109 – After Translation – Prophecy

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After Translation – ProphecyAfter Translation – Prophecy

Translation alert 109 | Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD #1134

Thank you, Jesus. The Lord bless your hearts. Ready tonight? Let’s believe in the Lord. How great He is and how wonderful He is to His people! And we have His divine love overshadowing us in the Cloud of the Living God. Thank you, Jesus. Lord, touch your people tonight. I believe you are all around us right now and I believe your power is ready to do whatever we ask and believe in our hearts. We command all the pains, Lord, and any worries and anxieties to depart. Give thy people peace and joy—the joy of the Holy Spirit, Lord. Bless them together. Anyone here tonight, let them understand the power of thy Word in their life. This is a time, Lord, that you called such a one to the Lord to live for you. Time is running out and we know that. Thank you, Lord, for leading us this far and you are going to guide us all the way. You never did start a trip unless you finished it. Amen.

Give the Lord a handclap! Praise the Lord Jesus! Go ahead and be seated. The Lord bless you. Amen. Are you ready tonight? Well, it’s really great. We’ll get on this message here and we’ll see what the Lord has for us. I believe He is going to really bless your hearts.

Now, After the Translation. We speak quite a bit about the translation, the second coming of Christ, the end of the age and so forth like that. Tonight, we are going to talk a little bit about after the translation. What is it going to be like for the people? Just a little bit on that tonight. And we are going to have other mysteries and little short subjects as the Lord leads me. You listen real close. The anointing is powerful. No matter what you need out there in the audience, no matter what you want the Lord to do for you, it is right here tonight. Do you know right now in the time we are living in, we’ve got crimes, we’ve got terrorism, nuclear threat around the world, economic problems all over the world, and hunger? These problems are pushing the people toward a global system and they are pushing them right in the wrong direction. Then after that will come the great tribulation. But before this, we will have the catching away.

Listen to this right here. “For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.” That’s 1st Thessalonians 4:17 and it goes on to say that the trump of God shall sound, and we who are alive upon the earth are caught up! We disappear with the Lord. We go into a dimension with Him, and we are gone! And then after that, after the translation, then upon the earth, it will be like a science movie to some people, like a fiction that is taking place, but it is not. They will see the graves evidently open. There will be people who are missing in their families, Some children, youths—many miss their mothers, the mothers may miss the youths. They will look around and see all these things. Something has occurred upon the earth. Satan will try every way to startle them away from what is taking place. He knows what is taking place and he blasphemes God after it has taken place. Moving into the age with science, people will say, “You know when that takes place, when we have the cars on the highways and the airplanes, no way they will just go up and go down [crash] and so forth and the pilots in them like that. Now, with the electronic systems that we have, our highways will probably be electronically controlled. There would be fewer accidents than many people thought would take place. However, there will be some. The air controllers and the planes are controlled by computers and so forth. As the age closes, it would be a great electronic system upon this earth. There would be a void, saith the Lord, a missing feeling. Oh, oh, oh! It would be there too, no matter what they tried to do and especially those that just missed it by not believing in the Word of the Lord, and in the anointing and power of His oil of the Spirit, and what He gives in the bible, see?

Matthew 25 begins to tell us exactly. The door was shut and the ones that were willing and awake and heard the messages of the Lord–wanted to understand them and were expecting the Lord—those are the ones that it did not slip on. How many of you believe that tonight? To some, it would be solemn—you know, they had salvation and they decided that that was as far as they wanted to go with the Lord. And the Lord in the bible, in the Holy Spirit, telling about the miraculous power they’d need to get out of here, about the great faith that would come out of great powerful anointing. Without that faith, you will not translate, saith the Lord. Oh, so we see something else, a great substance is behind that. No wonder He said, come on in deeper, get in on here deeper and deeper. Now, there is a great tribulation for some of those that have salvation, and that is—some people explain it in many different ways. I believe myself that people that have once heard the Pentecostal message, the proper way that it is preached in the power of the Lord, and they think they are one of those that will make it through or survive the great tribulation—I wouldn’t think that way at all. It would probably be people that didn’t know anything about the blessing of the Lord because they would [might] fall into something that is similar or false and so forth and they would be deceived away from the Lord [during the tribulation]. Now, who those people are is only known to the Lord the same as He knows the elect, He knows everyone of them. How many of you believe that? We may not know each individual or who is the elect, but the Lord won’t miss any one of them and He knows.

So, a solemn—to them [tribulation saints]. They won’t know what to do and this is after the translation. Now, you say, “I wonder what would be going on?” Well, the bible itself, the Lord revealed to us what one part of it would be like. You remember when the prophet Elijah was translated, taken away like that! And Elisha was left down upon the earth there and the sons of the prophets. We know what happened. The bible said they ran out and began to laugh and to mock and to make fun. At the end of the age, you are going to see those that knew the Lord, some of them didn’t get to go to church, but they knew all about the Lord, it’s going to have a solemn effect upon them. Many of them would give up their lives during that time. Only God knows who those are. It would be a solemn effect while the others would laugh it off. Some would say, “You know, we have been seeing some of these flying saucer lights and these things here. Maybe they just picked them all up.” Maybe, they did [Bro. Frisby chuckled]. Aww, how many of you are still with me? We don’t know how the Lord will do it, but He is going to come and get us in light, and He is going to come in great power. Like they did with the prophets, the Lord showed us in symbolism, 42 youths, 42 months of tribulation, and two big bears, and it said the prophet could no longer stand it. God moved upon him and when He did, He brought the bears out of the woods and the youths were torn and slain for laughing and mocking about the great translation that had just taken place.

So, that revealed to us what is going to happen with the great bear, the Russian bear, at the end of the tribulation. It also reveals the laughing and all the scoffing that will take place there and then a solemn effect on some of those, because some of them, the sons of the prophets and the different ones with Elisha, were just stricken. They didn’t know what to do or where to turn. They just ran to Elisha there. So, we see, a solemn effect is left. In the days of Enoch, it was said that he was taken and that he could not be found– and the way that the scripture reads—that right away, they searched for him–and didn’t know what happened to him, but he was gone. Sometimes, they would go out and search for their mothers. They would search for their relatives. They’d search here and there.

But it is over with. You can bring that into this stark terror as it takes place. Nevertheless, there is a group living evidently in our time that will be taken out alive. And we which remain and are alive will be caught up together with those who have died in the Lord, and we are forever with the Lord Jesus! How wonderful that is! How great that is! So, all through the scriptures Revelation chapters 6, 7, 8, and 9 and Revelation 16 -19, they tell you a real story of the catastrophic darkness upon the earth, and how the earth and everything that is taking place is not a safe place at that time. And then millions fleeing in every direction as the great Babylon and the world systems come together.

The bible says in Revelation 12: 15 -17 and all the way through, the others are caught up and it shows the seed fleeing into the wilderness there. They flee from the face of the serpent, old satan incarnate, and they flee from the power of that serpent—hiding in the wilderness. Some will be hidden and protected. Others will give up their lives and they will die by the millions and millions upon the earth at that time. But they flee from the old dragon, satan. They fled from his face at that time. And he sent a flood out [orders out] from his mouth to destroy. Those orders are an army, a flood that goes out and all kinds of surveillance, and real regular troops are sent out to search them out. Like in the days when they searched for Elijah, and Enoch was not found. That means they were searching for him at the time. So, great search goes on to get the seed that is left and destroy them that keep the commandments of God at that time. Anyway, you want to be in the translation. You don’t want to kind of drag it around, put it off and say, “Well, If I don’t make it here [in the translation], I will make it there [during the great tribulation.” No. You won’t make it there. I don’t believe in talking like that. I believe when it comes down to the knowledge and once it pierces the ear and the power of the Lord has just arrived on that person, they better want to go in the translation. They better have it in all their heart, no matter what. They may have a few of their mistakes. They may not be perfect, but He is going to bring them into perfection as close as He can get them. They better hold on to that Light and not wonder, “Well, if I don’t get in there now, I’ll get in there later.” Those, I don’t believe will be there.

That is a certain group of people that will make it during the tribulation. I have secrets of the Lord on it. It works in various ways. Many of those are the Jews [144,000]. We know that, and others will be people that had the gospel preached and received a certain amount of the gospel. They had love in their hearts, a certain amount of it. They had a certain amount of the Word in their hearts, but they did not, saith the Lord, carry the Word out. It’s like somebody hands you something and you don’t distribute it. How many of you say praise the Lord? You didn’t carry out what the Word said. And they got trapped and the door was shut. He didn’t open for them right then, but later there is an opportunity for certain groups of people that only the Lord knows. Many of those that have had the gospel preached over and over that never accepted, you can expect them to believe the great delusion–like a massive fog over the earth shall it come in gross darkness, Isaiah said–and just sweep them into great delusion away from the Lord. This is our time as never before.

Now, listen to this right here as we go. The bride before this time is caught up. Now, just before the trumpets, these are the minor trumpets, the major trumpets are coming. Those are the tribulation trumpets. This is in the midst of the tribulation now. Listen to this right here Revelation 7: 1. Now, in Revelation 7: 1, did you ever notice? I’ll bring out something here. In Revelation 7:1, there was no wind. And over here in Revelation 8: 1, there was no noise. Now, let’s put these together. Now, sometimes in the book of Revelation, one chapter may be ahead of the other chapter, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that that event will take place before the other. It’s kind of put that way to keep the mystery. Sometimes, they [events] are in rotation and so forth like that. Nevertheless, we can find out what this means here. Now, in Revelation 7:1, angels [and they were powerful angels too], four corners of the earth, they are little bulges. You can see the earth is round if you look down on the satellite, but if you magnify it a little closer, there are bulges [they were holding the four winds]. Now these four angels had power over nature. Those four were allowed a lot of power. They held back the four winds of the earth that the winds should not blow.

Now watch: “And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree (Revelation 7: 1). Eerie quietness, quiet, no wind. Those that have lung trouble, those that have different kinds of heart troubles—there is not going to be the heavy breezes that we have had, especially in the cities. Momentarily, they will start dropping like flies around there. That’s an ominous sign the great tribulation is coming, Jesus said—when this cuts loose later, solar winds strike, and stars begin to fall down from heaven because of the great sounding solar winds that are in the heavens. Yet, before this time, there was no wind at all. Stop, said the Lord, no more wind! Can you ever imagine? When something suddenly happens to the climate, to the snow, to the sea where the trade winds are and to the climate to where it is hot or whatever it is—but he [the angel] said there shall be no wind in the sea. There shall be no wind on the earth and the trees will not blow, so they drop. People with different diseases cannot stand it. Something is up; ominous, it is coming. See; it is the lull before the storm. It is the quietness before the great devastation saith the Lord. How many of you believe that?

It says here there is no wind. It won’t be long. He won’t let it last long like that. He is going to drop it back. When He does, those winds come back, you talk about storms! One great asteroid pulls out at that time, right time to it at that trumpet. It’s tied right in there. Watch this right here. Then He says, “Hold it just like that. We are going to seal those 144,000 Jews. It’s going into great tribulation. Two prophets come in. They will be there for that. They are sealed all of a sudden just like that. The winds cut loose again on the earth. But [with] all those things that are happening, people begin to look around. The translation is over. People are dying and at the same time, people are missing. There is turbulence on every hand. They don’t know what to do. They can’t explain it away. The antichrist and all these powers come up and try to explain all these things, you know, to people, but they can’t do it.

We go right down through here. In Revelation 7:13, it says, after they are sealed, he [John] went down in a vision: “Who are these with white robes with palm trees standing here? Then he said, “Thou knowest.” And the angel said, “These are they who came out of the great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” When this takes place, the sealing of the Jews, the translation is long gone, the translation is over with. It holds that wind back, see? That’s like a signal when that wind stopped. It was quiet over in Revelation 8:1; the state of quietness there, you see that matching it? Over here, no wind and over there, no noise. And after the sealing of those Jews and no noise, he said, these are those that came out of great tribulation (v. 14). They are not like those who were caught up in Revelation 4 while I was standing around the Throne of Rainbow over there. This is a different group because he did not know them. He didn’t know who they were. He said, “Thou knowest. I don’t know these.” And the angel said these have come out of great tribulation upon the earth after the sealing of the Jews.
Now notice this, Revelation 8: 1. No wind, now there is no noise, this time in heaven. “And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.” The first seal, it was a thunder. Now all things changed after six seals. This seal (seventh seal) was placed by itself alone for some reason. And there was silence in heaven for about the space of a half hour –no wind, no sound. Those little cherubims there that hollered day and night, and cried out day and night, and they covered themselves it says in Isaiah 6 [They covered their eyes and feet and did fly with their wings]. They say holy, holy, holy to the Lord God 24 hours a day, day, and night. And yet they shut up. Oh, oh, the lull before the storm. The great tribulation is breaking all over the world. The bride is being gathered up toward God. It is the time of the reward, Amen. He is definitely giving a memorial, a salute to those who have stood the test. Those prophets, and those saints, and the elect that listened to Him, those that cherished His Voice, those that are the ones that He loves. And they heard His Voice, and for half an hour, not even those little cherubims could talk anymore. And for us, as long as we know, maybe millions of years, we don’t know, but we know that for six thousand years, it is recorded in Isaiah that they [cherubims] say holy, holy, holy day and night before the Lord. No wind, no noise. The lull before the storm. He’s got His people out now. You know, before that storm, they would start gathering together and then gone, get into a safe place! How many of you are still with me now?

So, we find out in Revelation 10–there is silence here Revelation 8: 1—but suddenly the thunders bring great roaring there, electrical currents, some flashes of lightning and thunder, the message—Time shall be no more—striking in there. With that message, the graves are opened, and they are gone! Now wind–no noise, there they stand, ominous. Their time to repent, time to get to God through translation is gone. What a feeling! Storm coming and God’s power. How many of you know that the thing to do is to obey the Lord’s Word and be ye also ready. How many of you believe that tonight? I believe that. Now, this message: We which remain and are alive shall be caught up together with them that have passed on to be ever with the Lord. Did you ever imagine with no wind, what this is going to be like for a moment? What kind of feeling is going to come upon the earth? He is going to get their attention. Isn’t He? Now tonight, how many of you are ready? That’s all I am going to do in revelation tonight because you can go very deep, very powerful in there. But He is a great One! And brother, when He gets them together, He knows exactly what He is doing. The very fact that those little cherubims shut up, that O! boy! How many of you caught it? Glory! My! How God is going to get up, see? Something is happening there. It’s really great.

Now listen here. In the bible, there is what is called the Bes’ for the believer. How many of you are ready? Are you prepared? It says here: Be kind one to another, tenderhearted. Where is the old tenderhearted Christian anymore in some of the major cities and so forth? See; tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as God for Christ’s sake [which is the Holy Spirit) has forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32). Be thankful. Here, be kind, be thankful. This is going to get you in that translation. Enter into His gates—when you come to church or wherever you are, whatsoever is happening—enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name (Psalm 100:4). Great, be thankful. Be doers: But be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only (James 1:22). See; don’t just listen but Be a witness to [for] Christ. Tell of the coming of the Lord. Do what the Lord tells you to do. Carry it on through. Don’t just listen all the time and do nothing. Do something, no matter what it is. Everyone is qualified to say or do something saith the Lord. Oh, yeah to say or do something. You can help in some manner. Why? If you pray and pray right, and you are an intercessor, that’s doing great things for the Lord. Amen. But other people say, “That doesn’t look like doing much. I can’t find anything to do, so I don’t do anything.” That’s Him. See; pray. Amen. How many of you believe that tonight?

Be merciful. Be ready to give an answer to everyone that asketh you of the reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear (1 Peter 3:15). When someone asks you about salvation, be ready for him. See; God will send him right to you. Be ready to give every man a reason for that great hope. Be able to witness to these messages. Give them a tape. Give them a scroll. Give them something to testify. Give them a tract. Be ready, the Lord said, to help. See; He is preparing you, getting you ready. Be strong [in the mind, in the heart] in the power of the Spirit, be strong. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Lean on it greatly for there is no greater power. Lean upon Him, saith the Lord. How great He is! (Ephesians 6: 10). Be fruitful. How many of you see the Bes for believers here? Be fruitful that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all that is pleasing being fruitful in the Lord and increasing in the knowledge of God. Always willing to listen, to understand what the Lord is revealing. Listen to Him. Read the Word and understand. Be willing and you will be fruitful (Colossians 1:10).

Be transformed. Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind by the renewing of that anointing, (Romans 12:2). Allow the praise and the anointing to keep your mind renewed in the power of faith. At any moment, you are expecting the Lord. You believe the Lord. Be kind and tenderhearted. Amen. What a message! Did you know it is getting quiet? Did you know that [silence] is going to get you in that translation? And there was a still small voice. See; the silence is over in Revelation 8. Then the trumpets break loose, and they are gone! In chapter 10, it says thunders and there was a still quiet voice after all the racket. A quiet voice told Elijah what to do and then he was translated, see? Let your mind be renewed by His power. Be an example. Be thou an example of the believer in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Pure faith, pure Word, pure power (1 Timothy 4:12). Be holy. But as He which has called you is holy, so be ye holy, (1 Peter 1:15). Hang on these things, see? Let them sink into your heart. Are you ready? Are you prepared? And those that were ready saith the Lord went in. They listened. They had a good spiritual ear. They had good spiritual eyes for revelation. No people like them had ever been seen upon the earth until this time. They would listen. He would get them and bring them there. So, we found out how great it is there!

Now we have some more scriptures right here. Now remember the faith. You have to have that faith. That translative faith is coming through a powerful anointing. That anointing will sink in. It will be in the bodies of the believers. It will be powerful and positive. It will be dynamic, electric-like power, and tremendous power. It will be like light, flashing, powerful. And when He says the Word, you are changed like a flash of lightning in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye saith the Lord! As a flash of light, you are with me saith the Lord! How great, your body is changed! You will be like He is, the bible said. How great! Eternal youth, the springs of eternal youth—bodies changed. The promises of God are positive. None of them saith the Lord shall ever be withdrawn—none. I believe God is really great! His promises to the elect, they are all for us today from the miraculous, to the translation, eternal life, and salvation, they are all ours.

Then He said, Be steadfast. These are Bes for believers. Be ye steadfast in the power of God. Don’t let any type of Christian tell you, “This isn’t right, that isn’t right.” Don’t listen to him saith the Lord. Listen to Me. What do they know? They know nothing and they are nothing, saith the Lord. Stay with that Word. You’ve got Him. They can’t do a thing with you. See; that is exactly right. They are not going to have anything but a man’s word and his name saith the Lord. Jesus said, I come in my Father’s Name, Lord Jesus Christ, and you receive me not, but another will come in his own name and you will flock after him, follow after him. He even told you what His Name was that He would come in. Be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Bounding back and forth, active in the Lord, active in the power of His Spirit, and always doing something for God. Thinking about the Lord–how to help, what to do for others, praying for others, winning, and bringing in that last soul in the harvest work of the Lord–steadfast. “For as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord,” (1 Corinthians 15: 58). Steadfast, unmovable, and unshaken in the work of the Lord because you know that your work shall not be in vain. Yea, your work shall follow you. They will be right behind you for your reward. How great He is! How powerful He is from revelation to revelation, from mystery to mystery, from Word to Word, and from promise to promise!

Tonight, we’ve got Him, the Wings of Help, the Lord! One more, here is the other Be. All these have started with a Be. Be merciful. There are many more in the bible. Be ready. Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of God cometh. In such an hour as you think not, (Matthew 24: 44). See; so full, the people—in such an hour as you think not—they were so full of the cares of this life, they were just packed out for the cares of this life—maybe they went to church once in a while, but they were so full of the cares of this life. Modern Pentecostals, you don’t know them from anybody else [you can’t tell them apart from anybody else]—the cares of this life—in an hour you think not. But they had so much to do. Look, it was right upon them! Suddenly, the quietness, no wind, see? It was upon them. Suddenly, it was upon them. They have all kinds of excuses and all kinds of ways, but God’s Word is true. There is no way to go around that saith the Lord. It is not known to satan. Satan tried to go around the Word and he bounced right back down. Amen. It’s exactly right. There was no way for him to go around that Word. Sitting on that throne, when He gave a message or Word for satan, that was it. There was no way that he could get around that Word. He tried to get around the Word with those [fallen] angels. He tried everything he could. I can see him trying to move around that Word. He can’t. He left there like a flash of lightning. God gave him wings to fly out of there or whatever he got on, he was moving fast. He couldn’t get around the Word sitting in front of Him [the Lord]. Therefore, he could no longer abide there [in heaven] saith the Lord.

You can’t get around this Word, see? The bible says the Word will abide with you. That means the Word will live in you. Ask what you will and it shall be done saith the Lord. How many of you believe that? Be ye also ready. That is the closing of that right there. Be ye anointed, I say! Be ye filled with the Spirit of God as the bible says! Jesus is coming soon. “Be” is for the believer. Now, after the first part, coming into the translation, these scriptures here with powerful faith, salvation and divine love will cause you to explode into God’s kingdom. I mean, literally, God will be with you. Amen. I want you to stand on your feet. Those scriptures tonight, a few little scriptures in there. My! What a time the Lord has for His people. On that cassette, they are going to feel that anointing and faith, translative faith and power. There is no way to escape what God has said.

Many, before the flood laughed and said that would never happen. But the flood came on anyway at my Word, saith the Lord. Many of them were having a big time in Sodom and Gomorrah. They couldn’t even see the angels and the signs that God was giving. What happened? It all just went up in smoke and fire. Jesus said, it would be akin to that at the end of the age. Pagan Rome in a drunken orgy, like the world has never seen, and they just collapsed as the Barbarians ran in and took over the kingdom at that time. Belteshazzar, he was having the biggest time of his life like at the end of the age. Bold, going around the Word of God in every way he could–with the vessels from the temple—having a big time. He couldn’t see the warning sign after it was written on the wall. But it is said his knees shook like water. Now today, that handwriting on this message here is on the wall. God doesn’t say thanks to scared people nor puts fright in them, but He sure sobers them up. And he wants them sober too, then He can talk to them. He’s got more divine love than He would ever have judgment. I know that. But that [judgment] is there for a reason. How many of you feel the power of God tonight.

So, these people today that try to go around the Word of God, go around the second coming, go around eternal life, don’t pay them any attention. It’s going to come just like all the rest of it came right down to the end of the age, and time is running short. I believe that with all my heart. Now, I tell you what? I am going to pray a special prayer and I believe God is going to anoint you. Be ye anointed with His power. I am going to pray for the anointing and I mean, you let yourself loose with God tonight. Don’t just be listeners, let your hearts go to God. Get right in. Be a doer of the Word that you have heard tonight. Thank God a million times that He had foreseen you and brought you a message like this. Those that missed this message tonight, my! God had it timed right to the moment that He can talk to His people. I am going to pray a real powerful prayer over everyone of you and I expect Him to really move. Whatever you need, you shout the victory. Are you ready?

109 – After Translation – Prophecy