Prophetic Scrolls 312
Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Some of these important events were written before, but my partners need to review them again. Also some important new events are added. — We’re living in a climatic era. Expect some awesome events ahead! — And we quote:
Prophetic foreview – Soon and even now some occurrences are taking place beyond science fiction! Baffling and puzzling events in the seas and the heavens among many other events occurring in nature, oddest weather patterns and in society. Already bizarre things are transpiring! “But first in prophecy the city of Paris which is proud of its buildings and sin will be destroyed by fire the same as Rome by submarine missiles and atomic from space!” Plus the Lord revealed to me that all the cities of the Mediterranean area will be destroyed. Plus the Persian Gulf will be a lake of fire from Iran to Iraq, in my opinion by or before century end! In fact the whole world will go through a fiery holocaust!
Invention signs — A TV report said, that people can now put on a certain kind of suit attached to a TV screen; and while watching will receive the feeling of sexual pleasure and all that goes with it. — “Remember the Scripts said, they would carry it even farther into the hologram type before the ending of the century!” Surely the world has gone mad! — In some fundamental churches and etc. they are allowing young people to have sex in their cars and vans while church services are going on inside! — Cults are carrying it one step farther, they are doing it right inside with people, serpents and different type animals, etc. — “The signs are reaching to the heights of heaven!” — Awhile back some young girls on the streets said they were whores for Jesus! And had regular services later in certain type ceremonies! — See what movies, books, magazines and Hollywood have done to increase immorality to a peak! — Jesus said, “Behold, I come quickly!” We are entering final harvest! — Some things occurring among men and women are unprintable. — (Quote from Nightnight) — One young prostitute said, I never knew who my father was. I may even have had sex with him and never even knew it. — “The cup of iniquity is running over! As the Holy watchers report the sins of the earth to a God that already knows what is occurring!” — Even before time began on this planet. He foresaw all including the fall of man and has made a wonderful way of redemption through Christ who forgives all manners of sins! “But people must ask, repent and believe!”
Delusion — It’s been reported lately by good authority that several spaceships have landed in the desert and some type personage getting out; then leaving with tremendous speed. The tracks that the spaceships left have been photographed. — Some cases men and women have been said to have carried on affairs with these creatures or people. Illusions are abounding from the heavens and upon earth. Jesus said, great signs shall there be from the heavens! — Concerning many of the things we wrote above, this Scripture seems to fit pretty well. I Tim. 4: 1, Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.
Prophetic warnings — Many times in my messages here I have told the people that this century will blow out into a fire storm! — In another message I said hot scorching winds are coming! And a few months later California had the most devastating, fiery winds in its history. Many Hollywood stars lost their homes, much property damage! — These fires are God’s way of warning of the great quakes that are coming! — Each year underneath inch by inch California is slipping near the sea. Soon catastrophic and giant quakes will shake her to the ground and slide it into the sea! “Take heed, all the sinful cities of the world are soon coming under God’s hand of judgment!” As by foresight, He shakes the planets and will jar the earth mightily!
Prophecy fulfilling and continuing – (Quote from Planet Watch, 2004) California — A state of emergency was declared after a freak hailstorm pummeled southern Los Angeles. In 2 hours, the accompanying rain totaled 5.9 in., nearly the record for a single day in the city of Angels, according to the National Weather Service. West Virginia — Record rainfall, as much as 4 in., in 24 hours, flooded roads and closed schools in 17 counties. The same storm spawned more than 30 tornadoes in Texas.
Science prophecy fulfilling – (Quote) “In the next few years, digital brains and electric brawn will merge, predict electronic engineers. For example, a robotic arm that now uses a pressure sensor will instead be covered with an electronic skin that has a sense of touch.” And here is some Scriptural prophecy. — Laser Weapons For The Navy — A successful experiment conducted at the Dept. of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Va., may lead the way to a laser weapon for the U.S. Navy. “The free electron laser (Fel) has been shown to generate very large amounts of power. The team hopes to use the Fel to generate 10 kilowatts of infrared light and 1 kilowatt of ultraviolet light. Released in a burst lasting a fraction of a billionth of a second, the laser could wreak havoc with men and machines.” — There are other places in the Bible that mention this kind of light I predicted would come. There are Scriptures denoting other magnetic devices plus in Chap. 9 of Rev. it mentions this stinging weapon. Vr. 10, “and they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails.” Note: You see the prophecy concerning the latest in the gay perverted marriages is enough to show everybody the midnight warning is surely upon us! We’re seeing incredible signs and yet much is ahead in the next two years. — I was awakened from a prophetic dream and was shown things about future weather and other events and will reveal as soon as possible. Surely fire and thunder is on its way!
Scroll #312