Prophetic Scrolls 293
Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
You are about to read some of the most amazing signs and portents given in thousands of years. They will astound you for they are amazing! Only Jesus could reveal this to whom He chose. And now you are to receive a most vital part of the celestial matching the Bible. Again by the heavens He is telling us tremendous portents and events.
Celestial portents – Jesus said look up! (Read Luke 21: 11, 25)
May 5 – Evening conjunction of Venus, Mars and Jupiter
May 10 – Close conjunction between Venus and Mars
June 10 – Annular solar eclipse (Pacific Ocean)
June 21 – Two heavenly bodies will conjunct. Some powerful events have already occurred and more will occur in the next following years. In fact, I wrote between August 2001 through May 2003 this planet will have changed. And if you would have seen it then, you wouldn’t have believed it.. Already we’ve seen the New York and Washington D.C. desolation. Even the news media said we’d never be the same.
December 4 -Total solar eclipse (southern Africa, Australia)
May 7 – Transit of Mercury (Europe, Africa, Asia)
May 15/16 – Total lunar eclipse (North and South America)
August 27- Every 15 or 17 years, Mars approaches particularly close to Earth. The Red Planet then shines brighter and looms larger in a telescope than at any other time. Our last close-up view came in September 1988, but August 2003 promises to be even better. Mars will then be just 34.7 million miles from Earth – closer than it’s been in more than 1,000 years! (It is connected to strife, wars, arguments and hell itself.)
November 8/9 -Total lunar eclipse (Americas, Europe, Africa)
Continuing heavenly phenomena–
May 4 -Total lunar eclipse (Asia, Africa)
June 8 – “Transits of Venus are the stuff of legends. “No more than twice each century, Venus passes directly between the sun and Earth, appearing as a fuzzy black dot on the face of the sun. Such transits come in pairs eight years apart, with each pair separated by either 113 or 130 years. The last pair occurred in 1874 and 1882, and the next will be in 2004 and 2012. Transit of Venus (eastern North America and Eastern Hemisphere) -These are dramatic and powerful signs given by Jesus showing us this decade is the most important in 6,000 years. And Jesus said himself, portents of things to come. Luke 21:25, Psalms 19.
October 27/28 -Total lunar eclipse (Americas, Europe)
November 4 – Close conjunction between Venus and Jupiter.
April 8 – Annular/Total solar eclipse (Pacific, Central and South America)
October 3 – Annular solar eclipse (Spain, Africa)
There is much more in between and after. We will relate later. The Scriptures proclaim that God will shorten, change and interrupt the time. This involves the sun, the moon and things of our galaxy.
Continuing heavenly signs –
January 26 – Annular solar eclipse (Indonesia)
April 22 – Lunar occultation of Venus at dawn (western North America)
July 22 – Total solar eclipse (India, China, Pacific) -This eclipse is said, if the century lasted, would be the longest.
All Year – Approximately every 15 years, the rings of Saturn tilt edge-on to our line of sight. Because the rings are so thin, they seem to disappear from view when seen through most telescopes – even a large scope has a hard time showing the razor-thin rings! This planet of woe tilts at the same time of the longest eclipse.
The ancients always noticed that the planet Saturn was associated with troubles, woes and parting: also new beginnings plus certain types of disturbance on earth. It is associated with notoriety and death, etc.
Concerning these celestial movements, all the events do not happen on the exact day of their phenomena (warnings, you might say). But sometimes before and years to follow are warning of the decade, but foreshadow the major events that will come. (Gen. 1: 14-15)
The heavens utter their warnings –
January 15 – Annular solar eclipse (Africa, Asia) -This is unusual in every respect, including the annular length.
July 1 – Total solar eclipse (Pacific, southern South America)
August 5 – Evening conjunction of Venus, Mars, and Saturn.
December 21 – Total lunar eclipse (North and Central America, Pacific)
What God has given us is prophetic astronomy like a Magi (Job. 38:32). Notice the Lord doesn’t try to tell us daily but in cycles (Eccl. 3:1-8). He gives cycles of war, cycles of restoration, of apostasy, idols; cycles of depression, famine, plagues, of prosperity, etc.
These unique heavenly signs depict mankind’s age is climaxing sooner than he thinks. The celestial shows that at the appointed time the signs in the heaven reveal the age is ending.
Scroll #293