is the other type of religion; there he was. He said, “I will not do what God says. I have my own religion. I want a religion that [in which] I believe in God, but I want to do it my own way. I want to do everything in the way that I want to do it.” And the Lord came to him and tried to help him in every way He could, he couldn’t listen. He was unruly; there is the other church. See; there are two seeds right there. So, he rose up in madness and right from the beginning–in the Garden of Eden—he killed Abel, murdered him, and God put a mark on him, and he fled. In the things that I am bringing out in this series, this is the sun-clothed woman here. It shows her beauty and all that she has done, how that God’s hand is going to be in the tribulation too, and how God has courted her and helped her. With the power of the prophets, He has actually courted and helped this woman. And then we see the other woman in Revelation 17. She sits on the same beast here, the red dragon. It has seven heads on it, there are crowns and ten horns with crowns on them, and she rides the beast, the Roman beast and scarlet there, and the communist, all that will be mingled up into one, one of these days. She rides in there and she is supported and loved by the supporters of the earth, and they just carry her committing fornication spiritually and otherwise in this great system in there. But over here, the Lord Jesus, He courts the woman, the sun-clothed woman. See; there are two of them. They are both bitter at one another. There is a contest, kind of a challenge, and always that other church, the false church with the woman, has persecuted the seed of the other one [sun-clothed woman] and we see it all, always through history even to the days of Jesus when He died.
15. Now, something glorious is going to happen. No matter how powerful the devil is, no matter how big an empire from Egypt to Rome, no matter how big it got, the Lord God always has a seed. Boy, He has a prophet, and He always brought them through just like He wanted! He said although they are as the sand of the sea, “I’ll always have a remnant because that is what I really want.” It’s the remnant, and He will always pull them through. He has never failed the church, and He will never fail the church. He’s got a remnant right now at the end of the age, that manchild, and they are coming forth. He is going to get them. All the seven empires from Egypt clear through to Rome, all seven of those could not stop it. Man, those were world empires, they couldn’t do it! God is going to do what He wants. Nebuchadnezzar said He does what He wants with His army, and no one can stop Him. That’s right. Nebuchadnezzar ruled the third empire, the Babylonian, where Daniel was. And so, we see the red dragon, the great red dragon having seven heads and we see that the crowns were there because that’s world’s history on the seven heads, but the ten horns are not crowned yet. Did you notice that? I did. I said now wait. Here are the seven crowns, those are seven world empires, and we’ve already had them through history. But now at the end of the age, these ten horns are yet to be crowned. They are not even crowned when he starts persecuting her. However, the antichrist system is beginning. It shows ancient history in this, and it shows the very end of the age. It’s very prophetic. What we are doing now is another dimension. We are beginning to go into the future. I mean, we are going on. We have been in history; we are going into the future with the sun-clothed woman.
16. Then we begin to see this; now, remember the two seeds here. It says here that the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered to devour her child as soon as it was born—just wanted to kill it and get a hold of it. And she brought forth a manchild who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up. See; her child was caught up unto God and to His throne. Some people say, “Would that be Jesus at that time?” Well, it probably depicts that, but this is in the future. This is definitely a prophecy because Jesus as we know did not escape. No, He fled into Egypt for a while as a little child. The old dragon was after Him then. He came back and lived in Israel until the age of 30 when He went into His ministry. No, He wasn’t caught up. He had to face death. He died on the cross and then later He went up to God. So, this predicts a group. Besides that, it says the manchild was caught up, but her seed, part of her seed, is left. That’s the foolish virgins just as beautiful as Matthew 25 gives it, Revelation 14 gives another group, and Revelation 7 has the other group in there. You see these groups, so beautiful what God is going to do there. In Revelation 4, you will see the throne and John typed the rapture of the church when he was caught up. He heard a Voice and a trumpet. He was caught up around the Rainbow Throne. And the woman fled after the child was born. See; this is a woman that wasn’t exactly where she should be herself. And she was fed by God—that they should feed her 1,260 days, that is 31/2 years, and those years are determined by 30 days per month because the latter part of Daniel’s 70th week is yet to be fulfilled when the Jewish Temple goes into operation in Israel in Revelation 11. There will be a temple someday, it will be there. And Daniel’s 70th week, when it comes, will be on 30 days [basis]. It will not be built on our calendar. It will be God’s prophetic calendar that’s given in the bible. The translation, when He calls that, will be connected to each one of those 30 days since the beginning of time right straight on out as He does it because that is the way. Solar years are done differently. That’s a different kind of calendar. You know in a circle it is 360 degrees; I believe. But in the timing that God brings and how He speaks a thousand years is a day with the Lord and a day is a thousand years. He does what He wants to do but in all that He showed me in the prophetic, it is different from the calendars that we have. I believe by the very mind of the Lord, the cosmology of the Holy Spirit and all that He has, we will begin to understand the seasons and the times, but we are not to try and predict the very day of the Lord’s coming. We are not to try and predict the translation although He didn’t say we wouldn’t know the end of the world. He never said that because that goes on a little past the translation. But we do know this, we’ll know the seasons. We should not be ignorant of those seasons. During the time that the disciples were around, He said it was not for them to know at that time because it wouldn’t do them any good. But then through the writings of the apostles, He said we are not to be ignorant of the signs and the times and the seasons that God is going to give.
17. So, I believe in all of this that we are leading up to when He begins to move–in Daniel’s writings and the book of Revelation and different parts of the bible—that we’ll begin to see the coming seasons and the coming times of the Lord. You know, even the stork knows the time, but the people don’t know anything. The animals know, see? They know different things, but the people just go on their way there. Why, the greatest sign we have ever seen, the earth moving out to the sea, the weather patterns, they are signs that He is coming. The earthquakes, the famines, the drought, the floods at the same time, they are signs. He gave one of the greatest signs; it was pestilence. Have you ever seen so much radiation scare and poisons coming out of our cities? It’s all over the bible that the sign of His coming will be pestilence in diverse places. All these signs were predicted, and I can stand here and predict. He said when Israel becomes a nation again, He said that generation will not pass away until all of those things. Israel became a state in 1948, and the migration came on. And Jesus said that generation shall not pass away. So, we are at the time of the end, the sun-clothed woman. Boy, she is travailing. There is a struggle going on there and there is a fight going on. And sometimes the very children of the Lord will fight against it and push against it. But I tell you, rebuke them, this thing is coming on through! You’ve seen the struggle I have been in. You know how He chose me to do it. It’s a powerful thing here. I ignore satan and go on because God has His work. He will do it. Boy, He’s got it set! His clock is better than anything we’ve got. Here, she is struggling. And this other woman is going to give birth to a monster in Revelation 13—who came out of that pit. He sees that the church is raptured. It [the bible] says he looks up to heaven and blasphemes those that are caught up in the throne before God and he calls them some abominable names in there (Revelation 13: 4-5). He boasts of great things, and he is against the Most High. In 2 Thessalonians 2:4, he says, I am the god of the earth, and he sits in the temple of God declaring that he is god. He blasphemes those that are taken away into heaven. Read the whole chapter [Revelation 13] and you will see him come out of the bottomless pit, and that man, boy, he puts a mark on them, and they are scorched and burned! Can you say amen?
18. Everyone of us is numbered by the power of God. The hair on your head is numbered. The hair on your head is numbered, the bible says (Matthew 10:30). I will show you in Revelation 13 where it says that he numbered, and he had the number 666; he marked and numbered. So, satan’s people are numbered too. How many of you are following me now? Sure then, it’s the election, isn’t it? Some would be in the numbering of that—the numbering of perdition. The numbering of the sun-clothed woman would be the numbering of God. He knows what He is doing. We are waiting for this birth to take place. So, as we start on here, I want to get right on satan and the dragon. It shows that he is even pushed down closer to the earth. There have been several casting downs of satan since he fell from heaven. His angels are over the kingdom of the earth and then his angels run these demon powers that are making people do what they are doing. But most of his angels are running different kingdoms as we have seen upon the earth, the seven kingdoms that have come and nations and so on. But each time God pushes him down closer, he tries to exalt himself somewhere in the heavenlies, somewhere over there he is the prince of the air. But now, there is a war on, the saints are caught up, and they are evidently in the battle and satan is beginning to be pushed. Now you want to see this dragon and it’s here where he has seven heads and ten horns where the woman in Revelation 17 rides the mystery babylon. Not the sun-clothed woman; she stays with the Lord. And the great dragon is cast out, the old serpent called the devil and satan. Boy, that’s what that dragon is! God doesn’t hold any punches. Those seven world empires with the seven heads of perversion and the ten horns up there—they are waiting to be crowned—and that monster comes forth. And it says here, the old dragon was called the devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world. Now a while ago in the sermon didn’t the Lord say according to the scriptures that the whole world during our time being here will not be saved but we are to witness to take out a group and that group is in the sun-clothed woman, the manchild; and her seed is left in the great tribulation too? This dragon chases that seed too but we are to take out a group that God has called in the elect and they will be raptured. As far as the world, we are to witness to them because many of those will come through the great tribulation.
19. It says here, he deceived the whole world except those who have their names in the book of life. He deceives every one of them. Isn’t that something in Revelation 13 there? He deceived the whole world and was cast out to the earth and his angels were cast out with him. Boy, now they are upon the earth! “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night” (Revelation 12:10). Boy, He put him down. That devil will accuse you day and night, blame everything on the church, blame everything on God’s servant. He will accuse you. And the Lord just finally cast him out. Listen to this, something took place. “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne” (Revelation 12:5). That was where satan was cast out. And in verse 12, “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” And then the woman here was given wings and protection and fled into the wilderness and from the face of the serpent. And this great Roman beast of power, world-wide power would chase them there. And then, it gives the time. Listen to this: Revelation 12: 17 shows the other part of the seed, “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Now there it is, just as plain. The manchild caught up, the remnant of her seed left, and the dragon is mad. Over here in Revelation 13: 1 it says, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” They are now crowned. The crowns were only on the seven heads, and there were no crowns on the horns because they came in at the hour with the beast. There it is, as soon as the manchild is caught up, we see that the dragon then has ten horns crowned. The antichrist, the eighth head, is coming to power. There it is, the manchild is gone, he is chasing the remnant of the seed, that is the foolish virgins. The 144,00 Jews in Revelation 7 are sealed by God and protected. The tribulation is now ushered in, the great trial upon the earth. Blood runs in every direction and he issues a mark. It says in Revelation 13:15, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” His number is 666 and it is the number of a man. There comes the monster.
20. Jesus is the One that raptured up the manchild, a group that was translated. The seed of the woman was weakened and fled. The seed went into the wilderness. The dragon is now crowned. The antichrist comes into power because the ten horns are now on its head that Daniel even saw, but there were no crowns when he saw them. They are crowned right here. And so, we see in Revelation 13, you read the whole chapter, and you will see when the crowns weren’t on the ten horns here, yet they are crowned over here. That’s because the translation has taken place, the tribulation is on, and the mark is given. It’s just so beautiful and plain. Jesus was the true Lord. He was the very Messiah and He took and raptured the manchild. He got them out of the way. Now here comes this perverted beast, its seven heads, and ten horns and crowns here, blasphemy in its mouth. A monster from the other woman comes up, chases the remnant of the seed to kill them, bloodshed upon the earth if you don’t have his mark and worship him as god. The remnant will not take him, now the monster rises from the earth, old Jekyll turns into Hyde. Really, these systems we’ve got are just like Jekyll, but the next moment you want to fool around, they are going to turn like Hyde. Boy, that monster is getting in there and I mean on the earth, and he is going to inaugurate a reign of terror that we have never seen before. And this is what it says here, “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months” (Revelation 13: 5). Forty and two months—those are thirty days each. And then here it says, “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven” (v.6). See; the manchild is caught up, dwelling with the Lord and he [beast] was wroth and blasphemed heaven and those that dwell in heaven. They are caught up under the wings of God and protected. So, in his infuriation, he rages and rages after what is left, and the rest of the foolish virgins are fleeing into the wilderness. This is when the mark is given upon the earth. Finally, it goes into utter darkness, chaos—Revelation 16—then they meet in Armageddon and the whole-wide world conflict comes in there. We’ve never seen the sights before. This gives a short pictorial of the events in the book (Revelation) that will soon come to pass. But as you notice in Revelation 12, it blends into where the manchild was taken up and then the seed is chased into the wilderness. And then the next chapter after it (13) says he rises up crowned with these ten horns. It shows the new kingdoms have come into being with him as the bible gives it in Revelation 13. Now it shows the eighth head, no longer the seventh. It says he is of the seventh and the eighth head, that is, the antichrist. He blasphemes heaven and pulls back his mask. He is no longer the world benefactor, he is no longer the person that they have known, but he becomes the blasphemer, hateful, claiming that he is god, taking the very place of God. Then darkness and chaos. He does bring prosperity and all of that, but it’s of no avail. In just 42 months, the bloodshed will run for 200 miles in the Valley of Megiddo, and it gives that in Revelation 14. We see those events coming now, the kings of the East preparing. We see that already. We see what is happening in the Middle East lately, predicted in the bible. Yet more events will take place. Everything in God’s prophetic time clock is timed to the utmost, the travailing of that woman is going to take place.
21. Listen to this here. I have got some scriptures I want to read. Solomon was talking to us here and it means the same thing as we read in Revelation 12 and Psalm 45, gives us the same thing. “Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners” (Song of Solomon 6:10)? Of whom was he speaking? It was the church. She is clothed with the sun, fair as the moon, set as an army in spiritual warfare against the powers of evil upon the earth. With that moon set there reflecting the light of the sun, she is going to be gone! Can you say amen? Oh, praise the Lord! Now it says upon her head are crowns of 12 stars. This symbol speaks both of the church in Israel and of the bride. This was seen in Joseph’s dream of the sun, the moon, and the stars making obeisance or respect to him (Genesis 37: 9). Here the stars refer to the overseers of the tribes of Israel, stars also speak of the leaders in the church in Revelation 1:20. The twelve stars answer to the twelve the apostles of the Lamb, the twelve foundations (Revelation 21: 14. The twelve stars are also further indication of the close relation of the church in Israel. Jesus promised the apostles that they shall sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28) and we see also in Revelation 4, the twenty-four elders which has something to do with this. The bible reveals this to us. It is beautiful. Now what about the dragon? I am going to finish this up and show you why the great warfare? Now we have this: the dragon stood before the woman to devour the child when it was born and this is vital to everyone that is living here today. Listen to this: the devil has stood before the woman to devour her seed from the days of Eden (Genesis 3:15). Now Jesus is forming a manchild company, a group of true believers, overcomers who will rule the nations with a rod of iron (Revelation 2: 27-28) and this is a crucial event in God’s plan. Satan is trying every means within his power to prevent the company from coming forth. How many of you know that? He is exerting and he is pushing, and he is trying to get the people away from it because it is coming forth. He is applying every kind of pressure that he can apply on you. He will shoot at you from every direction. You put on the full armor which is the Word of God, clothed with the anointing of God and he will bounce right back. That’s right! God is calling for a group of people who are completely dedicated and surrendered to Him. Satan is seeking to bring compromise. You know, he says, “I can sometimes just get them and make them compromise. Boy, I am slippery, and they don’t know it.” He is too; just like that old serpent, he will slip around this church. You know what he is going to do to every one of those in those churches. They are going to get them, and that monster is going to come out and meet them. Can you say amen? That’s exactly right. You know what Eve ran into. The bible even said it was different from what she supposed it was. It was horrible after it was all over with, and she was led into that thing so slick and so smooth.
22. You know I am going to tell you something here. I am bringing this in here; we’ve got a little time. Listen to me, I saw something a while back. I am not beside myself, but I saw it. I didn’t have any vision or dream or anything like that. I was walking around the house after one of the services. I seldom ever go down to the bottom (basement) and I just felt led to walk there and they [Bro Frisby’s sons] were watching—I set certain things that they can watch on TV like nature or something. I walked down there, and they had turned on this wild animal kingdom [program] where they show nature and so forth. So, I came down there and they left it on. They got up and went somewhere to do something. I just sat down, and it showed the Florida Everglades. Now Florida comes down like a serpent and like a tongue on the map. They were going to bring stories about the animals in the deep Everglades where man does not go. There is where you have the deer, you have the bears, the panthers, the cougars, the wild cats, the serpents, and all kinds of serpents and beautiful birds. It’s the wildest place we’ve got left in the US. It’s protected there. They were talking about the otters under the water and the crocodiles and so forth. So, I decided to start watching and it showed this wildcat, and it came up there roaring and the otters would come up and there was a log there and it would dive back into the water. And the wildcat will come up and snap at the otter like that—the wildcat was hungry. It went on for a while in there. I was just sitting there watching that and God’s nature. When these wildcats get hungry, they will eat snakes. So, it showed this yellow-looking snake and it was there. The snake was coiled up and the wildcat looked at it growling. This serpent does not have any poison, but it’s protected in another way. And so, this wildcat will growl like that and snap right at its head and the snake will coil back. This is the type of serpent that doesn’t have any poison. The serpent let off some kind of perfume and when it did, the perfume hit the wildcat, and the wildcat went playing with the snake and the snake charmed that wildcat. And that wildcat rolled on that snake and licked it and was just rolling around it like that. It was like playing with another kitten. I thought “What in the world has happened?” And the announcer on the show said that the serpent’s protection—that somehow it took the appetite out of that wildcat and charmed it. And the serpent rolled over the wildcat and the wildcat didn’t bother it. When the wildcat’s appetite started coming back and the perfume was wearing off, it looked back at the serpent, and they were friends, and the wildcat went its way. I have never seen anything like that.
23. Well, Eve was charmed in the garden, but not by a snake. We know this thing was standing up. But what I am trying to say is that that devil can come up there and you may want to do something –he will charm that bunch out there in the churches and they will just whirl around with him just like that. He is going to perfume them. Revelation 17 said in there he is going to charm them. I mean they are going to be charmed there. Anyway, I have never seen anything like that and that is nature. See; it never fails to amaze me. So, we see nature is something that God has got. Those churches out there and all the people in the world are going to be charmed. I mean, Jesus said a strong delusion is coming. The snake gave the wildcat a strong delusion. The thing was a delusion. It thought it was another cat that it knew. It thought it was its best friend. I have never seen anything like it. A strong delusion is coming from that old serpent. Why? Because they believed not the truth. I said I’ll keep that in my heart. I don’t know when I will say such a thing. Well, it’s tonight. The old dragon, the old devil, the old charmer. Boy, he can charm them, can’t he? He charmed those people, and they killed Jesus. Can you say amen? He charmed them and they killed their best friend. Now it says, “Where did you get those scars? In the house of my friends” (Zechariah 13:6). Now how can satan do that to men? See; Jesus forewarned you telling you all these things here. And so, we see, satan is trying to bring compromise. He would like to get the people of God to violate their vow of separation and become lukewarm. He can’t get them to quit God all at once, but through compromise he can get more people. Compromise over here see; you can get more people. See, you can do this out there, you can get richer people. All these things, they all get together, see? Just compromise—it’s coming that way. He knows he can’t get them all at once and gradually over the last 10 years there has been a compromise that I have never seen deliverance ministers do or no one else and you have to believe it’s in the world. See; these things are coming, the delusion upon the earth. You better be getting ready because it’s coming just like the Lord said. It’s causing them to be lukewarm in the last few years. You see, the rulership of the nations was given to the overcomers in the church of Thyatira, the fourth church age. He promised them to rule if they would overcome and they did overcome at that time, the ones that He had chosen for that. This was the church in which Jezebel sought to entice the servants of God to commit fornication, physical too (Revelation 2:20). To enter into affinity with the world and become like the world and yet have God at the same time; it won’t work. Can you say amen? Those Jews would hold on to their religion and they said, “We have Moses, and we have Abraham, we do not need the ministry of Jesus. We do not need Him.” They held onto it and they would not turn until they were taken by a strong delusion, and they went on and did what was listed of them.
24. Do you know in all of this, people who tell you that there is not going to be a rapture, the manchild or the translation, they are just not converted, I don’t care how many tongues they talk. They are not convincing me when God’s Word talks about it and He Himself talked about it. I am not going to believe them. I want more people to get like that. But the people, the people, the easiest thing is that I have never seen anything like that. All it’s got to do is phew [put the perfume on them]! It’s got to be the age. Can you say amen? There is a translation coming. God is going to gather His children. He is going to carry them in there. He is coming for His bride. He is coming, boy! It’s the truth. It is right there. I have even seen people; they’ve been healed and so forth and they will hold that kind of doctrine [no translation]. The healing will stay with them for so long, but finally, it will just fade away from them. Stay with the Word. The manchild was caught up to heaven in Revelation 12: 5 and in verse 17 it shows the remainder of the seed that came afterwards, and they were chased into the wilderness. That’s your tribulation saints. I could bring in scriptures all over the bible proving He will come like a thief. He will come in an hour that you think not. He is coming for His own. I am not saying that the church is not going to go through some tests and trials and usher in that part of the tribulation because she definitely is going through part of it. But the great part of it, the marking, and the name, and the mark of beast and all that—Revelation 12: 13 shows there is a difference there that took place into [between] the seventh and the eighth head. You can read it yourself; the manchild is caught up and then the beast roars. So, we are beginning to see God’s plan in the bible there. At the end, he [satan] is trying to bring in compromise. Christ declared that those who yield to Jezebel’s seductions will go into great tribulation except they repent (Revelation 2:22). And God’s call is to the elect. In this very present time, right now, what I am talking about is for us right now. It is to alert [the elect] against the scrawling, sneaking serpent of compromise of the world—to have an affair with the world churches and the government. Stay out, saith the Lord, and come out! Don’t go near her! The deadly spirit of worldliness, see? Look here with all these great miracles. People are travelling all over the nation—bang, one thunder, one right after the other, miracles and miracles. Look at them draw back from this power. No excuse: there cannot be any. What is it? It is the spirit of worldliness that is killing them. They can’t stay near it. Can you say amen.
25. I tell you, now is the time to hold to the Word of God. I am not saying that the people that are coming in are perfect yet; no, no, no. The church has got a long way to go, but I am to guide her with the Star of God, and I am going to show them what is right and what is wrong. I am to work and prepare you to get ready because the day is getting closer and closer. How many of you can say amen? You know this one here on the series of Revelation 12, the sun-clothed woman and the Psalm [45] this morning and all this is about the beauty of God and what He does for His church. In Revelation 17 is the godless, the woman, the mystery, the killer, the murderer, the Jezebel and that was so horrible that God gave me there that I wouldn’t even utter it. I wrote it on a scroll, you can read it later what we found in mystery Babylon under the great delusion that is coming. Don’t miss it, scroll 80. It is coming and those chapters—everything there is the Word of God—how this world is going to be deceived and how the antichrist is going to come. It’s in there, scroll 80. How many of you know how He works through me? He goes one way. I don’t have anything to do with it. I tell you the truth. He just comes and goes as He wills, and He does whatever He pleases. Can you say amen? That’s right. It gives a warning. That scroll 80 gives a warning to your children. It gives a prophetic warning. It shows you just exactly that the creeping thing is coming. It is a prophetic warning that God gives to the church because every cage of every bird, devils you’ve ever seen—watch out—they will all get together in there. Everything from that bottomless pit, every demon, every horde on the earth will be found in there. Boy is that going to be something! It says all of them were found in her. Oh, hold on to the Lord and be in that manchild.
26. So, compromise, a deadly spirit of worldliness. Listen to me right now. It is time for you to renew your vow of separation from the world and those who are faithful will have the position promised to the overcomers or the manchild company (Revelation 2: 26 & 27). The manchild bride, I really believe that. There is a veil like a rainbow that surrounds her, and she is going to be caught up. I tried to give you the different sections according to the Spirit of God and it is true, and it is real. How many of you know that we are waiting for the expectation and the travailing for the church to come forth, for the sun-clothed woman to bear that child, the manchild. The rest of the seed does not get caught up at that time but is chased into the great tribulation. If you want to follow this seed and see where it goes, turn to Revelation 7 toward the latter part of the chapter. You can see [them] as the sand of the sea. They have to give their blood and their life to get to heaven at that time; they weren’t found among the bride. So, this is the message here today and I brought it out as best as I could with the scriptures. I believe that when you get this there will be much for you to digest, worldwide events are in there. I will say this, God even gave us the secret to His type of calendar. Can you raise your hands and say praise the Lord?
27. Praise the Lord! Oh my, just look out there, God! Praise the Lord! Oh, blessed be the Name of Jesus. I imagine if you are new here tonight, you don’t understand it all, but Jesus loves you. Let me tell you, if you are new here tonight, He loves you. He will do anything for you, just a simple act of faith. The message that God gave here tonight: Be in the manchild group. Be caught up with the Lord. That is what I want to say before I close. All the people that listen to this on cassette, remember that God loves you. Stay with Him. He is coming soon, very soon. When He begins to reveal and talk about 30 prophetic days, 360 days a year, and He begins to show from the time of Adam and Eve clear up to the end of the age and dealing with those time slots there, He doesn’t change. He stays right with the bible clock. He doesn’t stay with man’s clock—it’s the bible clock—then we are getting closer and closer. Prepare your hearts. Time is really shortening there. Nevertheless, I want to close with that for the people that get to hear that. I will be praying for you. God will bless each one that hears this. Can you say praise the Lord? Oh, praise God. Get ready each one of you here tonight and the Lord bless your hearts too. I tell you; God tells me, or I wouldn’t tell you.
28. I want you to stand on your feet tonight. When you come here, I am going to pray over each of you before I leave. If you need a baptism, open up your heart. If you need salvation, just say Lord, I repent. I love you, Jesus. Get the Word of God, read it, and it will bless you. But open up your heart. Get in the innermost circle of God and let Him have your hand. Come on down! Oh, praise the Lord! Come on! Get your jumping shoes on. Get your dancing shoes on. Dance with God! Praise God!
117 – The Bride Prepares