Prophetic Scrolls 292
Miracle Life Revivals inc. | Evangelist Neal Frisby
The heavens will burn – (Reprint from Scroll #190) “The Jewish prophet who gave the prophecy at the top of Scroll #183 says, Quote: “The sky will burn at forty-five degrees, fire approaches the great New City! Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up when they want to have proof of the Normans! – We know New York county lies between 40 and 45 degrees parallel on the map! – Scattered flames is widespread, a description of the Atomic Bomb. It explodes in the sky sending fire downward! – Proof of the Normans: this includes France and English Channel! – Somehow the Common Market countries fail to warn or it was unclear if they would join in the counter attack! (We know it is coming from the North! – Ezek.38) – “The Bible mentions scattered flames, thunder, noise and fire in conjunction with Atomic desolation! – Also (Rev. 18:8-10) – End quote. – Many interpreters thought this concerned what occurred at the World Trade Center, Pentagon, etc. But I believe it is more akin to some type of nuclear holocaust. We literally see the scroll prophecies fulfilling in a definite way. Not only the script prophecies but other messages wherein the Spirit said because of the four elements raging and the madness of society; weather (winds of up to 200 mph struck Maryland leaving in its wake desolation), nature and because of the terrorist acts, that between August 2001 and May 2003 this nation would go into a complete different era of change. (This message was preached here before they hit New York and Washington D.C.) And with this national holocaust attack on America we have seen the beginning of it and the nearness of the Translation and the Tribulation.
Chaos from the bottomless pit – What is finally to happen is it will lead to the mark of the beast power. Besides the condition of society and nature, the terrorists are speeding it up. We have not seen the last of this warfare with terrorism. The world will not see it at first but it will see a dictator rise soon. The dates I gave of August 2001 through May 2003, I stated the world would change and never be the same again. This has occurred. I included the terrorists and the four elements and society, etc. But even afterwards greater events and alterations would occur. People are giving up their freedom to be protected. You see if you don’t join up – already the government and world religion are working together. Later it comes as a snare.
The events above, and on the scrolls I wrote, will cause a covenant and an international military police state. – Under the guise of peace and prosperity. – One thing I will say, we’re headed to more shock waves than ever. Plus God is moving swiftly to unite His fold of believers. Not only is this a ‘call bulletin’ but it is the midnight cry! It is not time to be at ease in Zion! It is later than what most think! Unexpected events will occur including the world and our upward movement! We will sit with Him in heavenly places shortly. Jesus told me this is the hour of urgency. Let’s not think, but run with the word! (Hab. 2:1)
Prophecy fulfilling – Here are some magazine and newspaper quotes of vital and serious events, etc. The scripts have predicted them as much as 30 years in advance: “Hell from the heavens” – Meteorite impact in the desert turns sand into glass. Greenland’s mysterious meteor: Fire over the ice. – “Shaping our planet” – Giant floods and landslides that sculpt the land. – “Antarctic meltdown?” Controversial new evidence for a changing climate. – Searching for answers to the global warming crisis. – “Doomsday science” – New theories about comets, asteroids and how the world might end.
•“Asteroid hit!” – Planet Earth will be hit by an asteroid or comet. Will it be the end of the world? Or can we survive? (Note: No, God will intervene by divine providence.) – “Scary weather” – Scientists issue a startling forecast of global climate change. – “Hurricane alert” – Killer storms are coming. – “Tornadoes” – Probing nature’s most violent storms. “Pacific northwest” – Mega – Quake Countdown.
•“The slow, deadly spread of mad cow disease” – How it could become an epidemic. (The earth is going to face worse things than this. Jesus is our protection, 91st Psalms.) – “Evil” – What makes people go wrong? (Note: More and more evil spirits are coming out of the pit forerunning the antichrist.) – “America’s most dangerous volcano” – When Mount Rainer blows- and it will – 100,000 people will have less than an hour to get out of the way. (More volcanoes than this are on the way, including mega quakes.) – “SPACE WARS” – A new brand of satellites is turning the heavens into the battlefield of the future. (We’re seeing this now in Afghanistan- terrorist war.)
•“Global warming” – Climbing temperatures. Melting glaciers. Rising seas. All over the earth we’re feeling the heat. (The weather patterns will even worsen heading for a gigantic unexpected occurrence.)
•“Facing America’s worst terrorist nightmare” – Weapons of Mass Destruction- What They Are. How They Kill. What Can We Do? (We’re facing chemical, biological and pestilent plagues, even through terrorists.)
“Deadliest sub” – We take the helm of Sea wolf – American’s newest, fastest killer sub. Welcome aboard! (They can rise up with atomic power and destroy a continent-even more!) – “Top secret e – bomb” – The Electromagnetic pulse bomb is unlike any other weapon in America’s arsenal, reducing an enemy to Stone Age existence. Now the bad news: Terrorists can build one for $ 400.00. (September 1, 2001)
This is only a part of Scroll fulfillment. Concerning all of the above things written, they will increase many fold! Right now the age is in its final chapter and Jesus, by his manifold wisdom, is uniting His elect for translation!
Scroll #292