118 – The Whole Armor (Prevents) Leave a comment

The Whole Armor (Prevents)The Whole Armor (Prevents)

TRANSLATION ALERT 118 | Neal Frisby’s Sermon CD #777 4-2-80 (PM)

Oh, isn’t that wonderful? God bless your heart. I appreciate all that. It’s really great. I wonder why I got so many out here for this kind of a message. Oh, it’s a touchy one. Alright, I’m going to ask the Lord to bless you, so you can stand up under it. Amen? You know, every time I get something started, I get started and it’s just more, more, more than I can handle. And I guess several Wednesday nights before we didn’t preach too long, we prayed for a lot of sick people. And God healed them and worked miracles and we’ve seen many things. Tonight, after this sermon, I have to make a decision on how I want to do this service. But Sunday night, I’ll be praying for miracles on the platform and God will bless your hearts. And I’ll be here Sunday morning.

Now, Jesus, they come out here tonight to hear the Word of the Lord, because there’s no place any better than where we’re at tonight; no place except in heaven, but all upon the earth, there’s no better place. And I ask you tonight, Lord, touch every heart and that all of them would go away knowing the will of God in their life and that you will bless each home that takes and receives this message as the Word of the Lord. And I believe you’re going to give all something tonight that believe just a little bit. You’re going to bless their hearts. Oh, praise God. Come on and just praise the Lord. Oh, blessed be the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah! It’s wonderful, isn’t it? All right. Go ahead and be seated.

And I’ll tell you what, a message like this should be preached often. I preached a while back in a little bit of a different way. And I had one marked several months ago in the Bible similar to this one. And I was on this one. It looked just like the other one, nearly. And so, I preferred this one right here. And maybe later I’ll come back to the other one. But it should be preached in every little church, every small church because you know, satan is very deceptive and cunning. And even good Christians sometimes and the strongest of Christians and even the apostles and some of the prophets and disciples allowed some of these things to come because they’re in human nature. And they did affect them, even some of Jesus’ disciples and even apostle Paul several times in the New Testament. But that will be the latter part of the sermon here.

But what we want to do is watch because in the age we’re living in, it seems like to me the bottomless pit has just opened up. And demons are converging on the earth and they’re everywhere. But the Lord is lifting up a standard. He’s sending more angels to gather the elect and more power and all of these things. Those that really believe will become stronger. And those that don’t believe will become weaker according to the Scriptures. Isn’t that right? Okay, tonight you listen real close here and afterwards we’ll see what the Lord wants me to do. And I know you’ve been enjoying the prophecy and so forth. And as God leads me, well, we give it. I thought I was going to explain a little bit better that time chart that I was talking about because I didn’t tell it all about it because the translation comes before some of those other events take place–when these time cycles begin to start. But it’s like a time chart. I don’t tell the day or the hour or anything like that about the Lord. But it gives an opinion of the general time, the Holy Spirit is unctioning us there. And somebody was–I got letters from all over the United States—"somebody was on the radio saying the Lord’s going to come April 1st. And what do you think, Brother Frisby”? Of course, you know, I couldn’t answer them all except what I felt like saying to a few of them and giving them a scripture. And when people talk like that, now, I believe April 1st has already gone by, you see. And they told the people, you know, and they got everybody scared. I never heard of it, but they wrote to me about it. And then somebody came up here Sunday night. Some of you didn’t understand what it was about. And they asked me, I believe the Lord was coming on April 1st. And I told them, no, because if He told the day, He wouldn’t come that day. He said nobody would know the day or the hour. And I said, well, that fellow would surely feel funny if He’d come the day before, wouldn’t he? Amen. See, you don’t know. And so, he’s all wrong. It’s already passed. And I found out that it’s April Fool’s Day, so he made a double jackass out of it. Can you say praise the Lord? Sure, I caught all of that. And people by the hundreds probably wrote to that guy. He’ll move on to another station. We’re living in a deceptive hour. And I very rarely talk about anybody or anything. And I don’t know, and I don’t care to know the man’s name or who it was. But you’ve got to be careful today. Now, we’re going on with the Lord. But we’re to watch every day. Can you say praise the Lord?

God’s here. Do you believe that? He wants this message here. Now tonight, The Whole Armor. How many of you know that? You better get it. Demons are on the loose. The work of the adversary is stepping forth to try to purge, to come against, to aggravate and try to cause people to backslide. He’s moving in that direction and gradually pulling in a lukewarm condition so he can attack them, causing them to fall way behind the sheep and taking a hold and attacking them. And a surge of demon activity from the pit is coming. A strong delusion, the Bible says. And here 2 Thessalonians 2: 9 11, speaks about at the end of the age that it will come. And, you know, what’s taking place. And in the 80s, let me tell you, it’s a little prophecy here. I believe that we’ll see again the revival of witchcraft and sorcery mingled with drugs, the type of things that Jannes and Jambres had done and the magic tricks and the magicians of Egypt and other things coming, some of them in the name of the Lord in different ways, but not with the Word of God. And false messiahs and false prophets from every angle. There is going to be a kind of a revival of psychics and witchcraft. And never in the last hundreds of years will we have ever seen anything that we’re going to face in some parts of these 80s that are going to take place forerunning the rising of the lawless one, the man of sin. He’s a super wizard, and he’s coming. He may not look like it at first, but he’ll be a super deceiver and a super wizard when he comes. And so, there’s going to be a type of horde, a delusion, a type of a deluge of those kinds of spirits that are coming in the 1980s. When they begin to take in there, you’ll remember what I said, because they’re coming. So, it’s important and it’s very vital to get this message, because the demon powers are coming from the abyss, from below, and are satanic in origin.

Listen to this here, in this verse here: “And there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire [They even got to following witchcraft till they even got into such a shape that they passed their children through the fire. They used to call him Moloch] Or that uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch” (Deuteronomy 18:10). The occult explosion. There’s a cult and there’s an occult. Now the cult is false doctrine. And it can use some of the occult. But the occult is the type when satan was cast out upon the earth and the type at the Tower of Babel. And it was the occult mixed with the cult, the worshipping of stars–not to look up and see the handiwork of God, not to see the signs and wonders that Luke tells us about in Genesis, or signs where God is having conjunctions and eclipses and things like that. But actually, they’re using them wrong, and even worshipping different things like that and calling them gods and all kinds of things like that. And so, the occult is different, but the cult and the occult go together. And according to Revelations 21:8 and Revelations 9:21, sorceries, including witchcraft, will hit an all-time high at the time of the great tribulation and preceding the great tribulation.

And according to the Bible, the following are forbidden heathen practices: Enchantments, Exodus 7:11. Don’t fool with enchantments and charms and different things like that. The only thing God gives us is the staff, the oil, and the cloth. How many of you know that? Of course, as a point of contact, God can use anything that He wants to. But I’m trying to get into more of this, the false religions and the cults and the different things like that are completely away from the Word of God (Exodus 22:18). Sorcery, Isaiah 47: 9. Now, you know in sorcery, and it’s also in the book of Revelation too, and you’ll find sorceries in those scriptures that we just spoke about. And in the sorceries, it gives it the Greek word. It’s called Pharmacia or something like that. Pharmacia, it sounds like pharmacy. It’s a Greek word, and it’s connected to sorcery. So, sorcery is connected to drugs and medicines that they use in witchcraft. So, we see the word sorcery in the Bible is intermingled with drugs that they use. And so, by taking that word from the Greek, that actually means pharmacy and it’s connected to sorcery. So, we see that the drugs and the sorcery and the opium and different things that they have used and the Orientals and so forth are connected to sorcery. We’ll see at the end of the age; the kingdom will be full of drugs and sorcery and all kinds of false idols and witchcraft. And then there’s soothsaying in different scriptures of the Bible. And that’s Daniel 2:27. And the soothsayers of all time will be rising to seduce and to hook the ones that are lingering behind. I call them sorcery hookers, and they’ll get them too, and they’ll drag them in. So, keep your eyes open when we’re getting up to where these demons are getting a hold of the world, oppressing you and possessing to a point.

And tonight, if you’ll listen to it, it will help you more than anything else. Now, I preach on divine healing and many prophecies, but this will help you tonight if you will listen to what the Spirit has to say unto the churches. It’s coming. And it won’t be far that it will triple and compound what’s going to happen there. And so, we have that right there. And so, in all of this, in the false religion, I will narrow it down finally to the little foxes that eat the vine. That’s the way the Lord gave it to me, and that’s the way I’m going to go in a moment there. So, we see the occult explosion is on its way there. Now, listen: You know, when Jesus was talking in the scriptures, and He said one time, He said, I saw Satan, and he fell like lightning. And that’s in Luke, in the Bible. I believe I marked it down for you. It’s Luke 10: 18. Okay, He saw him. What He was saying is, I saw Satan traveling towards the earth at the speed of light. And he came down. And he was moving in some kind of a thing, but he came there. And, you know, as I got into this, and it’s not my subject tonight because there’s been new evidence and things since I last preached it, but did you know that they believe, and they have found—now, all of them couldn’t be wrong, several magazines, unless it’s a hoax of some kind, but it sounds like it could be satanic. But even in that area where I’m going to talk about, it could be similar to the bottomless pit that the Bible talks about. But anyway, down close to the devil’s triangle, by air and by sounding and looking and somehow, they have found a pyramid. And the pyramid is 780 feet high under the water. And it’s capped. Now, Satan is the copy [cat]. He is the imitator. How many of you know that? And he will imitate everything. Not only did he imitate this, but the great pyramid of Egypt where the headstone’s off, the capstone, he went beside it and put two on. That’s next to it there. But the great one with the symbols inside is different than any they’ve ever seen. But now under the sea, and that’s by that devil’s triangle in there. And the fact is this. Many believe today–that they studied that—they believe that that’s the pre-Adamic kingdom of satan after God cast him out of heaven in that very area where he was at. Because, you know, in many of the areas off from there, they have the cults and things that eat humans. And different things took place there at that time. And it’s in the devil’s triangle there. And underneath there is a pyramid, 780 feet they’ve been able to measure. It’s under the water. And it’s of a civilization that was once here before. Some think that Atlantis was. Many thousands of years ago, satan’s pre-Adamic kingdom, a place that he ruled or had his kingdom until God completely overthrew it with great judgments. It could have been in the Ice Age or even the flood that came during that time. But he was the one when he alighted upon this planet, he instigated the first murder, the first lie. And down in Babylon in Iraq, down in that area of Euphrates there. And he’s the very one that brought the occult when he came, angel worshiping, star worshiping, fortune telling, and all of these kinds of things. He’s the very one that landed on the earth with that. And through his satanic demons and angels, he taught it to the first civilization in Mesopotamia there. But anyway, I thought it was strange. And down in areas where so many mysterious things took place that they’ve never been able to figure it out.

And so, in the Bible, in Revelation 17:8, it says there is a bottomless pit. In Revelation 11:7, it says there is a bottomless pit. So, I’m not saying that’s a bottomless pit. But they do believe that satan had somehow built a kingdom there because some of the things under there are pre-civilization of some sort. And it’s off the coast of Florida in the Devil’s Triangle, way out in there. And we see that satan had a kingdom. How many of you know that? And he ruled on this earth. But anyway, through there, the witchcraft and the occultism that surround that is an imitator of God. And so, when Jesus saw him moving out, wherever He told him to go, he left in a hurry. How many of you know that? And today, Jesus wants us to have the same power. We want to move these devils back at the speed of light. I don’t care which way they go because they can’t go back up there. But just so that they go. Amen? Let them go. They can go back down in that pit over there. Whatever that is, there’s been a mystery out in there. And that’s not my subject or I would get into something there. But it seems like a lost continent in some sort that’s sunk in there. And they know that. Scientists know that. But what? They’re unable to tell all about it there.

And then you know today how he comes in different ways, in the false religions and the occult that he comes. He comes in strange ways. And satan coils; he coils around a person until he strangles them with a tight grip. He just gradually begins to do it. He is called the old serpent. How many of you know that? He still knows how to coil around you gradually and tighten his grip to get the false witchcraft to the people. And he will depress. And then he will oppress and then he will depress, and then he will possess. He will worry. He will upset the church. He will do everything possible. And he will tighten the very life of the spirit out of the church. How many of you are aware of that? He will do those things. So, it is good tonight that Jesus is bringing this message because I think in your future life and the days ahead that these kinds of problems will spring up in front of you. They will come to your children with some form of witchcraft or somehow, they will teach something [related] to witchcraft or it will be sorcery of some kind or it will be a cult or a false doctrine. But the Lord’s Word is true because it said at the end of the age it would be just like what we’re seeing coming. It’s coming and it’s time that every church would hear a sermon and a message that would straighten them out and keep these demon powers from oppressing them and wearing them out. Amen? Praise the Lord. Okay, we’re right here. And did you know the other night on the news, did you know people were down there in Florida and those people down there were cooking alligators which is a reptile and they were eating the meat? How many of you know that? It would make them savage, I guess. How many of you have seen that on the news? Amen. That’s their business what they want but I don’t think I want any alligators. Do you? That’s a form of reptile. See, it means that satan is just moving in on them. That’s really right. And so, we see that today. But I’ll tell you there’s coming a time during the Great Tribulation that they’ll eat worse things than that because God will cut it off during that time. No rain for 42 months. I don’t want to be on the earth at that time. All the magic, all the sorcery, all the witchcraft—the witchcraft they want to work will not work against God’s judgments. It’ll be like in the days of Moses when he took the children of Israel out and they used all kinds of witchcraft against him to stop him from taking them out of there. But they were overthrown, and they could not stop the power of God. And I have the authority of the Holy Spirit today to tell you that every kind of a Jannes and Jambres and witchcraft and all kinds of those sorceries, the Korah and all the rebellion will work against the church and try to keep it from going up with God. But the Bible said just like Moses, that the power of God will defeat anything that satan puts in sorcery. Can you say praise the Lord? That’s right.

Now angels are ministering spirits to the redeemed. God sends them to us to help us and to overthrow satan there. And so, we want to cast satan out. Did you know that it is satan that causes the confusion? It is satan that discourages you through his demons. It is satan that puts the sickness upon you. So, let’s just get rid of it, amen? And it causes you worries and your problems. People see now what I’ve been predicting is edging in closer to them. And some people don’t know what to do. But I’ll tell you one thing, Jesus has already told us what to do and I accept it, amen? And we’ll do that, and we’ll gradually get into this message and push this back to where you’ll see where I’m headed here and how God will bless you. In Luke 11:24, it shows what causes the spirit of apostasy on a generation and people. We’ve got it there. And so, we’ll just take old satan. He’s working inside the church and outside of the churches all over the world today. Our job of the Holy Spirit–we’re sent to poison him by just getting him out of the way, to take him or the bugs off of the vine to get him out of there. That is our job, to rebuke satan, to resist satan, and to cast him out so that the body is whole. That’s the only thing. That’s scripture, 100% scripture in there. And the origin and doom of Satan we preached about. Satan at the beginning abode not in the truth. How many of you know that? Because Jesus said there is no truth in him. Is that right? He cannot. He cannot do it. Now he can’t (John 8:44). And he was just cast out of heaven there. The work of Satan and evil spirit; satan takes away the Word sown in the hearts of the careless. How many of you know that? I can preach a message like this or preach a message that reaches on out there and if the sinners that come in here, if they don’t take it seriously, then the very message that’s sown in the heart–they were joyful when they were here–then afterwards, satan moves in and picks that word right out of the heart, like the Bible says–a bird–and takes it right out of there. So, he takes away the Word that has been sewn in the heart, but he takes it away from the careless. He doesn’t take it away from those that are watching. He said the careless. Can you say, praise the Lord? He takes it away from them.

Satan sows tares among the children. See; he does that. And he gets in there with those tares. And that’s what this year I’ve been preaching about. And all that we’ve been going through. That’s where the problem comes. And I see today, you know, every once in a while, even in the ranks of deliverance, sometimes in Pentecost, and you get into the Full Gospel, and they may not be knowing it, but that they’re tampering around with sorcery and with witchcraft. And it’s coming in cunningly, they don’t know how dangerous it is. And at first, it doesn’t look dangerous. But then they begin to go on into it. And the next thing you know, they’ve even got different toys that’ll lead into it if you’re not careful, see, and so many of them today. And it’ll lead in until he starts getting a coil. And once he gets it, then he starts depressing and oppressing in there in many different ways. So, you want to watch there. Evil spirits inhabit bodies of the disobedient and the ones that are disobedient to God, who won’t listen to the Word of the Lord and the messages from the Lord. Then he can inhabit them because they’re disobeying the very Word of the Lord. I’ve got a few more scriptures here. We’ll get to them right here. It’s good. Satan imposes his nature upon the disobedient. In Luke 13:16, satan, when possible, oppresses the bodies of the children of God. Satan seeks to subvert the children of God (John 8:44).

We’re getting on Satan tonight. Amen. I don’t call for the messages. And I was surprised He’d come back around. I’d intended to do something. And here He comes. Somebody’s going to face something here in a few days. Different people may be facing it now, satan trying to pull you away somehow. Be careful what you’re doing there. And so, we see that he tries to subvert the children of God. And Satan, through wicked men, persecutes the righteous (Revelation 2:10), and you want to have your patience and hold on to the Lord there. And now we’re going to get into the other part of the message here. Those are real scriptures, but never fear, Jesus defeated him, and the prince of the air was cast out at the cross. I really believe that. And tonight, in this message that God gets through here, by Sunday you’ll be able to get something in the other message, and by Sunday night I’ll tell you of a truth, you will get your answers. Some of you, that’s been hard. This may be why some of you did not get your answers. He’s hitting on some things. And before I get through, there will be some more things that He will begin to hit on in here. And we want it to come, like I say, the major things right down to how he [satan] coils like a serpent; he is tricky, he is crafty, he is cunning, and he moves at the speed of light, as Jesus said. So be careful. But we move faster. God is faster than light and Jesus will do it.

Now, I want you to listen to this real close. And I felt that it would come from the Holy Spirit for me to read this. And I will do it. So, remember, the full armor, the demons are loose. This is a powerful message. I’m going to help people to get set free from oppression, depression, satan discouraging, and burdening you down. We want to lose that thing tonight. Watch that band break because this anointing will burst it and break it too. Now, watch real close here: This killer [is]wanted dead. And we want to get rid of him, amen, spiritually dead. He is vicious. He is cruel. And he’s dangerous. And approach with caution and watch him. And we’ll get to it and tell you what it is. Last seen, he was headed towards the lukewarm Christian and the sinners that live in the badlands. He’s coming. You see, spirits I’ve been speaking about come in different ways. And we’re going to get over here and see what it is. Listen real close here. See, his evil titles are a known criminal. He attacks without warning. Usually very coy and subtle. See, like a serpent in there. Remember satan, the old serpent. He’s wily. Ooh, crafty, it said in the Garden there. He’s a killer. He can kill the body and the soul quickly. He’s a destroyer. Here are his titles: Known to destroy the esteemed value of life itself. Will destroy all that is good and holy in a moment’s time, given a chance. He comes to Jesus to destroy Him and to take Him up on a pinnacle. But He said it is written. It is written. And tonight, with His written Word and this written message, he [satan] has got to go. Amen. He has got to go. And he will do it too. So, he’s called the destroyer. And he will destroy the value of life itself. He’s a home breaker. He will turn wives against their husbands and husbands against their wives. He will turn the parents against their children. And he will take the children, and he will turn them against their parents. He’s a home breaker, a church splitter. Why, he can split the rails. He’s a church splitter. He has been known to split churches, causing pastors to turn away in sorrow with their character slandered, breaking the hearts of the saints. He has destroyed Christian standards and influence all over the earth. How many of you believe that? These are his titles. I’ll give you his aliases in a minute. And then I will give you his name. He has brought nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom. He’s causing hate and distrust to grow everywhere, wars and rebellions. Why, he can set it up and set hell on fire. Watch and see here. He’s a robber. He has turned riches into rags and kindness into bitterness in just a little bit. He turns good health into illness and takes life out of people. If he is not conquered, he will continue on his road of destruction, leaving scenes of ruin, rivers of tears, and souls of suffering and tiredness, left with vital scars if he is not stopped. Matthew 12: 35-37, will tell you some things about him. And when you see evidence of his whereabouts, approach him boldly in the name of Jesus, taking the sword of faith and the Word of God. That will stop him. You get that? And he can be caught and stopped by using Matthew 18: 18. And also in this very message tonight, the truth will make you free, amen, by me revealing the demon powers that are causing all this trouble and the devils that cause the sickness and the heartbreaks and the oppression and the suffering and the discouragement.

The very Word of truth, the Bible said, you shall know the truth. And it is the truth that shall set you free. And this is the truth tonight. You are set free, amen. He’s right. Any time he [satan] isn’t brought under control, he can weaken the strength of those who are working, and he can just set them aside from the kingdom of God and they will do nothing there, not a thing. Watch this here: his aliases are active temper, raging, active gossip. That’s what we’ve been talking about. Wars through anger and one nation gossiping against another. And the church is the same way. He’s envious. He’s active with it. He’s a liar. How many of you know that? He tells it. He’s jealousy and he moves in for the kill and he strikes the church today. These are his aliases. But the truth shall make you free. Now, from the major things we moved into the little foxes that eat the vines. See how God does all this? I didn’t have anything to do with it. He came to me and told me which way to do it. And it’s coming right on down through there. Those are his aliases. Listen to this. You know, in Joel chapter 1, it tells you about how he has killed every revival that’s ever started with the tongue. He has killed every revival. The old canker worm eats on the vine and stops the revival. And the canker worm, and the caterpillar of the old antichrist doctrine, witchcraft, sorcery, all of them working against the children of the Lord and the Word of God trying to chew it away there. And so, we see him; he’s on the loose, he’s everywhere. Watch. Those were his aliases that I gave you a while ago.

And now his name is the tongue. How many of you know that? There’s his name. That’s that thing we’ve been talking about all the time. There’s that tongue. “The tongue is a fire. It’s a world of iniquity. So is the tongue among our members that it defileth the whole body and setteth on fire the course of nature. And it is set on fire of hell” (James 3: 6). But the tongue can no man tame. You can’t tie it down unless the Holy Spirit does it. It is unruly, evil, and full of deadly poison like the old serpent himself (James 3:8). You know, be careful where your tongue hits [becomes] a destroyer. How many of you know that? You can give life with it, or you can take life with it. I gave you the aliases, and there’s his name. And behind that tongue, old Satan can only work. And he can get in there and get a hold of that. An evil tongue is the same as old satan, moving again among the people. You have to be careful. You know in the Bible, and we’ve got it in the Bible, the prophets, some of them, and the disciples, through the time that Peter walked up to Jesus, and satan had got a hold of him there (Matthew 16:22-23). And in different places of the Bible, even the apostles. Paul one time was angered in different times there. And it’s going to happen sometimes to everybody at one time or the other. But the Bible says you stay full of the Holy Spirit, and the power of God in you, and the Lord will control that tongue, and control that body, and keep you out of those problems. Amen? If they’re going to happen, they won’t happen very often because when you’re in this human body, even with some power of God in you, and all that’s in you, it’s hard to keep back all of these things all of the time. But by holding on and being full of the Spirit of God, and the power of this anointing in this building, it will curtail that thing. We will strangle that devil until he can’t even move his tail. Amen. Praise the Lord. And you have to control that thing [the tongue].

Watch it. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessings and cursings. My brethren, these things ought not so to be (James 3.10). And so, the Bible says this in there. “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure” (James 3:17). This is wisdom in this sermon tonight that God’s given. Satan won’t want it. The human body will rebel against it. The human nature can’t see that far into it. But I’ll tell you, it is good, strong meat. And it’s what the church needs all over the world. How many of you know that? Every little church and every big church. Because without preaching it and keeping it away from the people, then the revival fires are quenched. That’s what happened to revival all over the country. The tongue got involved, slanderous characters and different things began to take place. And he tried to squeeze the life out of the revival. But, oh, you can hear the sound of rain. You can feel the power of God in those chariots. He’s coming. Amen. Chariots of salvation, the Bible says. Wells of salvation and healing power and the wings of healing rising with great power from the Lord. He is coming. Can you say praise the Lord? And He’s going to give us an outpouring, the sound of rain. May God help everybody that hears this message tonight and bless their heart too with the anointing by Jesus. Put on that anointing. I’ve seen so many of them, the demon powers will depart, and I will get letters and notes from the people that their mental problems are gone; their worry and their fear have departed–so many all over the nation and different parts where I’ve been. Let the anointing, Lord, flow through here to help our people that satan has oppressed and even got a hold of them in such a way that he has discouraged them, and they don’t know which way to turn. Let a blessing be on this anointing and let joy unspeakable come in their hearts. I rebuke satan from any of those bodies and let them live a happy, joyful life, blessing them and prospering them in the way of the Lord. Satan, I command you, lose the chains off of every person that you’ve chained up with this voice of God coming. I command you, depart this instant.

Oh, can’t you feel him going? Move like lightning, satan. God is great. These cassettes will help people, get them delivered and shout the victory. Don’t let anything get you down or steal your crown. And don’t let your tongue take it away from you. And every time you want to talk about people or different things, here’s what you want to do, talk about Jesus real quick. Amen, praise the Lord. And then as long as you’re in this flesh, you’re going to have to put up a standard. You’re going to have to take hold of the Word of God and he’s going to help you tonight. He will do it. So, the wisdom that is from above is pure and then peaceable, gentle. It’s easy to be entreated and full of mercy and good fruit without partiality, without hypocrisy (James 3.17). I’m telling you; it is wonderful. How many of you feel, see those foxes? Get them out of the way there. The Lord began at that old satan’s head and went clear down to the tail or he went down from the tail and went clear to the head. Any way you want to look at it, it’s dangerous, amen? But He knows what He’s doing. And I got on that thing down there. And I’ll tell you what, we just went from the top to the bottom of that old serpent kingdom, didn’t we? Amen. The old serpent, it said, the old devil, the accuser of the brethren. And sometimes you people haven’t done anything at all, and you’ve been praying and it’ll come in your mind or something and he’ll accuse you of not even being right with God. Stand up to him, amen. Say, I love God. I’ve got him, amen, praise the Lord. He’ll try every angle on the people. I have to pray for them on the platform.

You’ve heard Him talk to me up here. And God’s power, it is real. This kind of a message is not popular, but it’s the greatest message of the hour. It’s got to be preached every once in a while, or that old devil will just take it and come little by little and get a hold of you there. So, we see that. And it’s just wonderful there. And so, the killer, he is wanted dead. Dangerous. Approach with caution. Last seen, he’s headed for the lukewarm Christian and the sinners that are in the badlands. I wrote that myself on there. I’ll tell you, boy, he’s headed out. Can you say praise the Lord? You get the sword, the Word of God, and you can have a shootout with him. Amen. Boy, this is western tonight, isn’t it? Well, I don’t know how to symbolize it any better. It came that way. And you get him with the Word of God, that sword, double-edged sword will catch him two different ways. Amen. Because God’s got the double-edged sword there. It’s really wonderful. And now listen to this here really close as we get in here. In Ephesians chapter 6, it tells you why these demons are loose and how they’re activating today in sorcery, witchcraft, and their tongue is full of deadly poison, lying doctrines, and seducers of all kinds of untruths, false Christs, and false prophets. Look overseas what is happening. You see the tongue. Look at what they’re doing over there. They call everybody over here satanic and all of that. I don’t doubt there’s some over here. But the thing is this. It’s full of deadly poison. Look at the trouble that it’s causing in the Middle East. Look between–God talking now–between the child of Hagar, little Ishmael, and the child of Abraham. And look at them over there. The tongue, just poisoning one another. Oh, just moving against one another. Finally, the Lord’s trying to show them to have a little peace in there. But there’ll really be no lasting peace until the Prince of Peace comes. Only for a while, see. And yet tongue at one another, hating one another there, you know. And see it’s a deadly poison causing war, conflict, and all of those things there. So, we see in the Middle East, what it has done; most of that was caused from the tongue just back and forth and happening there. And so today, kingdoms have been shaken by it. Nations shaken by it. Churches shaken by it. Cities shaken by it. Individuals shaken by it. Be careful. Approach with caution. We want him dead out of the way. Get satan out of there.

Here’s what you do. Ephesians 6. As we come down through here, Ephesians 6 verse 10 we will begin. “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil [crafty and cunning]. How many of you know that? “For we wrestle not…” (v. 14) Here it is: here is the capstone of the sermon and the capstone of the message that God would give us. Here is the antidote and the power and what is happening here and how the Lord will do it as we begin to come down through here. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (v. 12). In other words, in positions that send down orders and Lucifer that sends down orders to demons. And so, we don’t wrestle against the power we’re trying to fight. That’s minor compared to the spiritual thing that you cannot see that’s pulling you down in the strongholds and just squeezing the life out of you. And Paul is telling you here in verse 13, he says, take unto you the whole armor of God, not part of it, but “the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand in the evil day. And having done all to stand,” just stand. Amen. Praise the Lord. It’s there. And above all, taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all, all it says, all the fiery darts of the wicked (v. 16). Isn’t that wonderful there? Praise ye the Lord. And praying always with supplications (v.18).

And so, we see today, put on the full armor of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit and the anointing of the Lord in this building and the Word of God that’s within you, put that on and God will bless you there. So, the occult explosion and the cults are in the air. And so, we see with all sorcery and lying tricks and signs and wonders, he will come at the end of the age. And this is time to stay with the Word of God. Be filled with the Spirit of the Lord and you can confront each power that rises against you that’s evil. How many of you know that tonight? And so, we see tonight with all of this and the things here, the wonderful scriptures of the Lord. In 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-11, it shows the strong delusion that is coming to the church. And the Lord just spoke to me to read a scripture, and I’ll try to find it right here and listen to it close here. We got it right here because I had forgotten about it, and I remembered this afternoon, and we’re to do this. In 1 Timothy 4, I remember I preached a while back on this scripture, been quite a while now, and it’s chapter 4:1. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly [see, it shows and reveals much about this], that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith.” See, they even had faith. They were even associated with the faith, but they departed from the faith. They were seduced by all kinds of heresies, and they would not even listen any longer to sound doctrine in another place (2 Timothy 4:3). But heaped together teachers with itching ears, and they didn’t love the truth, and therefore God destroyed them because they did not want the truth. And so, the Spirit is really revealing, it says expressively, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith. It didn’t say all would. It said a group would stay with the Lord.

Giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, amen? That’s what’s going to confront us in the 80s like we’ve never seen before. And whether this message is very important and vital to some of you tonight, in the years ahead, it will be very important for the people to get a hold of this cassette and this message because they’re going to be entrenched. I’m not just speaking to the audience here tonight, but this will go in every direction to those people that are bound, and somebody will take a cassette, maybe it’s their neighbor, or their children getting involved, or their sons and their daughters, and it will come in handy. And the power of God is the only thing that can break that witchcraft and get rid of that tormenting spirit. And you talk about delusion. One time, I could tell you a whole, just all kinds of stories, and there’s one woman, she just kept on. I was in a crusade, I was in a meeting, and I had a morning service and evening service during that time. And I told them towards the end of the meeting that I would have a few interviews. And many miracles happened in all those crusades. It wasn’t really a necessity, but I’d done it out of my heart to find out how and what the people really wanted to know, and the Lord led me to do it. And this one woman, finally she just kept on. She just had to see me there. And the guy told me, he said, well, she said, this person is seeing things and all kinds of things. And the woman saw I had an interview, and it would be her turn there. And she had a hat on, I remember that. And she had once been a Christian, and she was still trying to be a Christian. And this thing had got a hold of her in such a way, she started fooling around with different witchcraft, different kinds of things, and mediums, and so forth like that. And that thing had her, her whole throat was swollen up like goiters and everywhere. And she had a thing that was trying to strangle her. It had to hold her like a serpent, it was strangling her there. And she said, and she was sincere, boy, she was serious. It went too far for her. And she was sincere about it. She told me that she just had to get deliverance from that thing. And so, I just said, go on and finish. And she just kept talking. And she said it got so bad, she said, this is the truth. She said, “man, I see little bitty men, they got hats on them, little hammers walking around.” And she said, and I see them, and they’re talking to me. She said, “this thing tore me at night. I said, I’m delusional seeing these things. I don’t know how they’re coming, but they’re there.” And of course, I could feel all of that demon power. Her throat was swollen, and it choked her. She liked to choke there. And this thing had got a hold of her in such a way. And gradually, she said it just kind of gradually began to pick up this and pick up there and get away from God until she got clear out of the church, clear away from God. And this is the truth if I ever told it. I told that woman, I said, “If you promise to read that Bible and stay in a Pentecostal church that believes in the power to heal and the Word of God, then when I pray for you, I’ll cast the thing back by faith in God, but he’ll come back unless you stay full of the Spirit of God. Promise the Lord that you’ll be active for Him. And so, I prayed for the woman with all my heart and all the power that was in me. And it just shook me, I mean, it just jarred things in there. Because I had a little opportunity to tell her how to let her faith loose. And I took some time with her. And then I prayed for her. And I’ll tell you one thing. Boy, these things departed from there. And they left that woman. I mean, it was just kind of like she was going to choke at first. But God just loosened them like you’d take a tight rope. She said it just looked like somebody had loosened it. And it just came loose like that. And then later she gave her testimony in the meeting what God had done for her. And the woman’s eyes, when you looked at her, it didn’t look like a woman. It looked like creatures from the abyss when they looked back at me. And they were looking right at me and just dancing around in her eyes. This thing is real. How many of you know that?

Well, I could tell you stories. And we got a lot of them. They’d practically chain them down sometimes. And the power of God would set them free. Not every case. But in most of the cases that we prayed for, great results resulted. And sometimes instantaneously miracles by the power of God. So, these spirits are dangerous; approach with caution, we want them dead, amen, in the abyss. And go back and come back no more. And so, at the latter days of times, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron. Amen. And they’ll get seared too with the mark of the beast. How many of you know that that’s coming upon the earth? It’ll be the opposite of the truth. And it’ll come in all kinds of ways to deceive the people into the antichrist system. So, it’s time to keep the Word of God. So, when you see the occult and the cult, just take the word of God. And with caution, back away. Stay with the Word of God. Put on the full armor, as Ephesians 6 tells us, and be strong in the Lord and full of His might, and He will deliver you. Amen. How many of you feel the power of God here tonight? Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. I know it’s of a truth. Whoever listens to this cassette when it gets released, and those that are here tonight, that is for a predetermined counsel and plan of God and providential because you’re going to need it right down the road. It’s going to be a great help. Turn it on and listen to it. But the sermon message tonight, remember it in your heart, even now, because God is blessing His people. Amen.

I want you to stand on your feet. I’m closing the message. The power of God is here tonight, there was enough anointing here to do this. And we’re approaching this time of the year for Easter and so forth. Keep your minds and hearts on the Lord every day. Amen. Praise the Lord. How many of you feel the anointing in the audience tonight? Can you feel Jesus? Some of you were set free. The oppressor has to let you go. The discourager and the depressor will let you loose here tonight. Let God bless your hearts. So, the message is finished. And may God bless all of those that listen to this and take His message with caution and watch, for we’re in the latter times. In the 1980s, there’s going to be an explosion of witchcraft and sorcery and wild tongues and madness. Watch and see. It is coming upon the world, and it will be upon the world now, only providing a way for the world systems to step forward there. But in the meantime, remember this, it’s not doom and gloom for God’s people. We’re receiving a restoration revival and a great outpouring from God. He is blowing in the mulberry tree. Amen. Right over the church, that’s the way He blows back that shaft and gets a hold of those people and blesses their heart and uses the tongue to praise the Lord. Amen.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. All right. That’s the end. Now, while every head is bowed here tonight, I’m going to make some… If you need salvation, and sometimes these kinds of things would hold you back, He’ll give you a heart tonight when I call Him down here in front, and He’s going to bless you. And, of course, tonight I will pray on the platform, but I’m going to pray for people that have been oppressed, or they feel satan has agitated, discouraged them or if you have worry or fear, or just here for healing tonight. We’re going to get you all together for this message here. Now, some of you people may be attacked from some of those aliases or the name that I mentioned there or some of the other things, but you know what it is tonight. And the ones tonight that don’t get on the platform, I’ll make sure and pray for you Sunday night person to person, and we’ll watch miracles from the Lord as He performs them. So, here’s what I want to do. I can handle, I think, only about 30. And Brother Green, count out about 30 people that want me to pray for them tonight and get on this side. The rest of you, I’ll pray over here when you come down here. And you come across here, and we’re going to have a rally, and I’m going to pray that God would set you free, no matter what your healing is, and give you spiritual insight into the onslaught of the demon powers today and set you free. And as these up on the platform are being hit by the power of God and the Lord, you people that come down here in front tonight, you get ready, and I’m going to pray a strong prayer over you, and the Lord is going to make you feel light. You’re going to feel floaty from the power of God. He’s going to deliver you. Amen. Praise the Lord. So, okay, how many of you want me to pray for you on this side? About 30 of you, come quickly on this side here, and I’ll begin to pray for you, and the rest of you can come down here in front. Come on. He’ll bless your heart. He’s sure going to do it. Praise God. Catch your feelings. Whoo!

118 – The Whole Armor (Prevents)

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