God’s Clock Ticking
TRANSLATION ALERT 115 | Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD # 961 8/17/83 PM
Thank you, Jesus. Lord bless you. Amen. Feel good tonight? I am going to pray for you, and we believe in the Lord. Lord, tonight we believe you with all of our hearts. We know that you are moving already among your people, and we believe you are going to bless them, Lord. Enrich them in thy Word no matter what the troubles are or problems or anxieties, you are the answer. We know that. Touch the hearts of the new ones here tonight, Lord. Heal, bless, and guide them in your way. We thank you tonight. We feel you. We know you and our faith is going to carry us into a deeper dimension. Glory to God! Give the Lord a handclap! Praise the Lord Jesus! Go ahead and be seated. The Lord bless your heart. Now, tonight, I’ll let the Lord lead and see if I will pray for probably, not individuals on the platform, probably across the platform. If I do, I will do a mass prayer.
Listen to this. While you are sitting in your seat, your faith will just race. When you feel your faith growing right while you are in your seat, you begin to thank the Lord for something that you want right then and carry it right on out with you and lay claim. No matter what, hold on to it and you will find out that the Lord will be with you. Amen. Tonight, I am going to preach a message to the church and let’s listen to it real close. You know, a while ago he was talking about praising, and people shouting the victory. That’s wonderful. I know [in] some places, they do that but still they don’t have God. Can you say amen? Never mind about that, but they do the best that they can, I believe. But getting into the Word of God, there will be more manifestations for all churches in the Word of God; in believing with all the heart instead of just taking it for granted. You have to let it take root. You have to let it grow in you by His power and He will bless.
So, tonight let’s go into this message: God’s Clock Ticking—ticking away tonight. You know we are moving; the elect is moving into God’s future. We are leaving the past. We are moving toward His future that He has for His church. And the devil’s crowd, they are moving towards the future of the devil. It doesn’t look good for them, does it? It doesn’t look good for the devil. I want to be in God’s future for that is the only future finally that’s in the infinite. It’s eternal and His future is glorious. Oh my! It is so glorious. Stay with Him for it is eternal. The other is only like a little vapor, a little flicker as the sun comes up and goes down. That’s all that it amounts to—satan’s kingdom. But in God’s kingdom, there is no end. It is magnificent. So, listen to this right here. I believe I’ll touch on this a little bit. Luke 21, we go down here, and it just talks about the cares of this life and so that day should catch them unawares and so forth. This is what I want to preach on right here in verses 35 & 36. “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth” (v.35). And then in different parts of the bible, it says like a trap and that the people are blinded and the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch. Constantly, the Lord is giving His warning that even nature knows that something is going to happen, but the people in their drunkenness, the people in their drowsiness–I am talking about spiritually and otherwise too—they are asleep, and God marches on. God’s clock is ticking tonight. We are moving into His future, into some of the greatest things for His church that we have ever seen in the history of the world. They are going to get left behind, we are going away. I believe that.
So, as a snare shall it come upon all of them on the face of the earth. So, watch ye therefore and pray (Luke 21. 36). Now watch–snare, see? Watch and pray. Watch the signs, see the anointed, watch the Word of God fulfilled, watch the prophecy, you see. It’s the Lord and then pray along with it that you may be able and worthy to escape these things that shall come to pass. See; they will come to pass–make no mistake about it—and to stand before the Son of man. Then it goes on to say, “And in the daytime he was teaching in the temple; and at night he went out, and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives. And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him” vs 37 & 38). Now it gives the daytime, and He goes on out and early in the morning, it has something to do evidently with the coming of the Lord. The coming of the Lord could probably be between 12 and 6 in the morning. However, we do not really know. But He is teaching, and He is teaching about prophecy. Listen to this: Jesus is coming. We want to be ready. Be alert: Be ye also patient, stablish your hearts (James 5. 8-9). That is what He sent me to do: to stablish the hearts. If your heart is not established in the Word of God, you are going to get left [behind]. The ministry and the anointing is to establish the hearts of the children of God for the going away and the translation and the outpouring. Be ye also patient. Now there is patience with it. He mentioned it again in the latter and the former rain and the precious fruit of the earth (James 5.7). He mentions it again in another scripture. Be ye also patient, stablish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door (vs. 8 & 9). Be ye also patient, stablish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. “Grudge not, one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door” (v. 9). It would be at this time when people would need patience as I told you before. It would be at a time when people are against one another. When they are bearing grudges, when there are arguments, disagreements on doctrines, disagreements on many things, and that is when he said, to be careful and to use your patience. Don’t let satan draw you into anything but be very patient. He named [mentioned] patience twice. Establish your heart. Make sure that you’ve got a good root, that you are founded in the Word of God.
Let me tell you: Behold, saith the Lord, a wind, yea more than a gale wind is coming and you must hold to the root of the Word of God lest you be blown apart. Isn’t that right? Lest you would be blown apart. A wind even more than a gale, spiritually speaking, and that gale is strong and powerful and is coming upon the earth. God’s clock is ticking. God’s clock is warning. The winds are coming, winds of false doctrine, terrifying winds, all kinds of things, judgment upon the earth. So, you must be established in the Word of God. Some people think, you know, they’ve got a pretty good grip. That won’t work. You’ve got to know what grip you have got. Even the disciples thought they were pretty comfortable at many times and all through the scriptures you will find out in the seven watches of the churches and prophecies in the bible, they thought they would get it done. You must know so in your heart. You must establish your heart once and for all confirming in your heart that you do indeed have a firm grip. That’s exactly right. Those that hear my word now, it may not mean that much. After the translation, it would mean everything to them. Amen. In just a few years or less, things will begin to change. Things would be different moving into God’s future, delivering and directing His people. The Lord draweth nigh. At this time is when He is coming and it says here: brethren lest you be condemned in those things, behold the Judge, He standeth before the door. Be ye also ready for the Son of man cometh in an hour that ye think not (Matthew 24 : 44). Things are moving and we are moving on to God’s realm.
God’s clock is ticking away. It is ticking away. Now it said before we started getting into these scriptures, it said this: As a snare shall it come–two or three more scriptures bear witness—in such an hour as you think not. You have to be very careful. We’ve got organized systems. We’ve got different types of systems. We’ve got cults and a number of different things. Sometimes in the different systems, they teach similarly, pray for the sick, teach faith sometimes, going very deep in it, teaching from the Word of God—but be careful. It looks alright, but it will almost deceive the very elect. Now watch out! All of God’s ministers that I know that have the Word of God, that are prophets or apostles, or just real servants of God have always taught against the systems. The bible has always been that way because it [the system] takes away from the Lord. It adds nothing to the Lord. Therefore, saith the Lord, I am against it, see? Not exactly the people as much as the system that ties them down and pretty soon, from listening to man, unbelief sets in and all kinds of things begin to happen—false doctrine, [being] tossed to and fro. It is a snare upon the earth—looking alright at the time. It doesn’t look like quicksand, you know, until you set off deeper. You know with the snare—praying for the sick, preaching so forth in the Word of God but not exactly as the Word tells it. You can tell it’s just not right. Things are not happening just as the Lord said. Howbeit, I don’t say too much or name any system in there too often by the Holy Spirit because there is still a work that God is doing in there trying to get [give] a few more people the Word of God before those doors shut and they flee [into the wilderness—great tribulation].
People who have been into the power of God, don’t go into such things because they’d not be the ones to come out generally. But as a snare—everything goes on like preaching the Word then when they pull it, you can’t get out. You are trapped. That’s a snare. Everything looks good. The bird is just eating around the snare, just going like that, all of a sudden, it’s trapped. Snare, see? You can’t see it coming unless you’ve got the Word of God, and you are out watching it like you see the snare yourself. You know it’s a snare because of the Word of God—there is no harmony [with the Word]. It just doesn’t match the Word of God. It doesn’t sound right to you. He has a sound to Him that’s a little different, see? But you know by the Word of God, the signs of the time and you know by the rejection of the Word and the doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ—you know that is a snare—because the bible has shown you a vision and a picture of it. Wait for it, it shall come. You watch that snare and all of a sudden, there is a translation. The door is shut. That is what it says. The snare has engulfed them and what looks like real good things and so forth have now turned to satanic, the mark of the beast. Then there is a great fleeing into the wilderness and so forth like that. I honestly believe in my heart outside of different things as the Lord has led me and revealed to me—and He’s told me not only by vision, but by dream—that many of these things would happen at the end of the age as far as I see it by the Holy Spirit of the Lord.
They say, “Who is a foolish virgin?” Many people ask that. It can be anybody that once had the Word and was filled with the Word and kind of just sat down on God or it can be somebody who had the Word but doesn’t get far enough to get the anointing. They both fit together and that’s in the last call. As you put it this way, when He calls there is a cry, God’s clock is ticking to the midnight cry going forth. And then in my heart, I believe that the two [characteristics of foolish virgins] that I named, it would take in most of the Pentecostals if not all of them that had the Holy Spirit, but let it drip out to where it is not working like it did. The other would be the ones that had the Word like your Methodists, Baptists, Lutherans, and so forth like that. They are in that watch, that’s the tribulation. They had the Word, but it just vanished away. The bride and the wise, they not only had the Word, but the oil was with them. How many of you believe that tonight? I have said it in such a way as not to hurt or try to hurt God if He has anything else to do but He said, “Come out of her my people.” See; in His body–whether they are in the system or not or wherever they are—if they once had the power of God and it leaked, they’d fit right in with the foolish virgins that had the Word but never did receive the power of God. Both come together into the great tribulation. Now remember these things are really coming and we are [going] to have a revival from the Lord that will sweep the earth as He is looking and seeking for His elect.
Listen to this: “Whose fan is in his hand…” (Matthew 3.12). See; He is working, and He will thoroughly purge His floor and gather His wheat into the garner. But first, He has to blow the impurities and so forth like that, blow out the chaff, the dry things that have no value to them, then is your revival. You can see why on the face of the earth, why the revival and the latter rain is not torrential rain because He’s not got it separated enough yet. Wait until He gets the wheat all alone. You watch then and you will see a revival. Do you believe that tonight? Those listening to this, listen closely because it is a prophecy, and you will see later at the end of the age God revealing it to me too—you will see the Pentecostals and Catholics become friends down in the age. And so, He purges and gathers His wheat, see? But He will burn off the chaff with unquenchable fire. Now let us watch this parable and see what happened here. God’s clock is ticking. Remember, right in the midst of apostasy will come the glowing light of the Holy Spirit to guide His people, There will be no easy [way] and there will be no short cut, only God’s Word. It won’t work any other way. We find out here, right in the middle of apostasy, a great outpouring will come from the Lord. “And at midnight, there was a cry made, Behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him” (Matthew 25.6). See; prepare yourself. Get ready. Things are going to take place. Then we notice from the parable there is going to be a lamp-trimming time, a short period of revival, a quick short work. You know it’s like men doing science during the Second World War, they dropped the atomic bomb–bomb after bomb, dynamite sticks after dynamite sticks, so many tons everywhere. But when it came down to it, they’ve got a thousand times larger explosives than the ones that they dropped. But right at the end of that war, after all the dynamite sticks—you may say a miniature destructive type in war—all of a sudden, they unleashed a great temperature and split the atom. When they did, a fire holocaust from the heavens, in that one time, there was more explosive power than all the war and it settled the problem for a while. How many can say Amen?
Well, it’s kind of like the gospel, we’ve been in the former rain—like throwing a few dynamite sticks here and throw a few there, but right at the end, as I feel in my ministry of power and the anointing moving on me, I believe just at the end, He is going to split the spiritual structure with a fiery power. And He is going to do a quick short work more than they have done in the history of it put together. That’s what happened with that atomic [bomb]. We are going to get into the atomic power of the Lord Jesus Christ and that hydrogen power explosion in the elements for God’s children. We are moving into God’s future and that is a good future. That’s the way I want to go, right into God’s future. So, we find out with the quick short work revival–a lamp-trimming time, you don’t want to miss this—if you are asleep during that time—there will be no second chance. Along with the slow growth, there was a tarrying time also as the Lord was in transition between the former and the latter rain. That’s like the wheat crop. You will wait for just the hot sun and the latter rain and then it will come to a head. That ends it right there, the harvest is taken in! So right in between is a transition period. And spiritually speaking, the same way, it’s like a kind of slow growth in there; they have slowed down. Now when the latter rain begins to pour just like that, there will be a quick, powerful short work and He will do it all just like that. It will be swift. It will be rapid. You know Daniel, the prophet, said there would be a rush of events, and all over the bible in different places, “Behold I come quickly.”
So, we are going to watch. It will be rapid when He begins to move. So, we are in the transition period between the former and the latter rain, and the slow growth matches that former and latter rain. And here comes the cry—see; there is a delay right in that transition period for the slow growth between the former and latter rain—there is a delay. The Lord delayeth His coming. Now, what is He doing? He is doing something. He is waiting for some more [people] to come on, grow up, get a little more over here, a few more coming. He is positioning them. That’s slow growth. He is moving around, and He is also pushing some more where they belong, in another position. The Lord delayeth His coming. During that delay, people got tired of waiting. They would do almost anything. You can’t know what they would do next according to the scriptures even departing from the faith. But the true elect ones, see; establish your hearts saith the Lord. Be ye therefore patient, you got it? Those [the elect] would establish their hearts, and when the Lord delayeth His coming, they stayed right with Him, see? The others got tired of waiting for the revival. They got edgy. They got neurotic. They got nervous. The organized system has been that way too; leap out ahead of the Lord, jump, run, anything but sit still here, you see. Be still and know that I am the Lord. See; He is the Only One that can bring it [the revival]. All revivals, when the Lord starts, man will get involved with it. When the Lord goes this way, man will jump up and do something else, manufacture something, you see. But the Holy Spirit—no matter how perfect any minister is, he has to watch what he is doing because the Holy Spirit is so infinite. It is tuned so fine, it’s a time clock that no one on this earth can figure it all out just how close He calls the shot, and He calls it close too. Amen. And it will come just as He said.
Now in this transition period from the former to the latter rain, you are in slow growth—the Lord delayeth His coming—during that slow growth, that’s when He delayed it. And then it goes over, then it hits the sun, and the quick short work is on its way. So, we find out, at midnight there was a cry made, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh, go you out to meet Him”—a short revival, it will culminate in the coming of the Bridegroom for the bride and those who are ready to go in with Him. The clock is ticking. God’s supernatural clock is ticking. Be ye also ready. Be established. My ministry has been sent to establish your hearts, to prepare your hearts. All of this preaching, all that I went through in my ministry, to see any of you miss it, sure, it will hurt. Knowing old satan, he is out to do anything at the last moment, but God’s people, those that He has called will be with Him. There are no ifs and buts about it. He will bring them, and they will all come together too. We will have a wonderful time. If you have been waiting, establish your hearts. It is nearer than when we first believed
(Romans 13:11). It is near; in such an hour as you think not. Amen. It is getting closer. He is at the door. He is ready. We are coming. So, we find out, they went into the wedding and the door was shut. The trap was sprung, and the door was shut. Those who went out—freedom—the door was shut; organizations turned into the antichrist system, cults turned into the antichrist system, the mark was issued, great chaos, tribulation all over the world. See; watch the hour we live in. Establish your heart. Be grounded. Know where you stand in your heart. If you do not perfectly know who you are, know in your heart that you are not going to stray from what the Lord has taught and what the Lord has for you. He has great miracles for you. Some of you have received miracles and have had great miracles in your life. It’s nothing compared to what He will do for you if you really establish yourself. He will really move for you like never before. God help us; let us really prepare for these things.
Listen to this: Why is He moving in such a way? That He may do His work, His strange work (Isaiah 28.21). I said the other night that to the world, to the dead churches, to the lukewarm systems, His work looks strange. The anointing that is coming is different from what He has ever sent before. He is going to move among His people. His strange work—but it is a wondrous work, the bible says, a marvelous work. The natural mind cannot see it. It becomes the supernatural that really the sons of God are the only ones that can really see what He is doing. Amen? The world doesn’t know the difference between when satan does something or God. At the end of the age that we live in today, we have the Word of God with us. Can you say Amen? Behold, saith the Lord as I pour my Spirit and as the stream of the Holy Spirit runs back and forth through my people, satan shall also let up his standard but it shall not be enough. Yea, there shall be wizards among you. Also, there shall be charmers. There shall be those of magic. There shall be those of necromancy, contacting the dead, saith the Lord. There will be all kinds of witchcraft that you’ve never heard before appearing just before I come. Establish your hearts saith the Lord. This message is not taught in vain, but I have spoken it tonight for it is for the future, but it shall surely come to pass. Establish your hearts again I say. Grudge not against one another but believe in the Most High God. His coming is soon. And as you see the trickery of the devil, you shall also saith the Lord see the power of my Spirit like you’ve never seen it before. And the words spoken here tonight shall come to pass and what has been revealed is the truth given by the Holy Spirit for it shall occur and it shall take place as it has been spoken. Watch and pray, the sign of the Lord is upon you. Glory to God! How many of you say praise the Lord? The old charmer, the old charming wizard back at his trick. It will come through electronics, books, all kinds of ways. But it is coming—different ways that satan brings it. He didn’t go into details how exactly He just told you during the moving and uniting of His people that these things would come as a great standard—they would again appear in the land more than ever before. But that is when your heart is [should be strong] and rooted in the Word of God and He will go with you.
This message tonight is right from the Lord. You may not see it all now but watch as it trends and as the age changes. Now this sermon will mean something to you because He put an anointing on here that is going to blow back satanic spirits. When you speak about a subject, He will anoint that tape and if you know how to hold it in your heart—if you know somebody who is in those problems and troubles—that anointing will break it. It will cut asunder the satanic spirit that is in the witchcraft and so forth and whatever He named in the prophecy [above], it was coming [it came] through the power of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Lord is real. Brother, we are going into some great things, aren’t we? We haven’t even got started yet. I have been doing so much in the nation and people everywhere contacting me just for the literature. People from all over the states are getting the literature. Let me tell you something, God is on it, and He will do His work, His strange work. You believe that? Now, He brought that prophecy. Strange work—satan has strange work too, but the people don’t think so. But to us, old satan’s works look strange enough, don’t they? God’s work to me looks alright. It matches the Word of God. You have nothing to worry about. Stay right with the Word of God. It’s supernatural. He is working in those thunders to go up against anything that satan might do. He is holding back some things too that he is going to put out which the Lord has saved in the thunders of the Spirit when He comes. He is not counting on that—satan doesn’t know just how He is going to do that. But when He does—secrets—He is going to really [do it] by His power.
But do you know the Lord Jesus—the Spirit fills the universe? His mind fills the universe and all the galaxies here and everywhere. What is man? He is nothing but a vapor, isn’t he? Let’s get in line with the Lord. Can you say amen? If you can catch that, you can understand how vast the Holy Spirit’s mind is. In all of His works, and just to drop a word to us in His busy schedule, we thank Him, don’t we? Now we have it, that He may do His work, His strange work, and bring to pass His act, His strange act (Isaiah 28:21). Remember ye not the former things, now go on, let them slide on. They’ve done their duty. They’ve done their work—the seven church ages—they went on passed and Israel went out to the Promised Land so forth. They’ve done their work all back through there, the former things. Neither consider these things of old. That’s way back in the beginning of the Old Testament as I just repeated going on through the church ages. But behold, I will do a new thing—that’s your latter rain, coming out of the transition, the slow growth—the Lord delayeth His coming, not much happening there, you see? There it is, you say when did He delay His coming? Right at the midnight hour, there was a delay at the end of the age. Read it in Matthew 25, the wise and the foolish virgins as we were talking about a while ago. The wise will be with the Lord and the new thing will come out of this latter rain. There is your thunders, as sure as anything. Forget the past, the former and the old times for I will do a new thing now. Glory to God! Behold, I will do a new thing now. It shall spring forth—meaning you know how to spring forth—are you still with me? It springs, it just jumps out there. It will spring forth, shall ye not know it? Well, He’s told us here tonight. Now it shall spring forth, shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness (Isaiah 43: 18 & 19). Oh, amen? Remember what we are going to bring about there. We are going to bring about the last work on this earth confirmed by three or four major men of God back hundreds of years ago coming on up into our age, newer ones [men of God], how that the work of the Lord will end and how they depicted it. I won’t tell you tonight because I promised to get on to that message. I have it in a message that will come.
And God’s new things—how He will move across the earth here. I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Where it just looks like the Word of God cannot get a grip, where it just looks like it’s dry in spirit, oh, and rivers in the desert. Can you say praise the Lord? We are going to have a revival. He is moving. Where there was hardly anything moving even in this area [Phoenix, Arizona], things are happening while I go about my work in the nation and everywhere else in the mail and publishing and sending literature and audiocassettes right here in this headquarters. Establish your heart. Be patient therefore for the former and latter rain. How many of you believe that? Waiting for the precious fruit. Establish your heart because you are going to need it—because the wind and the gale are going to blow. When you are established, the devil can blow all he wants, the devil can say all he wants, and do what he wants, but it isn’t going to make a difference because He [the Lord] has got you there. So, we find out, I will do a new thing–and it said in the wilderness, in the desert—it doesn’t make any difference about how dry people are or what about them. He is going to have His way and there will be plenty of water which means the Holy Spirit and it means that it is a symbol of the Spirit of God in salvation. It is in the latter rain. Now the beast of the field shall honor me, the dragon and the owl because I give water in the wilderness (Isaiah 43: 20). Now listen to this: He separates it again—and rivers in the desert to give drink to my people, my chosen people. He breaks away from the spiritual back to the natural. You can see it right away there.
But then He says to my chosen people, I give them this. These people have I formed for myself. They shall show forth my praise. Amen. A great people, a strong, there has not been any like them (Joel 2: 2). How many of you believe that? And then it goes on about Joel’s army, the Lord’s camp is great. You remember the sermon on Sunday? Launch out now. See the prophetic eagle go across the set [TV screen on the videos] You see me covering just as it was prophesied not even knowing it was coming. Then the sermon, Launch out into the Deep. He knows where those fish are. Break the nets and the boats began to sink. They had to call [for help] (Luke 5: 4 – 7). There is plenty for everybody to do. At the end of the age, among God’s elect there are going to be a lot of those that really love God. Get busy. Stablish your heart in the Lord. Revival is coming. We are in the period, in the slow growth, the transition period. The Lord delayed His coming, Matthew 25 there. And then when they went to sleep, He came. During that revival of great power, the midnight cry, that’s when they went to sleep, and the others got that revival. He is going to sweep this earth seeking for His elect while they are asleep. Glory to God! We know where many of them are and then the snare—then it is too late. Keep your eyes on the signs. Keep your eyes on the Word of God. Keep your heart full of His Word. Jesus is coming, be ready. God’s supernatural clock is ticking and it’s ticking each day. We are getting closer to it.
My, what a time the Lord has for His people! I want you to stand on your feet here. Stay with the Word of the Lord. Strange work—a marvelous work, a great work, a new thing—it shall spring forth, shall ye not know about it? Not only in that scripture, but there are numerous scriptures that say the same thing. Then it gets into the book of Revelation as it goes on out into the future speaking of how God comes to His people and such great people and such great power–before the antichrist comes upon the earth—how He gathers them. Come up hither! We are getting into a real revival, and He is going to give a new thing. It might be strange to the world, but it’s going to be powerful. It is coming from the Most High God and there will be miracles matching the Word of God and matching what the Lord has for His people. How many of you are ready for it? You know, Lord, I can’t get out. I was in—that boat [I was in] with Him on Sunday night—launched out into the deep. I am still in there with Him. Can you say amen? In Simon’s boat—they got into the boat—they were astonished. They didn’t know what to do with it. Such a miracle took place there. He could have told them—just a little while when I calm the storm and this boat appears on land without going anywhere, you just wake up there and you will see a miracle. Time and space—it was about 4 or 5 miles in the middle of it [the sea] and it says when He calmed the storm, immediately—in the translation, it means all at once—they were at the bank and there was no more storm (John 6: 17-21). See; time and space ceased for the Almighty. Glory to God! That’s really transportation, isn’t it?
Well, the Lord said this to my heart. The translation is in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the same thing. There is no difference to Him [whether] we take a boat over there or leave to meet Him. Can you say amen? And it says in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye—changed! What manner of Man is this? His mind fills the universe. He is really great! You reach out here tonight. This is lamp-trimming time; quick, short, great revival. I want 20 people on this side. I am going to pray for you. I am going to anoint you tonight and have God bless you. Then I am going to turn and pray for the entire audience. You allow the oil–you get that? You know the lamp trimming–quench not the Spirit, saith the Lord. Allow that oil to come through there and He’ll light it up in the Holy Spirit. Glory to God! Lamp-trimming time. Let that oil, let it loose, let it flow back through there. See; the others in the system were blocked. The lamp-trimming time tonight; we’ll have revival. I want this to come on the people as I pray for them. Just open up your heart and believe God for a deluge of His power and He will bless you. A sure anointing here to bless you tonight. He will guide you.
A fresh message from the Lord and a good one! You in the audience can gradually begin to praise the Lord. If you are new. If you are new and you need salvation, come down here and give your heart to the Lord. The rest of you, come down here and this is a lamp-trimming revival. Get that oil moving, establish yourself, saith the Lord. Establish your heart with the Lord Jesus once and for all. Get a firm grip; know where you stand with Him. Tonight, allow the oil of the Holy Spirit anointing to sweep through your heart. You can shout the victory because there is victory in the camp of the Lord tonight. Alright, are you ready? Let’s go!
115 – God’s Clock Ticking