Prophetic scrolls 298

                                                                                                  Prophetic Scrolls 298

                    Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby


Events transpiring — Fantasy, illusion, and phantasm, these pied pipers are leading our kids into a delusion! Today, sorcery and electronic magic bring higher levels of witchcraft to music and motion pictures. We have the music cults exalting the #666, the mark and the antichrist and the worst sorcery we have seen in history. A nation of wizardry!

This below was written over a decade ago and we print in part:

Continuing — “What is occurring in the past is transpiring today. For instance, quote: “All over the world, including American cities, there are ‘churches’ dedicated to the worship involving actual communication with evil spirits and with ‘principalities and powers.’ Here the whole atmosphere is charged with terror and nausea!”

Continuing — The Black Mass — “Often the devotees use a ruined or deserted church, sometimes an overgrown cemetery. Their ritual begins at eleven o’clock at night, aiming to finish at twelve. Central to the ceremony is an altar, with black cloth, six black candles, a chalice, and a crucifix turned upside down! The altar is a naked woman lying on a table and holding black candles in her hands. The priest consecrates the host on her bare stomach. The Black Mass is the Roman Catholic Mass repeated verbatim, with the word Satan substituted for Christ! The Roman Catholic host is often stolen from the real Mass in a handkerchief. The high point of the ritual comes when the priest has intercourse with the girl on the altar, an act often accompanied by crude sadism! Many such evenings end with drunken dancing, drug taking and a general sex orgy; often the next day there are found skinned cats, beheaded chickens, or ritual bags containing drugs, potions, animal bones and occasionally human fingers!” As the writer stated, when one reached this stage of occult practices the color is no longer gray, but midnight black!

Continuing — “This planet is entering the last stages of demonism and orgies. There is coming yet another dimension of immorality wherein Satan and evil spirits join in union with mankind with an orgy of debauchery that has not yet been seen! — Also Hollywood has not reached its ultimate in filmmaking concerning sex gods (evil spirits) in intimacy with men and women! —Jesus said it would be like the days of Noah and Lot. And those days are running out in the decade! Astonishing and alarming events will appear! …All we speak about in this script will be intermingled in Babylon.” (Rev.18: 2) — Where is found the cage of every type devil known! — Cases have already been documented wherein women and men have had intercourse with certain type devil spirits actually feeling them as physical and in instances appearing in form! — We will not mention the unseemly acts that occur in these types of lurid unions! — Hollywood is beginning to portray some of this but is yet to reach its final peak in things to come! – (What the Scripts predicted is definitely occurring around us!) When they portray the ultimate in the film empire it will be viler than what occurred in Sodom! (Indeed this was written years ago and in the last few years we’ve absolutely seen this in astonishing debauchery!) Note: The above sounds horrific, but the worst is yet to come. The Tribulation — even worse!

The following was written years ago and the spirit could not have foretold it any plainer:

Read this unique foresight — A mysterious, intriguing and eye-opening introduction! As we cross the century, let’s enumerate the fulfillment and prophecy of the future as accurately foretold as much as a decade ahead and some new celestial and etc.

The heavens speak prophetically – They are portraying a story. Unless we have the key it is like an unknown tongue to us! (Ps. Chap. 19) — “In different periods of the 90’s the planets and stars will show forth rare and unusual conjunctions, alignments, eclipses, etc. — The Lord revealed to me they are building up for some of the most unusual phenomena of this century! — As they forecast shadows of things to come! — Most are omens of calamities! — I wish it could be said otherwise, but can’t. But neither do the Scriptures end the age with all good things! — Except the elect, they are rejoicing knowing Translation is near!” — Gen.37: 9, “The sun and the moon and the stars were revealing the future providence of Joseph!” — In Rev. chap. 12, a great sign was given warning of the future events and also of ominous significance! (vrs. 4-5) — Vr. 1, “revealed the woman was covered with the stars, sun and the moon. Each in an important position, head, body and feet! Speaking of the Church, past, present and future and other vital things.” (Note: In the 90’s and into the 2000’s this absolutely occurred.)

The zodiac wheel — of 12 constellation signs — According to the Scriptures it is God’s timepiece in the heavens! — There are 12 figures, just as there are 12 figures on our clocks and watches! Prophetic astronomy is hidden in the Scriptures, but is to reveal His coming in our generation (Luke 21: 25 — Ps. Chap. 19) — Let’s let the Holy Spirit guide us. We are going to list some rare celestial signs and events for the 1900’s-2001 — Scientists say in this century Mercury will only transit (not orbit — orbits are different) the sun 11 times! (Note: Altogether with the partial ones there have been 14 transits in this cen-tury.) This occurred in the fall of 1993. — It will occur again November 15, 1999 grazing the sun’s disk! — “Between then and the last date we should see much of the greenery in various parts of the earth (wheat, vegetation, etc.) come through a great change with increasing droughts and famines.” (I stated before we would cross this century in a firestorm – CO and AZ) (Rev. 6: 5-8)— Our traffic transit system will be controlled in a new way than it is now! — (Note: Land, air and sea, look at what terrorists have caused!) “A total alteration in people will come; like the classic story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. – Any contracts made between men will collapse during this period! — The Scripts have forecast it and the heavens are confirming it!”

New prophecy — The tilted heavenly body will make two dynamic moves by 2008 and 2009. At the same time a long-term celestial body named Hades (named after Hades) will make its move about the same time. And from 2009 through 2012. But before this there will be a great dimension occur on this planet. More later. — Concerning the other, this planet will be shaken apart, entrenched. It will be a whole new world. Due to space we’ll have to finish. — At the same time some of the most unusual eclipses will occur. Note: One thing for certain, Jesus is coming in this generation and it is almost over for the true elect! He will cut it short in righteousness! Amen! We can see the actual revelation and movement of it now. “While others sleep we are having the midnight cry!”

Scroll #298