Prophetic Scrolls 300
Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
Prophetic major events are exploding literally around the world and the most important events in the Bible, heavens and the Scripts, plus Isa. l9: 19-20. God’s fulfillment of his prophecy is like forked lightning taking place in every direction in the nation and society. Read unusual events below.
News bulletin – age ending signs – We’re living in an hour of awesome and major prophetic signs of heaven and earthly. There are so many Scriptures and the Scripts also said “a rush of lights at His return.” I have witnessed incredible sights over the Temple – some photographed. (In Florida the news media carried part of one of our scenes.) There are so many Scriptures on this but here’s some – Luke 21:11 and verse 25. in the Old Testament, II Sam.22:10 and Gen. 15:17 (the smoking furnace, and a burning lamp). Here are some brief quotes from the news and magazine. — “Australia: Mildura. May 18, 2002. 5:00 a.m. Two police officers on routine patrol radio their police station that they’ve seen a brightly-lit, silvery UFO hovering over the river running through Apex Park. As the officers approach in their patrol car, the UFO ‘shoots off’ in the direction of Gol Gol, with the officers in pursuit, but the object disappears ‘in the blink of an eye.’ One of the officers reported a similar sighting in the same area several months earlier.”
Continuing prophecy – “New York: Farmingdale and Smithtown. May 4, 2002. 3:45-4:00 p.m. Two witnesses in nearby towns observe an egg-shaped UFO moving at low speed and altitude in the clear blue sky. Traveling west to east, the object appears tobe ‘transparent rather than solid; more like a ring,’ that leaves a ‘whitish wake around and behind it, like a boat leaving a wake as it cuts through the water.’” – “England: Bingham, Nottinghamshire. May 5, 2002.3:00 a.m. A disk-shaped object is observed hovering at low altitude near the town of Bingham, with erratically flashing clusters of multi-colored lights. The UFO appears to be spinning rapidly and rocking slowly back and forth. Two small white lights move outwards from the body of the craft and remain separated for almost an hour, before all the objects move slowly away toward the south.” – A definite sign in the heavens!
Continuing – “Florida: Orlando. May 12, 2002. 2:23 a.m. A security guard atop a downtown parking garage observes three dark, triangular-shaped craft with bright lights approaching in formation from the north at commercial airliner speed and altitude, as if to land at a nearby airport. The objects begin to move ‘in lazy turns,’ banking and doubling back at random. The guard uses binoculars to track the UFOs and sees a half-dozen white lights at the objects’ ‘bow’ and blunt-shaped rear ends. The objects move slowly out to the north-west and disappear in the haze.” – “Wisconsin: Mosinee. May 13, 2002. 9:15 p.m. Two motorists observe a low-flying triangular UFO with bright lights, hovering over a field, then follow it at 60 miles per hour as it moves off toward town. The object, which one witness describes as making the sound of a ‘lawn mower,’ stops again and hovers over a house, its lights changing to yellow, before shooting off at high speed and disappearing.” – Note: We’ve mentioned just sightings but there have been documented cases of alien abductions. We know some cases could be hoaxes and satan. But also God, as we have seen, has his chariots. And they run and return as a flash of lightning – read Ezek. 1:14. In fact the whole chapter describes God’s chariots. This will increase as judgment nears and Christ appears.
Crop circles – Divine or earthly? – Of course some are hoaxes and satanic, and some of the earthly signs could well be from the Lord. We remember when He wrote on the ground and no one knew what He wrote. (John 8:6) He’s a writer- the Author and finisher of our faith! – And did so the Bible. (John 1:1) – The media has given a lot of attention to this. They just released a motion picture called “Signs.” But it’s the TV documentaries that believe that at least 30% of them are divine or from some strange power. Let the reader be careful! But God said there would be incredible signs at His return. Note: I personally saw some amber lights documented on a TV film and it showed it actually coming and going, and left a beautiful symbol in a wheat field. It was so intricate, the intelligence was beyond mankind. Even scientists were baffled that saw it and said it was an energy source not of this earth. Most of the signs are in wheat, corn and barley fields. Now just for a brief thought – Could a few of these be the Lord bringing out the point that the harvest is being cut and about over – fields! John 4:35, “Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. “And with urgency He warned, don’t say you have very much time! This is one view that no one has thought of. So satan may do a few to hinder it. Nevertheless, some could be just as we spoke of. – “Behold saith the Lord, you do well to remember the handwriting on the wall” (Read Dan.5:25-28). Remember it was in symbols, etc. The kingdom was split, like ours will be- world government. Also like today, they are drinking, having orgies and mocking God. Read the rest of the chapter. The USA is getting the same warnings and the same judgment, only more by fire, the four elements and war. This all reveals the kingdoms now are headed for a massive change. In just a few years it will not be like the same planet. Amen!
Strange times – (Quote from a magazine) “Twin 70 year old brothers were killed on the morning of 5 March, 2002 while riding bicycles on the same stretch of icy road near Raahe on the west coast of Finland. One twin was killed at a junction on Interstate 8 at 9:35 a.m., 370 miles north of Helsinki, when he was run down by a lorry. At 11:47 a.m., before police had identified the body and informed family members, the other twin was hit and killed less than a mile to the south by another lorry. The brothers were born in September 1931. One lived in Raahe and the other in Pattijoki nearby.” And another quote: “A young man, 30, was killed instantly on 15 March, 2002 after jumping a red light in Mesa, Arizona, and colliding with a pickup truck driven by his elder brother, Ray, 44. Ray suffered minor injuries. Both men lived in Mesa, but not near the crash site.” – Strange times and occurrences indeed! – This is only a few of the many that have occurred lately. God by divine providence is showing He holds the key to all things!
Prophecy fulfilliing and update – When the Spirit said we would cross the century in a firestorm, who could dispute this? It’s been burning ever since, one way or another. It will finally end at this Scripture, Isa.24:6. -Global climate – a record: The professionals who study the weather said this is the hottest summer on record, as far as can be remembered, and has created a global catastrophe. Even in Alaska the ice sheets are melting, plus at both poles and other snow countries. Here are a few quotes taken from a weather magazine: “On the 18th of April, 2002, Moline, IL reached 91 degrees F, its second 90 degree-plus reading in April (A phenomenon that had occurred only once before in 1930!) Brownsville, TX had 15 April days with highs at or above 90 degrees F breaking its April 1953 record of 12 days.” – As I write this, as the Scripts foretold, from Russia to Europe is flooding clear into England. The Asian dark mist I wrote about is occurring at this moment. Millions are dying – a smog-like pestilence. Also the phantom prince of darkness is rising! -There are some vital celestial movements of great portent and they match the Bible. Will write more later!
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