My dear reader, as you read through and ponder upon this message , may the Lord Jesus grant you good understanding that you may run to the Lord. Habakkuk 2:2-3.

The day of finality and judgment is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light, Romans 13:12.

For we make bold to declare unto you that the time is at hand. The handwriting is on the wall again Daniel 5:25 (prophecy fulfilling). Mene Mene, Tekel Upharsin – God has numbered the kingdoms of this world; all religious systems, all government systems, be it economic or political, are weighed in the balance and found wanting (unacceptable).

Rev 19.10

In this fallen state of man and the world systems, God has been preaching to man in various ways calling attention of men to turn to HIM for salvation but they would not listen because they do not know the day of their visitation.

The earth is groaning because of the demonstration of wickedness and disobedience to the word of God. The four elements are prophesying doom; earth quakes in diverse places: famine, floods, drought and fire: all are talking to the people that God is not happy and judgement is imminent. Financial turbulence and unemployment are reaching unprecedented heights.

Acts 17:22-23

Economic failures are triggering global melt down across the world. Health and life threatening diseases are breaking forth; men are running round circles because the solution is not with man. Yet many people refuse to repent and call upon God for salvation in Jesus Christ.

Instead, man turns to drinks and drugs for relief, which is temporary and equally destructive. As soon as the effects of the drugs wear out, reality returns with more fury. Turn to Jesus Christ NOW before it is too late. The night is far spent, HEAVEN AND HELL are real. The choice is yours!!!

Benjamin Oramalueziokwu Nwoye

By Benjamin O. Nwoye