Prophetic Scrolls 301
Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Important numericals – All through the Bible God uses important numbers to match the Scriptures. When the two buildings went down in New York and the Pentagon events, etc., on the same date the numbers 9 -11 has great futuristic vital significance. The date 2009 through the 11th (2011) will show just how important that date was. In fact, the 9-11 will then show some of the greatest events in Scripts and prophetic astronomy. By that time the earth has been through a rampage. Trillions of dollars in damage will have occurred in storms, typhoons, etc. (the four elements) and some of the greatest superquakes, asteroids and so forth. The whole nation will have a change including political and nation. This planet will be going into an overthrow. Then all records will have been broken in every facet of our civilization. I have foreseen what God has shown me. Yet you would have to see it to believe it and what yet is ahead. And yet the numbers tell we’re in a great outpouring. Even now the numbers show us we’re headed for great tribulation. Out of the bottomless pit will come the worst demon powers ever seen by mankind. — “Be not afraid, saith the Lord, for I will be with thee closer than ever, even as I was with Elijah in his time of peril.”
The number in this 2000 – year decade, 9-11 reveals a catastrophic future. From this year forward, from this date, 2001, 9-11, ever since this occurred we have seen incredible events prophesied by the Bible. We are approaching a very mysterious period of the unexpected as God will give us a quick short work! As we are preparing for our departure, the numbers we spoke of will prove to be in divine providence. We have entered the most incredible time now in over 6,000 years! Satan is springing a snare and will be upon society before it realizes it. As you know 666 is the number God also uses, backing up His Scriptures. We have entered the digital age of electronic madness. There is so much we could add to this, but the record of it will prove to be true. — God is love, but now His hand of judgment will begin full force. Let us rejoice in His love and as His mighty hand is with you, Paul said, Rejoice, yea rejoice ye in the Lord forevermore! (Phil. 4: 4)
Note: Look at this significant number. Read Chapter 9 of Revelation, verses 9-10, and verse 11 says, “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” – Now you see the intent of God’s numbers and Scriptures! (Also read Rev. 16:9 through 11.) —And now let’s go to Rev. 19: 9-11. “And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.” These words are true! This carries over to the end, over to the Elect. See the divine providence in 9-11!
Immorality – world falling apart – We’re in a nymphomania, Bohemian age. Perversion is unbelievable, but yet was predicted ahead of time. In all the books and TV advertisement they now have drugs, herbs of all sorts advertising sexual pleasure for lasting hours at a time, and with many orgasms. The way they advertise, these people would hardly have time to work! Society is entering a dark lurid trap. The seeds beyond Sodom are being sewn. Let us explain it this way. These new things for men and women will cause what is stated above. (Rev. 16)
Continuing prophecy – I have always warned to watch over youth and children in my very first messages here at Capstone and we see why. They’re being murdered, butchered in bizarre ways, parents killing children, children killing parents. Someone in the news media copied the words that have been stated. It seems society is on the binge of madness and savage ways. Now they’re wanting to put something similar to a mark on the children. All this is leading to Rev.13:13-16 (mark of the beast). Remember in the prophecy I stated years ago the Lord showed me the roots (youth) drying up and said this last generation is finishing up. The Millennium is not far off. The world shall suffer many things yet. “But I am now quickly preparing to take mine out!”
Pyramid prophecy (Isa. 19: 19-20) – Remember I told of them taking a little robot about the size of two fists and going up the narrow passage of the Great Pyramid. And when they arrived they saw a closed door. I said it shows, narrow is the way and we’re even at the Door! Now, they allowed them to go back again with a little robot and some new camera inventions that can see through things! When they got to the door again they looked through it and were dumbfounded. All that was there was a space and blocked again. You see, God had shut the door and taken out the Elect! Remember He said, narrow is the way and few shall find the way thereof. Also remember in the “The Calling of Time” sermon I put a little robot on the front cover of the book! — Also on a scroll I stated that at the end of the age, just before the return of the Lord, man through science would find out new things in the pyramid, and they sure did! The treasure they seek is the pyramid themselves and all the inch lines. And the last one that Dr. Davidson found years ago (although there could be more) was 2001, about 11 through the 17th of September — the 17th being the last part — divine providence. This is exactly when the event happened. The building race would totally change and we’d be headed towards the Millennium. There is a possibility of a few more inch lines, but was hidden. They also found writing on the outside, but the white casing was taken off. So within and without the Lord was testifying of this wonder!
Jesus in heavenly prophecy – At this moment we’re entering James Chapter 5 and Luke 21:25-26 where Jesus foretold what would be happening during our very period now. He saw our generation and knew every fact that was determined in the heavens at the very ending of our generation. Blessed be the Almighty for the Lord Jesus is our everlasting God! (Isa. 9: 6) In Him only is comfort. He is the Prince of Peace. Amen! God love and bless you real good.
Scroll #301