True Signs
TRANSLATION ALERT 119 | Neal Frisby’s Dermon CD #1267 6-18-89 (AM)
Praise the Lord. How are you? Really great. Wonderful to be here, isn’t it? Lord, we love you this morning, and we want to thank you that we have one more time to testify, one more time to talk about you, and to praise you, and to worship you, and to pray for souls, Lord, and for touching the people’s bodies and deliverance. And we give you thanks and praise for that. Now touch all thy people together. Lord, unite them in the power of thy Spirit because that’s what it’s going to take for us to get in. Unite everyone in faith, Lord, in thy Word. Touch the new ones here this morning, inspiring them to go deeper. For this hour, Lord, our chances are running out. This is the time that God has chosen, and it’s a marvelous time. Amen. Give the Lord a handclap. Okay. Go ahead and be seated. Lord, bless your heart.
We’re going to get on this in a moment here. You know, I’d like to say again, some of you have come by the book stand for those tracts, and they’re kind of comic-like. They’re Christian, you know, and they’re good for witnessing to people and so forth like that. And we’re at the end of the age where witnessing is a most important part of the gospel as saving souls really. That witness has to go out, because they’re going to have to stand there, too. How many of you believe that? But I’d like to say again, I don’t agree with everything that they put in their books there. I haven’t had a chance to really go over those. And the Godhead, he’s wishy-washy one time, Jesus is God, and the next time, he thinks there’s more up there. And then the symbols. Now, in the beginning, the stars belong to God. How many believe that? Amen. He has seven stars in His hand as messengers. They’re called stars and a crown of twelve stars on the woman. And some of the things that Satan today has got a hold of in these cults, God used to use as His symbols, like the foursquare, the triangle, the city of God in heaven there. That’s all God’s signs. Satan stole them and came back around and put them in a cult. So, it doesn’t mean everybody that has a star or something is in a cult. How many of you get the point? They use no wisdom at all. No wisdom at all. But you people have been grounded here pretty good in the smaller, smaller tracts in there, you can kind of figure out. But stay right with the Godhead, how God gave it.
Let me tell you this way, if you just look at it, first person, second person, third person, all that, it’s all, it’s just the Holy Spirit. Amen. It’s God manifesting in three ways. Now, let me tell you real quick, we’ll put this part on here. If you want to do what the Bible said in John, it starts, God, Word, flesh dwelt among us. Flesh turns back, Word, God. That’s all there is to it. God, Word, flesh. Flesh turned back, Word, God. How many of you believe that? It’s that simple. If you say, well, where’s that at? Isaiah 9:6 and also first chapter of St. John. If you want to read it, it’s really, it’s just so simple and God made it so simple, but kind of like in other writings in the Bible. You know, when He says these three are one, they can’t figure it means just what it says, one. Therefore, He put it out here like this. How many of you are going to believe me by faith? Amen. Oh, and another thing, no angel, no created god, no other person can save us. Only God’s blood can save us in Isaiah, (Isaiah 43:3 & 11). I’m the only Savior, He said, I know of no other God. Therefore, if Jesus was just a created being that He created as a son, He could not save us. He’d be like Lucifer. The angels are like us, created beings. It took God to come down in the form of flesh and save us. That’s not my subject this morning. I wish it was. We have so many tapes and things prove it so easy. You become so positive. It’s staggering when you get hold of just where it goes. And that’s what the trouble is: they feel that “I want to believe more; I want to trust God more.” Well, if you get that in the right place and get the Lord Jesus where He belongs in there, I’ll tell you, He will stagger you. Then you’re getting a hold of power. You’re getting a hold of confidence. Your mind is cleared up. You’ve got Him right like that. Amen. Glory. Hallelujah.
I got a little too much time off then. I praise the Lord. But I was writing and doing some things for the next month, not this month, but we were getting on over the next month and correcting things there. Now, I want you to listen closely. And while I was at it, some words came to me that I put one word down, one time and I left it there and the Lord brought it back. I think this morning, if you listen to this real close, I don’t believe anybody’s going to pass this test. But I believe if you believe this and receive this, that you’re a real Christian. You may not be exactly where you should be in the power of God, but at least you will be able to recognize what the Lord is trying to show you. You know, I was watching something yesterday. I believe it was the news or something. I just happened to come through or something. And I had been talking about how these 12 different faiths got together, you know, great organized systems. That’s Babylonian since they all are going to come together. See, this is an early runner of it. And then ecumenism all over, one world system and so forth like that. They want to all get together so they can solve the inflation and solve the crimes, and solve the famines, and solve the poor and solve this and solve that. They’re not going to solve anything. They’re going to run right into trouble later on. And one man, they’re going to finally get out to where they’re working right for right in the hands of the false christ. How many of you believe that right there? And that was right on television. There was a special broadcast there that they had of them coming together like that.
Oh, this is our hour. And I’ll tell you what, it’s the hour that we need to learn things. You know, an evangelist, a pastor or a prophet, they are to stir, to give foresight, and to correct by the power of God. Now, first enthusiasm, I’m going at it this way before I get to what Jesus said there. Enthusiasm, see; it means inspired, intense, eagerness, interest, or zeal. In other words, it gets a hold of you and you’re excited about it and powerful about it. Now, in one word in the Bible, let’s just go in one word, Jesus in that one word, preached many sermons and told many things about it. And Jesus said this in Revelation 3:16 in the Bible, he said, “…because thou art lukewarm”, there’s the word lukewarm. And you say, what does lukewarm mean? Well, it’s like lackluster in the Word and the gifts in power, but it goes on. We’ll get into all of that right here. Now, the name of this [sermon] that we’ve got here, the real name of this [sermon] is True Signs occurring everywhere, but people are not paying any attention. They’re sitting right among them and right around them many times in the churches and everywhere. The Bible forecast these very things we’re going to talk about as occurring just at the Lord’s coming, they would occur. They are infallible signs. The Word is the corrector. And this is in all the churches across the land, probably affecting about 80% of them who are better trying to wipe them out. Now the name of it is True signs, but you could also call it–the name of this is the truth in time signs. Now lukewarm, lukewarm is the word when Jesus said, because thou art lukewarm, I will spew thee out of my mouth. He was tired of talking to them. See, and finally the word, he just spewed them out of there because they were lukewarm, the bible says in Revelation, 3:16 and that was at the end of the age. That was the last church age. Those were the ones that God spewed out. So, you say, what does lukewarm mean? I just read it a while ago and I looked it up in the dictionary when we were going over some more words there. Here is what it means there. Lukewarm means a lack of enthusiasm. Wow. He got it right down there. And you say, what is enthusiasm? It means you’re not inspired. You’re not intense. You’re not eager. You have no interest. You have no zeal. Enthusiasm is inspired by interest and zeal. Lukewarm means a lack of enthusiasm, in other words, no vitality. See; don’t care, no sparkle, no salt. Jesus said, you are the salt, you have vitality. Uh, see, there’s no salt, only lethargy, heartfelt worship is gone. It’s gone. Revelations 2:4, they left their first love concerning their salvation. Really? Uh, the love for souls, for the gifts, for the power, for faith in God. And then he goes on with that one word, lukewarm, lack of enthusiasm. Now listen, it’s really close here. Souls are not important anymore to them. No time to pray or to praise or to give thanks. No time for that or to give or to do anything. Nothing at all. See nothing. It mounts up to nothing thereof. It’s the same as the world. Both are asleep spiritually. Both are dead spiritually. Uh, while they’re still alive, the cares of life, they’re just full of the cares of being alive. They have no need to help a soul. How many of you are following this right here?
I wrote this real fast after I got through my work that night and the rest of it. Each time God would come to me, I would put it in there and I would write it. See, weak faith, no substance and this is supposed to be the hour of strong faith, the hour of power. How many of you believe that? But just the opposite. Will I find any faith when I return? He said, sure in other scriptures. But the kind of faith He is looking for is very rare. It’s as rare as you trying to go out there and find real gold in the ground. It is rare, but it is there. He will group it together; He will first blow out all the dirt and then it’ll be just what He wants. And so this is the age that was predicted. We see it now. It’s coming right now. Then people are like this pattern. They are headed for trouble. See; there’s no faith or anything. And when you, when you get into a pattern of this, then you get into lukewarm and pretty soon you’re headed for trouble. If you’re not busy in God’s work, then you’re busy in dissension. The Bible says, always have God on your mind, always have the Lord on your mind. And when you’re testifying or talking about God, you don’t know why anybody else is a believer. You don’t care about that. You’re only sent to tell them what God told you and go your way. That’s exactly right. So many, I always said 80% of the churches are whitening their stuff out. They’re splitting hairlines and they’re splitting this. They’re splitting that. They’re talking this, they’re talking that, but no one wants to get up and do anything for God. See; lukewarm, and loss of enthusiasm on every aspect of the gospel. That’s a word. That’s every aspect of the gospel. When He said that and they’re headed for trouble in there, you see, Jesus must be first, not last.
Now listen: James and John had seen the miracles, and all that Jesus was doing. And you know what? They started contending which one was going to sit on one side and which one was going to sit on the other side. And they were arguing about which one of those were going to be the greatest with Jesus. And I know He was embarrassed. I know He was insulted because all of the followers were around there, and they were watching these two people. Jesus was just standing there, and they said, “Oh Lord, we want to be on–I want to be on this side, I want to be on that side of the throne.” And Jesus in the flesh said, that’s not my choice. See in the flesh, but in the Spirit, He said, that’s already been taken up, boys. I’m way ahead of you fellas here. See everything is accomplished and predestined by God. He knows exactly which one’s going to be on one side and which one’s going to be on the other side. I mean, if you believe that, they were so busy, you see, and they were so busy that Jesus caught it, and He handled it–already predestined. He said many Pentecostals, they only want to believe a part of God’s word. That’s exactly right. Many of them do. They’re not looking or expecting Jesus at all in their heart. That is another thing they’re doing wrong. Lukewarm will fit that too. If you’re not daily expecting Jesus, if you’re not daily wanting to see Jesus, did you know that is a sin in a way? Did you know that for not wanting to see the Lord, not wanting to see the coming of the Lord, you should expect the Lord to be coming at any time with the signs all around us. And people today, see, they’re looking around, they can’t see anything. They don’t know the Bible and we’re just buried in the signs. There are so many signs that they’re blinding them with it. Amen. Not exactly right. This message, you see, is a good one. I don’t think anybody can pass all the tests that’s in this message. But if you’re a real Christian, you’ll take it like a Christian and you’ll correct those things. James and John, they were corrected. Had they continued, they would have been replaced. How many of you believe that? It’s exactly right. That’s right. But Jesus was there, a great Major One. So, the Pentecostals, you see, and they say, well, see; they don’t believe all of God’s Word. You’ve got to take all the Word of God and expect Jesus to come daily. See scoffers (2nd Peter 3:3-7), at the end. Where are the signs of His coming? You see, they say, where are the signs of His coming at? So, they’re blinded themselves. You could name probably over 500 signs. The Bible said that would be here at the end of the age. And out of 500, maybe more than those signs at the end of the age, they can’t see anything. They can’t see anything because they don’t want to see anything. Once you get the power of God and salvation, you can see those signs that have been predicted, and they are everywhere. And we’ve got them on every kind of cassette on pictures, on motion pictures and everything like that, but that’s not my message. I can’t break off to show you those signs there. And they were obvious signs there now, signs of His coming.
You know, gossip has taken the place of winning souls in this age. You know, that’s right. There’s so much gossip, not only in the churches, but out in the world that they have special phone places for them to phone, to get fresh gossip. And they make up gossip. They want to hear gossip there. You see, well, what we need to do is to witness. How many of you believe that? That’s right. Sometimes it’s not gossip. Actually, it’s the facts that come in the news. Sometimes, that’s gossip. And sometimes there’s real facts that are there, but there’s just not all those kinds of facts. And a lot of it is gossip in there. You have to separate and get to winning souls because we’re in the hour. If you don’t keep your mind on Christ now and winning souls now, you’re going to finally just sit down and do nothing for God. I don’t care what it is. You’ve got to keep moving. If you don’t keep moving, you’re like a stream. Once that stream has stopped moving, it stagnates and there’s moss all over it. How many of you know that? Move, you know, be active, you can be active in praying to the Lord and praying for souls. Even if you can’t find anybody to witness to, God will send somebody to you. If you know that He is there, there’s no way out of it. He left it to where you can reach him, and you get a hold of him. You can reach him faster. You can phone somebody. I mean, if you believe that, that’s exactly right. But the flesh, you know, no, it’s not eager in all of “this. See, I don’t want to fall in line with that Word. I don’t want to fall in line with power.” You don’t want to fall in line with the faith. They don’t want to fall in line. You see? So, Jesus finally just put it all in one word for all of that. He said, it’s lukewarm. And He said, spewed it out. He wished it was either cold or hot. He said it had been better off than where they were sitting at that time. They had senses. They had the knowledge. They knew about those things, you know, and that last church age, which was spewed out and His faithful church at the very end of the age, He was knocking on those other people’s doors and they wouldn’t let Him in. But his faithful church was outside with Him, and they went away [with Him]. They wouldn’t listen. They no longer would listen. You know, when people are in bad shape, when they no longer want to hear the gospel, they no longer want to hear about the power of God, no longer want to hear about eternal life or the things that are coming. Well, they’re in bad shape. Have you ever thought of that? They are certainly in bad shape. And so, the Pentecostals get caught up in this too, instead of winning souls, they get in the way. There’s too much television today. While some of it can be watched, but people get so lost, they forget to pray. They forget to praise God. They forget to witness. They forget all about God. The next thing you know, weeks and months pass by, and they wonder why they’re in a dead position. They can’t figure out why they can’t get ahead with the Lord. Well, just pull some of that time over in a corner and get in there and refresh your mind before it really gets hold of you. Amen. That’s exactly right. You have to know how to do those things. And the phone, the same way, the radio or anything else that you’re doing, it’s the same thing. Did you know, actually, if you’re not doing any of those things, well, let’s say this, if you’re just doing nothing and just wasting time it’s a sin, did you know that? It would be one of the faults that God would put before you, lukewarmness, they were just wasting their time.
See, time fits in that element, faith, word, gift, anything and everything tied to that. Everything that’s in this Bible that He told that church to do at the end of the age, that fits into everything. And I mean, that covers in the beginning, right back to the end of the scriptures that we have in there and no one can escape it because it’s there. And we’ll show you right on down here. As we go, we’ll get right in it here. Now, see, He said here, when all that’s going on, in an hour you think not now, do you see what I mean? Too busy. See, if you’re too busy doing something else, you’re too busy to do something for God, in an hour you think not. Being ready is another one that He said. And James, (James 5:9) he said at the end, they were building up with so many grudges and everything that they forgot about the Lord was coming. Like the hypocrite, he said, the Lord delayeth his coming. And a scoffer said, where are the signs of the Lord’s coming? See; time, the element of time. And we’ll get a little bit more where that really comes out in a moment here. And see, so they forgot all about it. Now, listen to this right here. Forgiveness, the entire gospel, the fact that God came down in the Word, in the flesh, in the Messiah, visiting His people exactly, as John said. And you know what? If you say you won’t believe what John says, how in the world can you even be a Christian? How many of you are still with me now? That’s exactly what I said. And He came, came down as Messiah and the whole gospel is built on one word forgiveness. Forgiveness is based on first, that’s what Jesus came for. Had He not come down and spilled that blood for us, whose back was beaten for our healing, if He had not done that, no one would escape the punishment or the judgment upon this world. Forgiveness is a lost art. Boy; there’s an art to that. And forgiveness is a lost art. See, it refreshes the soul. If you know, even maybe possibly it’s not all your fault, but if you will ask forgiveness either from God, or if you think it goes far enough (to say something to somebody else), if you ask forgiveness, you are automatically forgiven. That’s exactly right. But if you don’t, you’re not. Jesus said, that’s exactly right. Forgiveness is a lost art. It refreshes the soul. No wonder the churches say the Lord is dry, (when they don’t practice forgiveness). If the forgiveness came down and it did to forgive all of mankind, He said, forgive them for they know not what they do, then forgiveness is one of the key words. If you forgive automatically, your soul will be wet with salvation again. It brings salvation. And if you don’t use it, you can lose salvation, Jesus said, simply because, you know, he went so far as to say, forgive your enemies. It refreshes the soul to do that.
Listen to this right here. Now, divine love, the capstone of faith, salvation, is also another lost art in this generation. Did you know that divine love–without forgiveness, there can be no divine love? The Lord said, because if He did not come down and forgive all the things this earth has done against His commands, if He had not forgiven them, see, there would have been no divine love. But because of great compassion, because of divine love that was in His heart. He saw the way mankind was going out, then by divine love and compassion, He came down and forgave us for anything and everything that we have done. So, without forgiveness, there can be no divine love. So, if you forgive and ask God to forgive you–if you’ve had problems or trouble–and you ask God to forgive you, then divine love can work, but it cannot work without forgiveness. Oh, He has these things tied together for the church. And if you learn how to structure and how to get them in place, indeed, the Christian life is one of the greatest. It is one of the best lives, one of the most confident lives there is and one of the soundest lives; and sound minds that we’ve ever seen. But people won’t, see? They say, “Well, I do this, but I don’t know, that’s so hard over here.” Well, I’d practice on it anyway, wouldn’t you? And you know what, if you put forth enough effort, the next thing, you know, God will slip that right in there and He’ll help you right along the path. This is to help the churches today somehow by a miracle of God and by divine intervention that only comes from the Almighty. Before the end of the age, He’s going to unite that group. One of these things is so great a crisis they can see in the world, and they can begin to see that God will give them a foresight, more foresight to see what’s going to happen. And much persecution and different things in crisis that will come will cause the people, and actually, He will nurture them towards just exactly where He wants them to unite in His power, not the way the world unites, but spiritual unification. And when they do, it’d be much easier for them to believe and much easier for them to follow that pattern. Always, the churches that followed that pattern were under heavy persecution and they were in crisis time, and it worked. I mean, if you believe that it’s exactly right.
So many things are coming there. And so that’s kind of all started in this generation, but He is going to bring those two forgiveness and divine love back. And you talk about having something. It seems that hate, and defiance have actually taken the place of forgiveness and for love today. Today it is kill, kill. That’s all you hear. Kill, kill the Christian, kill one another, kill the Christian. You say, boy, that’s the extreme. No, it’s not. They’re doing it. How many of you know that? You see one, say they’re a Christian over here and they’ll kill the other guy that says he is a Christian. I don’t know which one’s a Christian to you. Amen. But it’s kill, kill the Christian today, see? Someday some of them will soon be able to kill in the name of the antichrist if they’re not careful, see where that goes. So today, instead of killing one another, well, spiritually speaking, let’s put it that way. But in the Christian church today, it kills them spiritually, kills them this way, goes against that way, goes against that way, (James 3:2-18). See; don’t do that. You abide in what God has told you to do. I told you some of them might not pass this test here today. Amen. That’s exactly right. As you know, the devil, he’ll sometimes come at you in such a way that you’ll get so mad. See, that’s his trick. And he’ll keep on and keep on until finally human nature, if it doesn’t know how to fast or if it doesn’t know how to really get ahold of God in prayer, then the devil will finally get you upset in such a way. You just like to get out there and do that. You see, that’s exactly right. And if you keep on pretty soon, you’ll backslide. That’s exactly right. You’ve got to be careful. We are living in an age where people are scoffing the Bible said, then they kind of laugh and they kind of mock. They kind of do this, but the Bible said that it will all be proven as fact. And then those people that do that will be faced like the people of the flood. They didn’t think it was going to rain like he said, but the next day it never rained before, and it came up out of the ground. But you know what? They were faced with whatever they laughed at. Everyone, take seriously, take seriously what the Lord has spoken today, and what He saith unto the people and saith unto the churches. That’s exactly right. So that there, you see, they go off. They’re blinded. See, they get blinded there.
Now, Jesus said at His coming–instead of giving the Word in season like we’re doing today, instead of that, it said that instead they would be smiting one another. They’d be drinking and they would be out here, reveling out there like the flood and running around and kind of wow, out there (Luke 12: 45) and saying this: “Oh, we have plenty of time.” Also, Matthew 24:45-49 brings that out. You should read that right there. Oh, we have plenty of time. The Lord has delayed His coming. Out with the lukewarm. I’ll tell you this. There’s another thing that Satan will bring into your heart, and he’ll begin to tell you, “Well, you know, you’ve got plenty of time. Oh, forget it.; See, you’ve got plenty of time. We don’t have any time left. According to the scriptures, we’re in a transition time. Now, I mean, if you believe that there is a delayed time for us right now, but it’s not the kind that they’re talking about. And it’s kind of a lull in this revival. And then all of a sudden, He’s coming in with a quick, He said, short, powerful revival. So don’t think that you’ve got maybe 10 or a hundred years or whatever it would be. Just think about what you’ve got: today or tomorrow or the next day and go on with God. He’ll come at the exact time that He appointed it, but it’ll be in an hour that you think not. Now I would say, how many times have I mentioned about the churches across the land and everywhere, uh, one way or the other involved in things like this, then you could put that scripture there in an hour you think not, see? Now it is coming. It’s coming at a time when only the real Christian can recognize it. The rest of them, there’ll be an hour they think not, but the Christian, he won’t miss it. The real believer that listens, the one that really has faith, won’t miss that. But the ones that are lukewarm, and the ones that are out in the world, they’re going to miss in an hour. And so, we bring it right down in the hour of His coming. Listen to this right here now, get rid of these conditions and revival is in there. Wow! Get rid of these. That’s exactly right. You know what? That cuts revival loose. It escapes and the revival of freedom and power, it escapes in the soul there, and the next thing, you know, it becomes positive. When enthusiasm begins to come in, zeal breaks forth in there. Power begins to break forth. Oh my. Let’s read some more here. See, and I wrote this down here and got rid of these conditions. Revival is in the air. Restoration lives again. Unity of the spirit will occur. Miracles of faith will be everywhere, a sound mind, oppression leaves, and God restored joy and happiness. Life bubbles over and is in us like a vitality, power surges up like energy. The electric force of the spirit begins to take over. There is revival. How many of you believe that now? You know, somebody will get healed up here. You will see a miracle and a tumor or something will disappear, something will take place. And the people, you know, for a minute will shout and so forth. Well, that’s a sign and that’s a wonder. And that’s got moving and that’s part of it. And it looks like, boy, you’re in revival all the time. Well, that’s that revival. All right, but if you really want to get in revival among the people and among the body of Christ, you get rid of what I said, that lukewarmness and what all it means here. Then you’re beginning to see real revival. That is revival.
And we do have a revival spirit here. You can feel the power of the Lord. Satan, he may try any way he can. He’ll trick you and you won’t even get the anointing. The next thing you know, you’re confused because you’re right at the very point where that power is. Yep. When you get right close where it’s at, much is given, much will be required at that time. So, all of this and everything’s an admonition from the Lord. The age, He said, was going to close off exactly like that and close out those others that are involved in that and close them right out. And then the elect, the very ones that are of faith, the ones that believe God in their heart, there is that great revival. There is where the power is, there’s where He can come on and begin to move. And when He does, see; all the wheat is to one side, all the weeds at the other side. And when He comes in, you see, and gives a great revival, then there’s enough power in it that you, your body is changed, and you’re carried away. How many of you believe that this morning? Amen. Now, you know, sometimes you’re preaching other messages, revelation, prophecy, mysteries about the Bible, about God and you have a little time off, and you go to think, you see, and sure enough, God is showing a change in your messages. And when He does, it’s the kind of a message that comes in and anchors things down. And this morning, if you go back and listen to every bit of this, if you do what’s on this, I’ll guarantee you one thing, you ought to be shining some like Moses. Amen. That’s exactly right. Moses’ face as he listened to the Lord, he stayed alone with the Lord and he praised the Lord and he stayed right there. He did what the Lord told him there at that time and when he did, his face just glowed with the power of God. And I believe that we’ve got pictures too, and photographs, uh, you know, out here in the world all the time, they think they have pictures of a ghost, you know, and they see something eerie looking on the stairway and they think this over here and they get another picture over here, something from a saucer or something like that. And they get pictures, no doubt. Some of that is the spirit world of satan showing them this and showing them that. Sometimes it may be just something they made a mistake about. But did you know what? That the Lord has power too. You know, in Solomon’s temple, it was so thick, the glory of God, they couldn’t even see. There was so much of it on the mountains, that fire and glory of God was everywhere; lit up every night there and cloud of fire and a cloud in the daytime. And Ezekiel saw beautiful colors and flashing lights and all kinds of glories of the Lord. It’s all over the Bible. And in Jesus’ day, the clouds appeared and so forth. The three disciples saw all of his power. He said, the work I do, shall ye do. Amen. That’s exactly right. So, at the end of the age, if old Satan can put a photograph out about all that kind of stuff, then God can show His glory. Yes, sir. Anyway, while we are ministering, not looking for it, many times here, they have taken photographs with their cameras, and they’ve seen the glory and the power of God. I’m telling you, it’s real if you want it to be real, but you must believe, faith must become so powerful. Faith must become so powerful in the Lord that He Himself allows it or it’s not seen. Besides that, you don’t even need–you don’t need anything like that. If you don’t want to, if you believe God is strong enough, the Bible promises, it may not happen to everybody, but some people that really seek God with all their heart, He’ll open up the heavens to you and you don’t need a camera, you can look right into God. How many of you believe that he appeared to all of the prophets? He appeared in every dispensation where he gave his power in a great way. He showed signs.
He showed miracles and wonders among the people. While we can’t confirm every picture that’s taken and confirm everything that goes on, we know in the midst of it, God is having his way. How many of you believe that? Because some things that even the ones that check them claim, well, we can’t tell you, you know, what kind of power or what that is, but that’s supernatural. While we can’t confirm them all, we do know some of them have the power of God. He’s really real. How many of you believe that? So once the church, once the people of this earth, in the hour that we’re living in, once they can get together, love one another, and believe God with all of their heart, you talk about walking in the glory of God. I would like to see it so thick in here sometimes that you couldn’t walk. I don’t know about these other pastors. If they want to stay in their problems and they want to stay with all their worries and all the things that’s going on and wonder how they’re going to escape Armageddon and all of that, I don’t worry about that. Just get with Jesus. Amen. You’ll escape all of these things. I’m not saying we’ve got them all over this country. I believe you can hardly see them because of the other things that are going on. You probably have some wonderful pastors all over this nation. God always has them hidden. You don’t know where they’re all at, but they’re out there somewhere. They’ll be in heaven. They are trying and they’re preaching the gospel, but I’m not talking about them, but I’m talking about some of the others that they don’t want to talk about or get involved in all this power of God. Well, that’s their business, but I’m already involved. Amen.
God is really great, isn’t He? So, with all of this, this morning, a surge of God’s Spirit, you get everything free, you get everything loose, everything just right. Boy, you talk about sparks, you’re going to see them. I want you to stand on your feet this morning here. Amen. I’ll tell you one thing, in an hour, you think not. And you say, this is easy to see because it’s happening all around the country here this morning. And you know what? If you need Jesus, you talk about a time to get in. Boy, His door is still open. He’s standing there. It won’t always be that way. And we know, we don’t know the exact day or the hour. We’re not just saying that, but we know by the signs that His coming is getting closer and closer and closer. And one thing, if you think you do have a little bit of time, don’t think that way because God wants you to get in now so that you can save somebody else. How many of you believe that? I’ve always thought that way. He wants you now because the quicker you get in, the more that you can save, and the more that you can witness about Jesus. And you want to have a witness in your heart. When you stand before him, you want to be sure that you have helped in some manner or form to witness to somebody about the Lord Jesus. And this morning, I want you to give your heart to Lord Jesus, confess Him in your heart. And we have always, we pray for the sick up here. If you need anything deeper, we’re going to do it. And this morning, I want you to give your heart to the Lord and get right in. If you need anything else, He will fulfill it for you by the power of faith. Amen.
Now, this morning, I want you to do this. I want you to lift your hands up. I want you to thank God. And you tell the Lord, Lord, if I am lazy, if I’ve got lethargy, if I’m lukewarm in any form, now you may be sparkling in some of these things, but you might be lukewarm in some of those things I mentioned. How many of you know that? Amen. Some things you might be full of fire, and you might be right, right, zeal and all of those things and some other things you just might be lukewarm in, but I’d try to get it all out of there. Amen. And this morning, you praise God, and you thank the Lord in your heart and you tell Him you’re going to do better and you’re going to let that sermon sink into your heart. And then tonight, I want to mention this. We have a prophetic film that you don’t want. It’s a new one that you don’t want to miss. You want to bring your friends tonight. And it’s about prophecy too. And I think that you’re really, really going to enjoy it. You’re going to see things through there. Now you want to do this. You want to watch closely, or you’re going to miss something and listen to what I’m saying and watch those pictures as they come through there. And every one of you will get enlightenment before we get finished. Now, I want to see you back here tonight. Bring a friend if you can. But if not, I want every one of you to come back here. Let’s praise the Lord now. Let’s give thanks to God. Do you know that sermon just loosened everything up in here? I’m telling you, boy, I’ll tell you what. If there are any ghosts following you, they are gone. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Let me say praise the Lord, we’ve got angels here. All right, let’s shout the victory. Thank you, Jesus. It happened now. It happened now.
Additional scriptures; Rev. 3:14-16; Matt. 6:14-15; John 3:16, 1:14; Lk. 21:19,29,32,34,36; Matt. 24:42-44; Mk. 13:28-37; Patience – Lk.21:19; James 5:7-11; Rev. 3:10.
Scrolls 30-p3; 24 p1; 22 p8; 11part 2 Lp.
119 – True Signs