Prophetic Scrolls 307
Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
(This was released Nov. 1990, but my partners need to see it again because it is fulfilling and will more.) — “I had done some research in past history, and the Lord guided me to gather prophecies that match the Bible and Scripts to truly confirm the age is ending! In the mouth of several witnesses He shall establish the matter! Some of these first paragraphs are cryptic and given hundreds of years ago; and are predicted to occur in our generation!”
Description of our inventions — “Fire the colour of gold, from heaven to earth shall be seen! Stricken of the high born, a marvelous event, but the great murderer of mankind! — The great loss of infants!” —“There will be unleashed living fire, hidden death, (radiation). Horrible and frightful within the globes, by night the city reduced to dust by the fleet, the city afire, the enemy (Bows) amenable! — The Atom split producing a living fire creating death! — In one night a city turns to dust, aircraft coming from the fleet! Could be leaving from the Gulf or Mediterranean area! (Late 90’s) The enemy attitude changes quickly with such weapons” (Also in this area by my prophecy a huge battle fleet will be melted by a great energy weapon!)
Warning of great famine — Cryptic Quote: “The call of the unwanted bird being heard on the chimney stack; bushels of wheat will rise so high that man will devour his fellow man!” — Evidently a bird of ill omen, owl or vulture, a symbol of warning. It depicts corn and wheat will be so scarce it will be as valuable as gold, and the price so high it can hardly be bought! — The antichrist has it stored. People worship him for it! — Man eats man, means famine in every nation severe! Scripture for this, The Apocalypse, the black horse, Rev. 6:5. Vr. 6, “A measure of wheat for a penny (a whole day’s wage)- (Roman silver) — and three measures of barley for a penny.” — Now Vr. 8, with the pale horse it grows even worse. — Death, hunger, sword and beasts (man devouring one another).
Continuing — Again similar cryptic. — “The noise of the unwanted bird having been heard, upon the platform of the highest loft, the bushel of wheat shall rise so high, man will be a man eater! (Babies actually boiled for food.) — The bird in this case is noise of aircraft (not wanted because of destruction); could include space warfare! — Terrible inflation, scarcity of food creating cannibalism! It reveals it occurs in our industrial age; and grows worse in the later 90’s! — Also in the first mentioning of the bird shows all nature is affected!
Continuing — “The Lord unveiled to me famine would begin in the 1970’s and grow in stages until by the ending of the century several billion souls would be swept away in hunger and catastrophe!” (The Scripts revealed the later 90’s will even grow worse!) – Note: Fantastic! – Much of this has come to pass now in the year 2003 and 2004. We’re seeing it reaching greater and will expand into the Great Tribulation! Read new scrolls year 2000, and on. — By vision I saw young women selling their bodies for a piece of bread and their children, men likewise! And committing murders for a morsel of food! The earth was in dark chaos! It grew worse after the mark was given! — The military protected the storage basins of what was left! — War came from the north and east, fire spreading over the world! — (When we write of economics and this, people tend to conserve and say to themselves, I will give to the Lord later. But soon there will be no later; currency will be declared worthless! So now is the time to give and God will meet your needs when you need it most!) — “Jesus did not have me paint a very pretty picture, He told me to reveal it so His people would prepare and escape in the Translation!”
Celestial signs – “Because of where the rest of the heavenly bodies are positioned — and twilight time near (Scripts confirm it), even with harder times coming, God will meet the needs of his people for the gospel! — After these signs organizational tares to bundle more! — “The Lord unveils a royal people (elect) stepping forth in the midst! And new things will He do! — The nation goes through a twist of events. Sudden and dramatic changes will occur! Towards summer is a pivotal point for the USA! People will begin to see what the future holds. “O, there is much more the Celestial Scribe (Jesus) declares, but this gives you a view. — In Luke 21:28 He mentions, Look up (heavenly signs), your redemption draweth nigh!” (From this summer on this will occur. The USA has yet to bypass what has occurred in its last 100 years!)
Ezek. 1: 4, 13-18, verse 16, unveils a celestial wheel within a wheel and cherubims (angels) controlling them! He saw God’s true light (supernatural craft) moving as the speed of lightning. (Read Ezek. 10: 9-13, 20-21) — Ps. 68: 17, depicts the supernatural chariots of God are 20,000 and even thousands of angels involved! — II Samuel 22: 8-14 records an incredible aerial phenomenon involving the Lord of Hosts! — Verse 11 depicts celestial flight! Verse 13 reveals bright lights went before him, and as he passed it created a thunderous sound! — Verses 15, 18, “He sent forth lightnings and turned back David’s enemies! He had definitely seen an aerial wonder of God! — A true sign from heaven!”
Some of the astonishing aerial phenomena being seen in the different lights is warning that the cup of iniquity is full and that great judgment and destruction is just ahead! This is why the lights are appearing! (Sin is reaching its’ limits.) — Right after “the lights” appeared to Ezekiel in Ezek. Chap. 1, and as the cup of iniquity reached fullness we see in Ezek. 9: 4, 7-9 that God sent destruction! — In Dan. 8: 23 reveals that “when the transgressors have come to full the king of fierce countenance will stand up (the antichrist) and the prince and power of the air (Satan) will be with him!” — This is just one deceptive way the Satan is preparing for his man of sin! — “In ancient history when God’s lights began to appear it was just before disaster came!” — “It’s the sign of evil dictators, severe economic conditions, great quakes, famines, storms and geological upheavals!” — The lights warn time is shortening! There will be many strange and unusual signs occurring before the coming of the Great Day of the Lord! Joel 2: 30-31. — “I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, fire and pillars of smoke! Also preceding this God will do spiritual wonders and great exploits through his people!” (Verse 28-29) All this strange phenomena is in conjunction with the rising of the beast and is an omen of the cataclysmic events predicted to arrive in our age! — In doing this the Holy Spirit only gave a few Scriptures, there are many more to substantiate this subject! (This was written years ago!) Scroll #307
Scroll #307