The mystery
Translation Nuggets 63
“Will the Translation (rapture) be seen by the unbelievers or the ungodly of this world? No, it will be like a thief; secret! The first fruits will meet the Lord in the air!” (I Thess. 4: 16-17) – “But at the end of Armageddon every eye shall see Him! The two events are different, and years apart! (Rev. 1:7) – Matt. 24:29-30, “As you notice verse 31 reveals that the elect are already in heaven and being gathered for this event!” – “In a moment in a twinkling of an eye our body shall change to a glorified one …very celestial and unique! Evidently we can travel by thought! It will not be bound by gravity or the laws of nature, and will possess powers far superior to anything that we know of at this time! Like Jesus did, appear and passed through material objects at will! And this body will never corrupt or wear out! One may easily transcend time and space if necessary! But mostly doing all in God’s will!” Scroll 162
Where do we stand in time? – “How close are we to the Translation?” -We are definitely in the season of time proclaimed by the Lord Jesus! Wherein He said, “this generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled!” (Matt. 24:33-35) -“There are quite a few prophecies left concerning the Great Tribulation, anti-Christ and etc. But there is hardly any Biblical prophecies left between the elect and the translation! …Except more fulfillments of the final prophecies already given. And the Scripts prophecies will be taking place daily and even forecasting what will take place after the Bride of Christ is gone!” -“The predictions concerning fear, unrest, perplexities in all nations reveal to us that we are in the final hours of the age! – If you could look and see what has been revealed to me concerning the future from about 1988-93 concerning wars, killer quakes, weather, famine, economics, leaders, terrorists, assassinators, shifting of the nations, banking, credit, technology, electronics, computers, highways, cars, cities, different type spellbinders, religion, new weapons, space, television, fantasy age, coming of a 3-dimensional era, projections concerning Israel, U.S.A. and Western Europe, International laws, changes in the way people live, work and dwell, etc….This is just a few of the things that will change the world as we know it in the dates given! ” – “During ‘the ending of’ this period, give or take a little, in my opinion the anti-Christ could also enter the picture! The world’s greatest turn about and change looms before us in the near future!” -“World-wide events will literally shake the earth! …The foundations of society rotate into a new order! …If the Christians could see the total picture of what’s coming I’m sure they would pray, seek the Lord and be very serious about His harvest work indeed!” Scroll 135
Comments – cd #710b – the approaching tribulation – {why should i speak in tongues? The value and secret of tongues. Men once spoke one language but at the tower of Babel God scattered men and gave them different languages. But on the day of Pentecost God gave all who gather in the Upper room during the baptism of the Holy Ghost began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And they spoke in the language of every nation under heaven; and the multitude heard them speak in their own different languages, (Acts 2:1-12).
He that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries, (1st Corinthians 14:2). What a privilege you are not talking to man but to God. When you are speaking in tongues, you are speaking mysteries and you are actually speaking to God in the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues builds up your faith. When you are prayer in the human language, the devil hears and understands. But when you are speaking in tongues the devil cannot understand you because you are speaking to God in codes. That is a code contact with God only; if God wants it out He could give the interpretation out through the gift of interpretation of tongues. God has given these gifts to the church, but some have abused these gifts. God has given that to the foolish to confound the wise of this world. Only God can understand the codes used in tongues; the devil cannot understand it.
You do not know what to pray for but the Holy Spirit knows more than you know. The Lord knows what you have need of before you ask. In tongues you find yourself praying about what God wants you to pray about that the devil cannot get his hands on because they are in codes. And through you the Holy Ghost begins to pray and you build up faith and pray for a missionary, a loved one or relative; you may be praying for my ministry or a family member somewhere. When you pray in tongues, you are covering many people all over the world. The Lord knows what He is doing. Tongues are a tool for the church. It can be misused, by people and that makes it look bad on the use of tongues.
When you begin to pray in tongues, it brings a mystery to you, but God understands all those mysteries. Angels don’t understand all that, for it is all a mystery in codes to God only. The Lord told me that when the people are pray in tongues, they are praying to bring in the rest of the bride, my elect. Never shun tongues for as you are praying, you do not know who you are helping. When you do not know what to pray, those tongues by the Holy Spirit will bring those things to you in prayer. It is in code and the devil cannot break that code.
The secret and value of the Holy Spirit; Some people say when I get holy, then I receive the Holy Ghost. No, no, you cannot earn that, it is a gift. When you are saved and converted by the Lord’s forgiveness, you have the first step. Then just go ahead and when you get the Holy Spirit, he begins to guide you. You don’t get holy by being goody, goody. It is through the Holy Spirit, but you must be baptized in the Holy Spirit first. Righteousness, the fruit of the spirit all come through the Holy Spirit, but you must be baptized in the Holy Spirit first. Each day make sure you talk some, a little bit; and you will be helping people that you may not know and God will love you for it. Then you are doing something for the Lord. Use it for it is one of the swords of the spirit. If used properly, it is dynamite. It will give you peace, happiness, contentment, relieve fear and mental problems. And the devil will be the one in confusion. He cannot get to you but understands ordinary human languages.
In these days of approaching tribulation, there will be afflictions as never before, from the day the Lord created the earth. Mark 13:19-20, because of the troubles that are coming you will need that prayer in tongues. Let God control your tongue else if you allow yourself to control your tongue, you will be in a lot of trouble. Study James 3, about the tongue. Matt. 24:21, do not go into these coming troubles, but get away in the translation. The will rise false teachers and false Christ’s before the arrival of the anti Christ. The will be a repetition of the sins of the days of Noah and Lot, Luke 17:26-32. The bought, sold, engaged in commercialism, immorality, wickedness and building.
There will be economic chaos and later some prosperity for a short while before utter darkness. There will be world evangelism to all nations Matt. 24:14. The gospel has gone clear around the world, and even after the translation the gospel will be preached and even the angels will go out to preach the everlasting gospel, telling people not to take the mark of the beast (who will listen?). The two prophets of Rev. 11 and the 144 thousand sealed Jews will also be preaching the gospel. Then the end will come (of this world system as we know it today).
The times of the gentiles is fulfilling and will go over to the Jews. The budding of the fig tree (Matt. 24: 32-35) and the going home of the Jews to become a nation after almost 2000 years has come to pass. My words shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled. The generation that sees this fulfilled will not pass away. Remember the Lord said in verse 32, learn (study) this parable about the fig tree. Because there is a prophecy and mystery behind it and that you will live to see it. But no one will know the day or the hour, but not the season. The elect bride of Jesus will know when that harvest is coming He will reveal it to each of our heart. And that is so close to his heart. We will not know the day or the hour but we will know the season and harvest time because He spoke it.
The signs include the distress and perplexities of nations, signs in the sun, moon, earthquakes, waves of the seas and pollution. Seas mean peoples, waves means governments also. Men’s heart failing for fear, that is why you need to pray in the Holy Ghost, in tongues and praising the Lord. When you are not praying and speaking in tongue in the Holy Ghost, you need to be praising God. Praise more in the Holy Ghost. Praising is a potent builder, Believe something has happened. Build your faith as you pray more in the Holy Ghost. Praise will relieve you from fear and speaking in tongue will relieve you from fear and heart troubles. There are many reasons for praising and speaking in tongues that God has given us.
God will allow the heavens to go on fire for miles, by electric current from his talking, He will dissolve the heaven and melt the earth out. Keep the baptism of the Holy Ghost and keep praising the Lord no matter what people say. Praising and speaking in tongue and calling on the name of Jesus Christ, keeps the oil in there. When He came those that were ready, were praising God, speaking in tongues and on the name of Jesus Christ. When you are speaking in tongue you are doing it by faith and the Lord is with you there. When you speak in tongue you don’t have to feel and electric current kind of thing; you just speak on, you are doing alright. You don’t always feel a current. Don’t depend on your feelings, just speak in tongues. You can edify yourself or speak directly to God when you are home. Ye shall be filled, but some come and go and don’t want to be filled. When you testify you, you become part of God’s ministry. When you receive from the Lord, the devil will come after you but praise the Lord continuously and pray in tongues.
063 – The mystery