Déi reliéis Schëlder

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Déi reliéis SchëlderDéi reliéis Schëlder

Iwwersetzung Nuggets 46

The nations have had the first non-Italian Pope in over 450 years in Rome. This alone reveals to us powerful changes are just ahead in the next few years. And we have already seen this pope was different in the fact of his world-wide travels. (The Polish pope, then the German, Pope Benedict and now Argentina – the Americas, Pope Francis).

Is this in preparation of a coming world leader who will unite all religions under one shelter? Right, they are forming an ecumenical religious power to put in the hands of a coming world dictator. According to Rev.13 and 17, there will be an international government and a religious system. Finally the strange personage will sit in the Temple of Jerusalem, claiming that he is God, (2nd Thess. 2:4). Well, we already see his subtle workings in the Middle East and in other events and he will soon surface at God’s appointed time and reveal his deceptive plans to a perplexed world. This leader will gain so much admiration that the false church will have power to destroy anyone who refuses to acknowledge him as God. And this is just around the corner. Prophetically speaking we are in the midnight hour, (Matt.25:10).

Global Profezeiung

Before some of the above take place, we will see social violence and I mean massive violence. The world is in for a social revolution that has not been seen before. If one couple this with famine and droughts, we can predict enormous violence throughout the world. The latter 80’s will be perilous and dangerous, but the 90’s events will be apocalyptic and catastrophic. Finally Jesus said, unless he intervened at some point there would no flesh be saved. In the next few years the weather patterns, the gigantic storms, the great quakes and nature will be crying out, the Lord’s return is upon us.

Déi global Eenheet

New inventions and the computers are going to bring startling changes to mankind; joined to one huge electronic system. This will one day produce a cashless society, without the exchange of money. All business including working, buying and selling will be done with marks and numbers. Without instant world communications this could not be possible. World satellite, advancement in computer technology will make this global order possible. Evidently before all of this takes place the world returns to high inflation or inflationary depression during the time of famine and food shortages. But this we do know, before the actual mark is given the elect is translated. Scroll #148

Comments {cd # 734 part 2, the bride prepares – 4/29/1979: the lord’s promises are true, keep them and don’t allow the devil steal them from you. God is worth all the trials and tests we go through for His name’s sake. If you are truly the Lord’s, even if you stray or backslide, he will find a way to deal with you and bring you back. When he has finished with you, you will be happy he did handle you that way.

The elected seed, loves the word of God, believes and live by every word of God. And believes everything in the Bible even if they don’t understand it. And are prepared to go all the way with Him, which many today do not want to do.

There are some incorrigible seed that will not come back to God, they are not even of the foolish virgins that come back to God through great tribulation, or even of the 144,000 Jews. But the sons of God that love God will come to God; through chastisement (Hew.12:8). Et ass eng spirituell Saach, (Eph. 1:4-5).Sënn huet Krankheeten a Krankheeten bruecht, awer de Jesus huet alles um Kräiz bezuelt. Striewen eran ze goen an op dat Bescht ze hoffen, (Rom. 8: 14-27). Schummt Iech net fir iergendeen oder Ëmstänn wann Dir erauskënnt fir dem Här Eternity d'Hand ze schüttelen. D'Jongen vu Gott an der Sonn Stoff Fra (Opb. 12: 1-5) si prett Gebuert ze ginn. D'ganz Schëpfung kräizt zesummen a Péng bis elo souguer eis selwer kräischen, déi déi éischt Uebst vum Geescht hunn, fir d'Erléisung vun eisem Kierper.

Gott huet versprach datt hien d'Zäit verkierzt; mee wéi a wéini hien et mécht ass dem Mënsch onbekannt. Mir wëssen datt Gott zréckgeet an och funktionnéiert mat 30 Deeg am Mount Kalenner an net dem Mënsch seng 365 Deeg am Joer Typ. Keen weess den Dag oder d'Stonn vu sengem Komm; just kucken, biede a prett sinn. Den Här kënnt zu der ernannter Zäit vun der Iwwersetzung. Denkt drun, d'Sonn Stoff Fra vun der Rev. Krich mat de Rescht vun hirem Som ze maachen, déi d'Geboter vu Gott halen an hunn se Zeegnes vu Jesus Christus, (awer d'Iwwersetzung verpasst) dës sinn d'Tribulation Saints. D'Fra war och am Vers 12, zwee Flilleke vun engem groussen Adler ginn, fir datt si an d'Wüst fléien, an hir Plaz, wou si fir eng Zäit, an Zäiten, an eng hallef Zäit, vum Gesiicht vun der Schlange ernährt gëtt. . Gottes Kanner sinn nummeréiert an d'Schlaang Somen sinn nummeréiert.

After the translation the dragon was now crowned. He blasphemed God and those that dwell in heaven that includes the Man-child group that were suddenly given birth to and caught up to God, (Rev. 12:5). And this is when the mark of the beast is given. Satan is doing everything he can to prevent the true seed of God from rising. He now uses Compromise, Camouflage, technology etc. The devil will charm the people at the end of time. The Lord himself will sent them great delusion for rejecting the truth that can save, (2nd Thess. 2:3-12). De Satan wäert gär d'Somen vu Gott kréien fir hire Gelübd vun der Trennung a Kompromëss ze violett. Hie probéiert d'Leit an d'Bezeechnungen ze kréien zesummen ze kommen, loosst Är Garde erof a kompromittéiere fir d'Wuel vun all, awer hie läit. Hien applizéiert d'Prinzipien fir d'Leit ze probéieren an Affinitéit mat Gott a mat der Welt ze hunn, (Opb. 2:20). Dëst wäert net a wäert ni schaffen. Studieroll 80.

I don’t care what people think about those who say there is no translation, they are not converted; no matter what and how much tongues they speak. Because there is a translation coming and the Lord told me that. Some who were healed and went the way of compromise lost their healing with time. The Lord will come for his own as a thief in the night, in an hour you think not. Ech soen net, datt déi gewielten dës Verspriechen an Tester net duerchgoen, déi och en Deel vun der Tribulatiounszäit aleeden: well si sécherlech duerch dat geet; awer wäert net hei fir d'Mark vum Déier sinn. Déi, déi dem Jezebel Verféierung noginn, ginn a grousser Verréngerung ausser datt se sech berouegen. De Geescht vun der Weltlechkeet killt d'Leit an hir Priedeger. Dëst ass d'Zäit fir un d'Wuert vu Gott ze halen; d'Leit sinn net do oder perfekt an dofir sinn ech mam Stär vu Gott geschéckt fir dech ze guidéieren, fir dech virzebereeden datt den Dag ëmmer méi no kënnt.

This is the time to renew your vow of separation from the world. God is looking for dedicated people looking up to Him. Those who are faithful will have the position promised to the overcomer, Man-child- company, (Rev. 2:26-27 and Rev. 12:5). We are waiting for the birth of the man-child moment. Be in the man-child-company or group. Be caught up with the Lord, in a moment, in the twinkling of and eye, in an hour you think not.}

046 – The religious signs